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Alan Rencher

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Everything posted by Alan Rencher

  1. I just finished my first official Krav Maga class.

  2. There is zero latency, and it's fully uncompressed. I haven't done too much testing of the range yet. Although, I have tested it through a couple of walls with no signal loss. I'll post more photos and videos soon.
  3. Hey everyone, I've been working on a wireless monitoring solution using a new WHDI stick from Philips. It uses a HDMI dongle powered via usb. I've cobbled together a unit that puts out both HDMI and HD-SDI simultaneously. It's a bit convoluted at the moment, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to get some interest to condense the whole thing. I'll have more info on it as I develop and test it, but I'll put a couple of pictures up for the moment. Transmitter: Transmitter Pic 1 Receiver: Receiver Pic 1 Receiver Pic 2
  4. Damn you Santa Ana! Why do you knock my power out?

  5. Finally! I just got the email that my wireless follow focus shipped today. Although, it won't get here until Wednesday... and I have a job on Wednesday. Just my luck.

  6. I'm helping Lark move her stuff in today. I hate moving, but I love this girl.

  7. I just ordered a wireless HDMI stick. Let's see if I can get some wireless video from my Steadicam!

  8. I haven't used the merlin, but with larger rigs, adding weight to the top stage is what you need to do to get light cameras balanced. My thought would be to add enough weight to the top to get it about the same as the 7D setup that you're used to. After that, It should be more familiar to balance.
  9. I just purchased my secondary battery plate for my zephyr. If you buy from a dealer, it's a little bit cheaper. I actually bought mine from Abel Cine. I had to call Tiffen and get the part number because Abel had never sold that part before, and it wasn't in their system. The part number was TI-807-7350-02 for the Anton Bauer model. Make sure you check it when you get it. They accidentally gave me a replacement for the stock battery plate at first. Abel sold the part to me for $625, and make sure you fill out a tele-production tax form with Abel if you haven't already (brings your tax rate down to 3.5%). Even with the tax it was cheaper than the list price of $650.
  10. Rare eBay win. I actually sold my Steadicam Pilot for more than what I was asking.

  11. I was kind of upset when my stereo died, but then I remembered that is was a gift from about 12 years ago... Now I'm enjoying some new studio monitors.

  12. I'm looking to buy nice Steadicam cart. I was looking at the Filmtools Magliner conversion, but if I could get a slightly better used one for cheaper, I would rather do that. Email me: alanjrencher {at} gmail {dot} com
  13. I'm curious why. Just testing, or a specific on-set application? If the latter, I'm really curious what it was. I think we were having trouble with the ET breakout box and only had one DIN adapter, but we still needed a feed to video village. Mark, you may be right on cable length and attenuation, but as far as I know all modern professional BNC cable is made to handle the highest bandwidth. I could be wrong, but that's just what I've encountered.
  14. I actually have run the HD-SDI signal from a Red One through the SD BNC connectors, through the loop-through on the monitor, then back up the HD connectors to the top stage. From all the research I've done, all co-ax video cabling that terminates to BNC use the same 75 OHM wiring.
  15. Social networks are kind of boring now.

  16. Deposit on Scarlet-X has been placed.

  17. Does anyone have a 7" or similar HD monitor that I could rent tomorrow?

  18. I am in desperate need to rent an HD monitor for use on a Zephyr for a shoot I'm working on tomorrow. The monitor I received with my kit from B&H was cracked, and I won't get the replacement until Tuesday. I borrowed one from a friend, but his was also cracked (just my luck). Does anyone have a monitor that I could rent for the day?
  19. Goodby AF100, hello Scarlet-X.

  20. Thanks, Jorge A. Guardado and Nick Lanata, for demo'ing an Alexa for use on my Steadicam today. It would have been a great time if only I hadn't found out that my monitor was cracked.

  21. Hogan, Rogan, Rogan, and Rowe - Attorneys at Law

  22. I genuinely feel sorry for people who work in a place that plays Phil Collins' music.

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