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Ari Gertler

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Everything posted by Ari Gertler

  1. I was watching "the crew" (2000) and was really impressed with some of the shots. Who is the Operator on this film? The "remake" of the McConkey "Goodfellas" shot sure was a nice touch. Ari
  2. Panavision has constructed a very solid Low/Mode bracket for their 900. They also seemed to have stuffed a 7 pound lead weight in the camera, when compared to the non Panavised Sony 900. Make sure to get an extra cable from Pana that powers up the downconverter (camera to D.converter), as this seems to be a week link. Ari Gertler
  3. Ask for the 100% video-tap. This will shave a bit of the weight off. Ari Gertler
  4. I have had one of these as a back-up for a couple of years. Luckily I have never HAD to use it. During my limited testing of the unit it performed okay, not nearly as good as the Modulus, but good enough until I would be able to get a replacement to set . Since I have not tested it in a while, I will be sure to give it another once over on my next production and let you know how it performs in different situations. In order to change chanels it is neccesary to unscrew the unit and use a jewelers driver. Not a major pain but something to think about. Ari Gertler
  5. David, Thanks for posting the photos. I have not seen those before, and I almost forgot what I looked like with all that hair. It sure is nice to have a buzz cut on a day like today in Los Angeles, 90 plus degrees!!!!!!
  6. In what situations have you found it neccesary to use the tally light? Just curious.
  7. I have used his Davids's Rickshaw on the ground and attached to the back of a vehicle and it works great. When sitting in the rickshaw you are able to get OVER 180 degrees of movement with the Steadicam rig. It makes shooting profile from a moving vehicle simple, since the Steadicam rig is a couple of feet behind the vehicle it is mounted to (clear field of view). Great for shooting profile of a person running, a bike or a car then following it as it slows and makes lane changes behind and around you. I felt safe and secure, and did not notice any slack or wiggling. You can always add rachet straps and don't forget that the the driver is one of the most important pieces of the equation. I would always like to have a Grip in the back near me in case I need a pair of hands in an emergency. Side Note: When I am shooting from a vehicle (except for the Shot Maker) I have found it neccessary to include the total weight of all the people and the gear when we are test driving the route looking for any issues that may come up (potholes, incline, etc.). You can notice in the photos that the pickup is sitting lower in the back since there is so much overhang weight. Lets hypothetically say that the photo was a rehersal run, but when picture is up, the 1st AC, and a Grip will usually be in the bed near me. The Director, DP or Scripty may want to sit in the crew cab with a monitor, or worse and less safe, they want to sit in the bed of the truck, There is a very good chance that the vehicle could unexpectedly bottom out causing pain and damage. I really like that David's rig gives more options to the production. It works great as a standard rickshaw on the ground, and then can be quickly mounted to a vehicle for shots that need a little more speed. Ari Gertler
  8. Larry, and the rest of the gang, Are you receiving video and power through the one Lemo? If so, have you ever noticed any interferance? I occansionally have issues with my TB-6 and my Sony HI8 watchman when shooting in low light/WFO situations. As soon as I disconect my onboard the problem goes away and the TB-6 performs as always, Flawless. I will be buying a new onboard soon. I am waiting to see how all of the new hard drive systems fair. I really like the idea of having a LCD on my recorder, it has helped in a couple of difficult shooting situatiions when I was not able to get a full view of my CRT (Shooting around a very tight corner inwhich the sled will fit, but my body could not follow, thanks a lot location scout!) . I also like reviewing some of my shots and rehersals on my 4" LCD Watchman to get a different perspective on how I may make the the next take better. How is everyone finding the new onboard choices? Ari Gertler
  9. Does anyone have one for sale? Do you own one that you love and can turn me onto the manufacturer?
  10. I had a simillar problem recently with two Panavision 16mm camera that had a terible video assist. When we were shooting WFO, video assist gain boosted to the top, all detail was gone once the film was rolling, only basic shapes were visible. Even with Greg's fantastic TB-6 adjusted the best I could I still had difficulty. What is out there to help alieviate this problem besides more light? Ari Gertler
  11. Greg, please keep it in mind.. Ari Gertler
  12. Who out there has used or owns one of the new M-One motors that works with the BFD? How have you found the motor to be? Any problems? Does it fit in some tighter situations that the FMG6 has difficulty in? How is the power? Looking for some personal experience opinions. Thank you, Ari Gertler
  13. It seems like two-three years since I tried the prototype. Any word? Has anyone seen the latest version. What is it like (Non Disclosure Agreement?). Just curious, Ari Gertler :ph34r:
  14. Welcome to 2004. After four years of flying my rig, I think that it is time to purchase a Video Low Mode bracket. Previously, I never had to worry about it since Panavision and Clairmont have supplied thier own designs. What different designs and makers are out there? Does Brant still sell one, what about Jerry, did he ever make one, who else should I consider? All info will be greatly appreciated, this is an area that I really don't know much about. The one time that It was neccesary to fly low mode and there was no bracket supplied, we did the "upside down camera trick", which may scare the producer and piss off the director if there is no inversion switch on the playback monitor. I need a handle L/M bracket that will work with Sony, Panasonic, etc. What do you use? How do you like it? What else is out there and who do I contact to purchase one. Thank You, Ari Gertler
  15. Wow, the tape sold for over $50.00. Who else has some hiding in the back of their closet?
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