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Stefano Ben

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Everything posted by Stefano Ben

  1. Hey Matteo! Why you sell it??? Just out of curiosity! Good luck for your selling! Best, Steve
  2. THANKS! Happy Halloween to you too from Italy! Count Steve "long fangs" Ben
  3. Hey BJ Talked about it on this previous Topic! http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=12842&st=0&p=60536entry60536 Have a nice work with Alexa! Best, Steve!
  4. Right, the LE Version (with its telescopic center post) was made for carry more weight. If I remember well, Also The Vest was upgraded! Steve
  5. Hey Niko! Yes, I have a 1.5 Carbon fiber center post and never heard any noises! Yes, try to tilt with less weight and see what happen... Check also the gimbal block.. NEVER tighten the screw! Let me know! Best, Steve.
  6. Hey Niko! What gimbal you using???? Can you hear those scary sounds without cameras or perhaps over some specific weights??? Try to check the all trunnions and bearings of your gimbal! Anyway... "craks sounds" it's more probably comes from the carbon fiber center post then from alluminium gimbal! Best, Steve.
  7. Hi Diggy. Yah! Super simple! In the gold mount there's an internal fuse + an external switch for the powertap output! But the fuse is connected to the power tap for prevent an inversion of polarity, Nothing more! So... I think when puppyathome say "Battery Mount Anton Bauer (not working, fuse blown) " he means about the powertap of gold mount and no others things about the internals Sled Powers! Anyway... It's better to ask him! Best, Steve.
  8. Hi Diggy! There's one on Ebay from CA! http://cgi.ebay.com/STEADICAM-FLYER-LE-/120634183314?pt=Camera_Cables_Cords&hash=item1c165b8e92 Good Luck! Steve
  9. Sorry Ken, wasn't my intention to cause annoyance! Best, Steve.
  10. Ciao Enrico, scrivo in Italiano dato la nostra stessa nazionalità. Partendo dal fatto che, se un aereo non va in stallo è solo grazie alla bravura del suo comandante.... Le vibrazioni su sled per camere leggere sono tanto frequenti quanto su quelli per camere pesanti. Questo spiacevole problema infatti, può essere causato da diversi fattori quali, partendo dall'alto: lente zoom, mattebox o canne non fissati, camera non bene avvitata alla piastra d'attacco, lasco tra vest e arm, lasco tra gimbal ed armpost, errato tensionamento dell'arm, monitor sled fissato male, laschi nei pesi aggiuntivi e per finire, gioco delle batterie sulle stesse piastre! Fermo restando che, più masse pesanti vengono allontanate dal centerpost (il tubo), più c'è pericolo di incrementare questo tipo di problema. Spero di non aver dimenticato nulla.... Anyway... Posso dire di aver avuto delle piacevolissime telefonate con Andrea di SmartSystem! Gentilissima e Onesta persona della quale sono contento di aver fatto la conoscenza (se pur solo telefonica). Se desideri un parere, consigliati con lui! Per aiutarmi in una piccola cosa (un noleggio di un hardmount) si è fatto in 4! Ripeto, ottima persona! Senti lui e vedrai che rimarrai soddisfatto! Best, Steve.
  11. Try to contact Derrick Whitehouse! Maybe he can help you! email: dw@whitehouseav.com http://www.whitehousesteadisales.com/ Best, Steve.
  12. Hi! I don't own a Master Arm, but I have tested/tryed it with the Pro Sled, so... Ask me! What do you want to know? Steve
  13. No unions at Spain to stop it, free market, no rates.... Producers gets best prices. You Know Amando... Here In Italy we have the same problem too! Best, Steve
  14. YES. I CALLED THEM "300", BECAUSE THAT IS ITS RATES.... Steadicam(full equiped)+op+assistant/focus puller=300€/day. Hi Amando! Are you kidding me??? :blink: 300€ = 150€ Steadicam Equipment / 100€ Steadicam Operator / 50€ Camera Assistant Oh My God!!! I hope that the Steadicam Operator doesn't have a family to support!!! Also the Camera Assistant too! :P Steve "too expensive" Ben
  15. It's also pretty good for the Varicam/Cinealta F900 Lovers... Say goodbye to tapes!!! Steve "Varicam Lover" Ben
  16. Grazie Fabrizio, Clemens non ha perso un minuto nel contattarmi, ma sfortunatamente l'affare era stato già concluso! ;-) Felice di vedere che qualche Italiano riesce a portare la propria arte anche all'estero! Se bazzichi per Londra o Roma ci si può incrociare... A presto e thanks for the support! ;-) Best, Steve.
  17. Hi Folks! I'm looking for a Used TB-6 Monitor in perfect working condictions and good aspects.... Prefer if just been serviced by XCS!!!! Send me your Monitors spec. and prices!!! Steve
  18. Hi! I've a NEW Glidecam Elispe CRT Greenscreen Monitor for Sale. Please, see this link for all informations: http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=11934 I've saw that you are in Germany, Well, I'm in Italy now, so... You will have a low cost shipping With its weight it's ideal for balancing a RED camera or any other camera!!! Hope to hear from you soon! Best, Steve.
  19. Hi Alvaro! It's 2 differents vests! All depends on what do you need and what kind of shooting you makes!? Anyway, It's better to have both. The backmount for long shooting and the frontmount for the close passages. The CPII it's a great vest! Try to fix it (if neccessary) and buy a walter klassen for have a choise! Suggestion: Try to consider also an Ultra2 Vest, it's an excelent vest! All the best! :-) Steve "Thin" Ben
  20. I've a NEW Glidecam Eclipse for Sale! Over $2500 spend - Asking $1650 plus shipping! Steve
  21. Hi Tomas, I think that for GPI will be Betz-Tools.... I'll be there too! ;-) Best, Steve.
  22. Hi Alec! At first sight, for its use, looks like the suspender... but this works with the arm instead of the cable... of course, with the suspender you have more choise of height range.... and maybe more possibilities of control... Never tryed it... Hope I'll find it at Cinec 2010 in Munich!? Steve.
  23. Dear "incredulous" operators. :blink: I was looking for some news about the AR made by MK-V on google, when I came to this page: http://www.bassonsteady.com.ar/shop/detalle.asp?oynprodid=14 Yes! The Basson made a copy of the Original Alien Revolution System by MK-V!!! They called it "CONSTELLATION 2010 PRO" Few news... Its weight range it's less then the original AR... but nothing more it's say on web. <_< Any comments??? Steve
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