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Sanjay Sami

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Everything posted by Sanjay Sami

  1. From Filmotechnic - the makers of the Russian Arm and the Flight Head.
  2. Vote for someone else. :rolleyes: Who Ron ? Give us a hint ...
  3. I almost always prefer a doorway dolly to a rickshaw, but this one can be converted (very well) to platform mode for a walk off. My favourite platform for a step off is the Chapman steadicam platform that goes on the Hybrid Dolly.
  4. Just got the quote. It is 12,500 euro with all accessories . That is expensive. Still ... It is fantastic. Should I buy a car ? Or a rickshaw ?
  5. Spoke to Hans, A big part of his cost is getting DIN certification, which it has to meet in Germany to be allowed to be sold to the general public, which also accounts for the hugely over specified brakes. He has still not confirmed that is the price. I await a quote with bated breath.
  6. The Mantis looks good, but like anything built in the UK, cannot be cheap. See how comfy the operators position looks ;) http://opticalsupport.co.uk/products/index/rickshaw/5/mantis
  7. I had no idea it was 10,000/- euros !!! Hans was my best boy grip on The Bourne Supremacy, and an ace machinist. Maybe I'll qualify for a discount :-)
  8. Try this one - I used it when I was in Berlin on a feature film. It is phenomenal, and built by a Grip with a great reputation. http://www.rickshawdolly.com/en/index.html
  9. That would be Benjamin ;) You sure about that? Don't tell me you own an XCS sled and PRO arm as well Eric ? I was sure you would be a Tiffen supporter ......
  10. That would be Benjamin ;) You sure about that? Sure about the equipment he owns
  11. "If its better for my spine and makes my operating better, I will pay more money for it than an Ultra, Pro or Klassen vest." My post was specifically in response to another post ... not making any claims.
  12. I'm personally hoping it's at least a little less than the Pro vest. If this vest rivals how I felt wearing a Pro, then a lower price point could make a difference for me. While I'm sure tiffen would love to sell it for close to the price of a PRO vest, I don't think anyone would buy it at that price point. It's been said before, but if you compare this to a PRO vest or a WK, this looks pretty cheap. You can see that quality in a WK and PRO; this looks like something in the class of a Zephyr. I'm sure it's a great vest and I've never actually tried it, but it looks pretty cheap from what I've seen and heard. The best price point for this would be around $2,000 imho Personally, I am far more interested in how well something works. If its better for my spine and makes my operating better, I will pay more money for it than an Ultra, Pro or Klassen vest. Even if it looks cheaper. Simplicity is often the sign of great design.
  13. And I will throw in a free massage .. just to see you smile !
  14. Ron ... you sure youre not a grip ? hahahahahahahahha !!
  15. John Seale used a similar system (if you could call it that) every time I worked with him. The bare rope of the bag around his neck. I padded the rope with some foam once, and he asked me not to spoil him with all these 'fancy' additions. It worked well, but I dont think the bag was used to ship bongs.
  16. You got my vote. Ron could be your campaign manager, seeing as he has the T-shirts printed :)
  17. From what I know of Chris Fawcett as an operator, a thinker and a human being, I think this product will be extraordinary and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.
  18. Or working on real jobs with real grips ...
  19. A grip who THINKS they know how to use a camera ? Grip = Retard ??? I really would love to meet you my friend ...
  20. Some days are just like that. On a movie sometimes there is cumulative exhaustion, and it just catches you one day. Other days you feel like superman and could go on forever. We are not machines. There is a limit to what anyone can do, and each person has a different threshold on different days. If you are tired, its better to ask for a break. If you feel embarrassed to ask for one, disguise it by taking the grip for a walk to show him some "area of concern" or ask the DP some irrelevant question. Stall till you recover. Better than collapsing in a heap.
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