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Alan Rencher

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Everything posted by Alan Rencher

  1. I don't know if anyone noticed this, but PLC Electronics has come out with wheels that will work with RC controllers for gimbals like Movi. It looks like we'll soon be getting better performance from professional operators with these systems. http://veracitycontrolwheels.com/ http://www.plcelectronicsolutions.com/categories/veracity-control-wheels/?sort=pricedesc
  2. Correction: there are two holes in one pocket. I hadn't noticed because that pocket had a plastic box full of screws in it (which is what caused the holes, ironically.) More pictures: https://plus.google.com/photos/105188795616289789466/albums/6003663599581798433?authkey=CLHH6ryi6fanNw
  3. I picked up a new CB01 at NAB this year, so I'm selling my old one. I bought it three or so years ago, and it's still in great shape. It comes with all four original interior pouches, and it still has the 'Remove Before Filming' tag. It fits in overhead bins with no problems. It's a hybrid hard/soft case with skid rails on the bottom (like my classic pool deck). It comes with shoulder strap and pad, too. Asking for $75. I'm in LA. Alanjrencher@gmail.com
  4. McMaster Carr is a good source for most hardware. You might also look for distributes on Kipp engineering's website.
  5. I also thought the LYNN Axis was pretty cool, but after looking at the video of Larry McConkey with the Movi, it seems more practical to be able to switch from low to high by tilting up with the rig in front of you. It takes less effort and less space (in a hallway for example) to achieve a full pedestal like that.
  6. Are you talking about the Tilta follow focus? The thing that I thought was odd with that system is that they have some kind of proprietary wiring for their digital motors, so you can't use third party motors or motor cables.
  7. You can always ask Terry West to do custom wiring.
  8. Here's a video with some more information about the Tomahawk: NAB 2014: Paralinx Tomahawk & Arrow:
  9. Peter's motors are nice. I might just replace my M-1 for the peace of mind.
  10. No price yet. It's still in development.
  11. Come to the Paralinx booth behind SmallHD, and checkout the HD-SDI Tomahawk transmitter.
  12. It looks like they've been listening to us. I'll have to check it out tomorrow.
  13. I'm not saying that they're not awesome batteries. I'm saying that these batteries, at least from an industrial design standpoint, were most likely made first with the medical industry in mind.
  14. Yeah, you can really tell that their medical business is bigger than their Cinema/broadcast business with this new design.
  15. The Ikan handles are pretty cool, but they're also kind of heavy. Here's a picture of them with a Tomahawk receiver on the back:
  16. The SmallHD DP7 Pro is supposed to get that feature in the near future, so they say.
  17. This can probably be done pretty easily with a Micro Arduino board.
  18. Pete, I've been looking at getting a new motor. I think I'll bring my Bartech kit to see how your motor pairs with a BDR. We'll also have to get a beer or something.
  19. Thanks for all the help. I'll be placing an order on Digikey this week. Tuomas, what do you mean by isolating it? Are you just reaffirming that the diode needs to be on the hot lead?
  20. Does anyone have a part number for the proper diode to install in a battery plate? Any help will be much appreciated!
  21. I'll be at the SmallHD both again this year with Paralinx. I'll be happy to show Tomahawk during the show and happy to get some beers afterward!
  22. I've heard some interesting rumors about some Arri announcements. I'll be looking out for those. I also want to check out the new Varicams.
  23. The Camwave and the Boxx use previous generation modules. Also, I don't know what you mean by "legal". There are other brand that are legal, and they have the FCC IDs to prove it.
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