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Everything posted by RonBaldwin

  1. I was never lucky enough to have something that looked like a bomb placed in my carry on...just a Billy Doll by an unnamed NY 1st ac. I found it while in line for security. Awesome sauce.
  2. your washboard abs have affected your work?
  3. hmmm. Glad I ship. Seems like a pain to travel a lot with anything bigger than a hc90.
  4. for front mount vests, just take it to REI and try on a few jackets until you find one where the socket block matches up to the pocket height...cut a slot in the pocket. Back mounted is a different story...why I was interested to try the poncho (can I call it a pedro?)
  5. I know about the videos, and have flown the same pro gimbal (#133) since 1997. The videos I believe are talking about changing bearings or cleaning them out. I have never heard of a pro gimbal (or xcs) that needed recentering. I am not familiar with that adjustment if there is one. I had mine apart today actually. The bearing is dropped in, screw it together and go...that's all I have done the last 16 yrs. The pro videos are great...the stuff is really easy to service in the field.
  6. I am interested to hear about this pro gimbal problem...it is the 1st I have ever heard of.
  7. Well said Sanjay. It's a new tool, give it time. It might be great, it might fizzle. Who cares.
  8. what's the diameter of the lower battery "post"...1.5" ? If so just get a post clamp from pro and screw an ab plate on it. Wiring it up will be harder.
  9. I also think it's a great idea...especially for those with back mounted harnesses. I would want a hood.
  10. if it's resistant to oils and sugary deserts while applied to a brass pole it may be the find of the century
  11. Hmmm, something may have changed in the past few yrs as far as checking them on? Who knows...I would just leave them at home if I were flying for just 1 day or shooting at multiple locations requiring a lot of flying. I usually do longer term projects so it's been no biggie. I do put them in the separate case when shipping.
  12. I have 4, unless things have changed I can put them in their own case to bring on passenger flights. I have a small pelican with 4 slots just for them...but been shipping via fedex everytime I travel so have never done it.
  13. get an extra receiver and transmit to the monitor with the paralinx...problem solved!
  14. Job...Greg Bubb gets the credit to paying attention to pole size by using the Official Pole Dance Association's specs as a guideline for his carbon fiber post. That's why all (well, most) XCS sled users have great abs and smell like baby oil. and... I forgot to show my case "done" (until final monitor/foam insert made) and with lid off. The sled will live comfortably here for the next 9 months on a shelf in a truck...I estimate the pick-n-pluck will last at least a few weeks: and for the curious...a pro2 (Fracol base/lower plate adds 1.5") on a pelican 1650:
  15. I have been using the dionic 160 for over two yrs now and love it. The size and wt are identical to what they now call the hd. The wh you listed is very close to where anton bauer told me my batts were rated. They are pricey, but basically two batts in one case...at least that's how I looked at them. I wanted more weight in the back to balance my tb6 pushed farther out.
  16. wow...talk about reviving an old thread! if you are looking down at the rig from above, the gyros would be in an "X" pattern. It's a great article I will see if I can find it.
  17. I've used airbnb a few times with good results. Personally I'd stay in Manhattan since you are shooting there and it's so easy to get around, but as mentioned it is more $$$ (but it's pricey anywhere convenient). Here's a quickie search: https://www.airbnb.com/s/NYC?af=1922719&c=A_TC%3Dxtkznbk8e8%26G_MT%3De%26G_CR%3D22111486456%26G_N%3Dg%26G_K%3Dairbnb+new+york%26G_P%3D&gclid=CPGpg73b8rcCFaU5QgodMn4A8g&neighborhoods%5B%5D=Manhattan&neighborhoods%5B%5D=Midtown&neighborhoods%5B%5D=Battery+Park+City&neighborhoods%5B%5D=Chelsea&neighborhoods%5B%5D=Lower+East+Side&neighborhoods%5B%5D=Meatpacking+District&min_bedrooms=1&min_bathrooms=1.0&min_beds=1&room_types%5B%5D=Entire+home%2Fapt&property_type_id%5B%5D=1&hosting_amenities%5B%5D=4&hosting_amenities%5B%5D=8&hosting_amenities%5B%5D=2&hosting_amenities%5B%5D=5&hosting_amenities%5B%5D=30&hosting_amenities%5B%5D=28 I hear Scores has a room they rent?
  18. what do monitor folks do for their on-screen displays?
  19. Remi is lucky I only made it to Barstow. Geoff was almost right (for once)
  20. thanks Jerry -- good to know. I had just looked on the Tiffen site before posting and didn't see lemo listed -- it's good that it will be addressed. I did see the video (this is how I had it set up when I played with it) and the change from green to yellow is barely noticeable...again, to me...especially in my peripheral (watch the video while looking an inch below the led display). Could be I am blind and don't know it :-( . It is definitely a step in the right direction especially since no one else is doing a stand alone version for hd now.
  21. brief thread-jack: for sd one cannot beat the xcs pdl...it is built really well and is just plain badass. Nebtek tried to make one as good for sd/hd a few years ago but as far as I know failed miserably (anyone compare it to the pdl?).
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