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Markus Kuballa

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Everything posted by Markus Kuballa

  1. Hi Adam! In case you don't find anyone in Munich. Although I'm located in Berlin I might be able to rent you the rig for your shoot. PM me for rates and dates. Best M.
  2. Hi! Welcome to the forum! I would suggest reading the archives here to get more inside information and than later on taking a workshop. You could also try to contact some operators in your area to maybe try out one or two things. Have fun! M.
  3. Or working on real jobs with real grips ... B)
  4. I haven't seen any Preston on set here in Germany. It was all cmotion or Arri. I loved the one channel Preston I tested on cinec last time though and am still considering buying one.
  5. I prefer AthleanX. Cheaper and much more versatile than P90X.
  6. You can learn a thing or two from him Ron, he has been in film for 15 years after all !! :lol:
  7. I'd love to get that .pdf somewhere. Does anyone still have it?
  8. That's great. Do you know if there is a place in Europe(preferably Germany) that does that kind of thing?
  9. Love the case! Do you think it's possible to put new padding into one of the original Steadicam cases to make them just like that? I'd love to skip the case for batteries and charger.
  10. Jaime, The soft bicycle handlebar tape is a quick, easy, inexpensive, way to wrap your gimbal, specifically the EFP gimbal, it can get slick You might also check out the rubbertape for tennisraquets
  11. I just found this clip on YouTube and it looks like it could finally give an answer to how flexible or lightweight a BNC cable can be. I'd still prefer going wireless but if not this shouldn't offset any balance on the sled. What do you guys think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izNoF1SWtSg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  12. Hi! I have a complete ultra2 rig to sell rarely used and not even a year old. Where are you located?
  13. I would call that standard procedure in my line of work..
  14. I recently started looking into Grand Total and so far it seems to be just what I need. I especially like the fact that it interacts with other programs that let me keep track of my business expenses. It also has an iphone app but i have to admit that the one from billings does a little more.
  15. Interesting addition to the workshop. I don't remember having shanghai escorts in the workshop last year. Did Ruben bring them along this time? What about them gucci bags:-)? Anyways thanks for the fun time we had last year and I hope for you that it's not as cold this year. Greets Markus
  16. hey Sami! You're leaving already? I was hoping to meet up again before you left. Bummer. Well I hope you had fun shooting in my hometown even though we didn't get to spend too much time together B). Greets Markus
  17. Hi Eric! Welcome. I'm from Germany too and as Thomas said it is really necessary to take a workshop before you decide on what you should spend vast amounts of money on and if its for you at all. As for retailers in Germany I know that Betz-Tools in Munich also sell and repair Tiffen rigs as well as Pro Rigs. Tiffen also sells their rigs shipping from London. Secondly it might not be necessary to fly all the way to the U.S. and spend some of your vacation on a workshop since Tiffen also has workshops in Europe from time to time. I think I remember someone saying that there is going to be one in Denmark next year. The workshop I took In the U.S. was great though and I met a lot of really nice people there too(Thomas for example ;)). So wherever you go TAKE THE WORKSHOP!! I also took a workshop with sachtler before I went to the U.S. but ended up buying a Tiffen rig in the end. So you see there is lots of possibilities. Also if you are in or around Berlin I'd be happy to let you try on my rig for starters. Best Markus Here is the link to Betz: http://www.betz-tools.com/index_d.htm
  18. Oooohhhh..... A nice powder blue.... Thats a reeeeeal manly color for your steadicam cases there James Haha ok, I just thought it would be nice to have branded flight cases, you can never have too much self-promotion right? :P In that case (pun) YES! Now a strong black color with the logo engraved and painted in would be sweet... but not sweet Sounds nice, my only concern would be if that effected the intergrity/strength of the case, probably easier/cheaper than getting the cases made up in that colour though. That color looks similar to the blue they used to have on older Arri Lights... Regarding the Peli topic I find it surprising to see how many people seem to have issues with those cases. I never had any troubles opening or closing one but that's because I always did it how Janice suggests by instinct :P
  19. Hi Daniel! I'm from Berlin and went to Atlanta for my workshop. You're right about the high costs and I would love to see some of my instructors from Atlanta come over and visit some time but I have to say the money on the workshop was well spend and I don't regret it. It gave me the basics I needed to decide whether it is for me at all and where to go from there. Also I wasn't the only one who came from outside the US. There were people from France, Belgium, Denmark and even India. Best Markus
  20. Could be the opening sequenz to a Will Ferell Movie.. :unsure:
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