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Everything posted by RonBaldwin

  1. for comparison...here is some info on the DM-4: weight -- 250 grams (with bracket) continuous torque -- .8 Nm peak torque -- 2.0 Nm $2650 (with bracket) http://prestoncinema.com/Products/DM4.pdf I bought one summer 2012 -- took a poop 7 months later and been going fine ever since. My DM-1 has been going strong season after season since 1999. Maybe been in once for a looksie during some down time just as a preventative measure but it was fine. The DM-4 is small, light and seems fine but I don't think I'd buy another. I'd love to get a Heden or one of the Red motors (if they prove well built) as a backup motor.
  2. He is obviously too busy thread-jacking on fb to respond
  3. Abad, what are you trying to accomplish here? Are you trying to sell your device or just trying to make a point about how easy/cheap it is to make this thing and how easy our jobs are? I kinda assumed the 1st one as you keep popping up on threads and linking your YouTube video.
  4. Wow...2300!!! Congrats buddy :-) . I got one in '99 or early 2000...conned into selling it a few years ago. I loved having it for super LW gigs and as a backup and wish I still had it. Hope to see ya in a month at cinegear and/or post-nautiness. This time please call a doctor after 4 hrs
  5. Good point about the dbox -- I assumed it was a 3.
  6. The words "running" and "don juan" make me vibrate quite a bit. Low mode is a different animal and I notice a bit more issues when doing it...mostly framing accuracy whack of course I will blame on the stars because it couldn't be the fact that I suck in low mode. I used to use the sachtler bracket and had to stop because it caused much of that vibration. Most of the dual rod monitor arms will have some vibration in them (I say most because I have not tried them all...though I suspect they all have a bit). As far as the sled...it's an aluminum post so it's sometimes hard to track down things like this especislly since you checked and made sure everything was tight.
  7. I want a tb-7 and hd bubble level...while we're at it a 5.6" monitor that meets Jen's wish list would be nice too. Maybe gyros as effective as a k6 but half the weight? Maybe a center post made of brass...like the one at Jumbos? I second the next generation super lube...Lisagav v2
  8. did you try the set up with the p-tap connected to the monitor batt?
  9. It's funny seeing this whole thing bubble back to the surface after so long -- I remember flying Lynn's secret prototype in his hotel room back in...was it 1997...1998? Can't remember but I think he did it a few years (it was like a clown car squeezing all those ops in to his room in shifts!). Anyways, It was a beautiful piece of work and drained his life savings to make...nice to see it being toyed with legitimately
  10. Thanks Jens -- I just pm'd him here on the forum. He was really good about getting back to me. If you cannot get him pm me and I will send you his # Looks like he is updating his site but his supplier is the same person who makes the bags for mod51 so you can browse their site but don't use them, they will take forever and not get back to you.
  11. I have been moving away from hard cases in my old age (unless shipping) -- I just put my preston in a modular 51 bag and drop that into a pelican when I ship.
  12. Tim Moynahan at Rockseady bags can also get the Modular 51 bags...same stuff with his logo. He was fast and good to deal with. I have a large aks bag a Preston bag and their armbag. I also have an Arri bag and I think the Mod 51/RockSteady/Fikenca bags are better
  13. Exactly...I knew the project would be eventually made (though not this soon) but I would have never imagined it would happen with the same producers/director.
  14. nice job Dave! During the writers strike they would just quietly walk around carrying signs and as soon as the director called action they'd start shouting. It was so pleasant. Had to go back to the stage
  15. warning...don't ever order a martini at Jumbos. The bartender is a sleeper and hearing the word "martini" sends him into a rampage. That is why the pole is bent and most of the girls are missing teeth
  16. A dry bearing (if a good bearing) is much slicker than one with even one drop in it. Clean out an old gimbal bearing and spin it, then add a drop and spin again. I would have never thought of running bit dry until I heard of a few guys doing it and asked Jack. He confirmed that many do it and it's way slicker, but beats up the bearing.
  17. how much are the bearing for the XCS gimbal? If you run dry you'll obviously wear them out sooner than you would with a drop or two of oil. I am just curious.
  18. I imagine they'd have very similar requirements/performance?
  19. been running my bearing dry for many years -- my most recent bearing change to the newer pro bearing I used one drop of the high speed Arri oil as Alec mentioned.
  20. also -- there are questions about whether or not these new batteries are heavier, will the different shape/dimensions fit certain steadicam models, are the studs in the same place on the housings so the batteries will still be centered like the hc's were. We love ab batts and are happy with them, and certainly are not opposed to advances in battery technology (not sure the stackable feature would be used in our application (?) and I know we are a small percentage of your market but even when the HC-90 came out modifications had to be done for their fit.
  21. Job...I want to meet your friend...she might help me to stay in shape as well!
  22. Love the Matrix/steadi op combo look...and the angry assistant looks almost as scary as running through the field of explosives.
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