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Everything posted by RonBaldwin

  1. Two men enter...one man leaves
  2. RonBaldwin


    Buzz is 100% right -- a simple shot can be so easily thwarted by a clueless actor. With so many actors today that have no idea who all those people are siting around on set watching them, it is a real treat to work with a pro (or at least someone who cares and tries).
  3. :-) I know you visited the set...did you at least try on the helmet-cam? I seem to have a potassium deficiency
  4. Dexter is a very cool series on Showtime (about a serial killer who only kills other murderers) that Eric used a helmet-cam on You may have healthcare, education, bananas and justice...but we have Dexter!
  5. it must be perfect for those 360 degree whip pans...for all else, close is usually good enough
  6. I don't think he mentioned the helmet-cam in the soa newsletter did he? This is the first I heard of it...though I am pretty sure Eric used one on Dexter
  7. it is generally accepted that keeping the gimbal close to the stage is "better" (very subjective). That will help one keep a shorter sled if one desires. Having more inertia in the sled is a good thing...though I am not a fan of adding "dead" weight (but whatever works). As far as drop time...I usually use a 1.5 to 2 second drop so that is what I am used to. It requires a bit more help on starts/stops/corners but the lock-offs are stabile. I used to go with a much slower drop but at a workshop with Mr McConkey (waaaay back) I noticed he was using a really fast drop so I thought I'd give it a try and it just stuck. remember there is really no right or wrong, just what works for you and looks good
  8. I don't remember reading about any helmet-cams...but lots about the heads up display. All the bts pics I have seen are of Jimmy with the prototype sk (?) or handheld (see old issue of steadicam letter). You can also see some great bts of more of his pov work on Any Given Sunday with the same rig.
  9. I am not familiar with that arm (I imagine it's similar to a 3a?) but pro sells arm post clamps and little delrin spacers so the lock down on the arm can be kept loose (if safe). I have also seen some guys put bearings there.
  10. Be careful Ozzie, talking to yourself will land you in the looneybin
  11. Along with what Afton has said...I am surprised as hell that after using my xcs level nearly everyday since 1997, it still works flawlessly. It is the main reason so many still use down converters...well, that and being able to see an image outside.
  12. Screw resolution...I just wanna see a damn image outside in the daylight so I can do my job to the mediocre level of skill I have worked long and hard for. Can't wait to see what you come up with Greg!!! (Yes, you get 3 explanation points...that's only one shy of a Jumbos boot-smack) Ron
  13. Jerry, you can't fool me. We have already established who you really are...either Eric's alter ego or sitting next to him on a sofa this very instant, high-five'n, beer and laptop in hand giggling at the thought of a 3 second drop with a 100' post! You Taoist mofo! Or is it mofos!?
  14. Wow...so sorry to hear! Just take it slow! We all love our jobs (for many it is a passion) but it is a job, and a strenuous one at that! Take your time (I'm sure you are) and try to heal right. No matter how cool steadicam is it isn't worth not being vertical when we are older. Best wishes buddy rb
  15. I had to look up the merlin to see wtf it was...on the tiffen site it says the gimbal is good for 7.5 lbs!? Seems like this may not be in mind when screwing all the wt onto it?
  16. Greg -- it's so great to see you pop on here! Thank you for the info...I am not a cinetronic owner but hung out at their booth at the steadicam expo and played a bit with the new monitor. It was on the whole time in direct sunlight, too damn hot to touch with my hand but I didn't see any issues with the display (possibly it was the coolness of the Big Lebowski which they had playing on the monitors?). Anyways, it's always good to identify stuff like this so it can be addressed. I am quickly becomming the minority by still flying my tb6 whenever I am outside in the daytime...still love the poop out of it and can't give it up. Ron
  17. I doubt you'll find anyone who "makes" this. It's a fantastic sled, but one that hasn't been made since the mid 90's. You'll just need some kind of spacer so the 1.5" clamp will fit the 1.25" grey post. That part (delrin spacer) pro might be able to sell you as it's still used on their sleds today so the monitor clamp/accessories fit on both the inner and outer posts. This is still a sub $600 mod and would take maybe 15 minutes with a drill to get going. It's not complicated.
  18. Using Victor's guitar analogy, he just showed up to where a bunch of pretty good guitar players hang out and announced that he just bought a starter guitar and can fumble through smoke on the water -- jump ahead 15 seconds to his panties in a bunch because he got godsmacked by the more experienced players (who's opinions he originally asked for). This scenario seems to happen more and more often. I long for the days when new ops worked hard at it for a decent legth of time before showing anyone thei footage...well, except their mom.
  19. wow...that was a while back (2006)! A lot of rig options nowadays
  20. maybe just make one's profile here more detailed than "yes, for big cameras"
  21. just make a list of ops and what gear they use -- then you can figure who ya trust, who ya don't, who's shots ya like...
  22. just by looking at Alec's picture it looks like the monitor post clamp section is just screwed to an ab plate. Looks pretty simple. maybe something like this: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/133192-REG/Anton_Bauer_QR_UNIV_QR_UNIV_Universal_Gold_Mount.html screwed to this (XCS post clamp):
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