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Everything posted by RonBaldwin

  1. I can't speak for Tom...but I believe he is pretty busy working, climbing mountains, and chasing...uh, cats. Give him a call!
  2. Just saw it...really fantastic movie. The operating made me wanna hang up my spurs. Those tight spaces...narrow winding hallways...STAIRS...being so in tune and part of the action and story. Amazing.
  3. I do not own a cinetronic monitor but have patiently watched this drama unfold, secretly wishing it would improve so I could buy one. It is really sad to see a company with a great product having such potential to rule the roost, for lack of a better term, shit the bed. I have not jumped on any monitor bandwagons even though I need one. I have just waited to see what happens and been disappointed. I know it's not easy starting a business and dealing a bunch of picky bastards like us, but how companies deal with people is a big part in why some products are chosen over others...even though another competing product might be technically as good, less expensive or better in some way.
  4. I also do workshops...with far more realustic results
  5. Just say camera operator. You think it's any easier to describe the mechanics of a geared or fluid head? If they want specifics, then go into more detail and describe that you spend most your days (and nights) walking backwards and looking for crafty
  6. Chris is fantastic. I LOVE how bare-bones his gear is. No fru fru
  7. The solid bones on the atlas I thought weighed a few ounces more so the difference is the chassis...but we are not talking about a noticeable weight.
  8. Must be twice the price because it's the size everyone needs.
  9. I saw that...pretty cool and about time. Hope the performance really matches it's big bro
  10. The best thing (to me at least) about the box is how it behaves when losing/reacquiring the signal. It doesn't just go blank, if starts losing pixels but an image is still there. That being said, the size blows and I wish it was the size of the bolt
  11. Good luck on the sale Taj -- a great deal on the best arm. As far as the "look of the arm...I have noticed that as well, obviously different anodizing. Not sure which may or may not be beefier. My arm is from 2000 and shows some minor wear/pitting on the rear section from a two month sweat-fest in Dallas.
  12. I will have to give them another try...bad experience when I 1st tried them. I use gyros a bit more than I thought here in Manhattan. The swirly wind is pretty unpredictable and there is only so much nets can do. Quite often for singles on walk and talks I have to use 90+ mm which would be a real shit show without nets and gyros...I used to think that combo was a bit like suspenders AND a belt but have to use bother at least once a week it seems. Hate those little bastards but they do save my arise (and hose me almost as much)
  13. In case there was a misunderstanding...I was talking about the length of the sled front to back (rereading my post it sounds like it could be mistaken for post length). I actually just measured my sled :pro2 with pro monitor bracket (with 4" ext) and nebtek/batt is 26 inches front to back. Take off 2 inches when I use the tb6. The post I keep compressed and only really ever extend it for low mode...the sled measures 28.5 inches from bottom of fracol "foot" pro plate to top of camera dovetail. The "foot" adds about. 5 lb and about 3/4" to the overall length Used antlers once or twice...not a huge fan but I admit I have little experience with them. Would rather stretch the rig out for inertia. Obviously impossible widthwise...but I guess that's where the hand on the gimbal earns it's keep.
  14. I don't own one now because it was always such a pain in the butt to get extra from production for the xmitter (we aren't using a simple and relatively cheap modulus w/tuner anymore). I had a Boxx and it always made production and the assistants happy...though they are pretty $$$. I know a few ops who just use a cable (unless the shot is too complicated) because of the little known health concerns with these little radio stations next to our heads. I wish we had time for the xmitter shootout! Maybe over Xmas break we can put one together to see a few side by side.Charles is a master at setting up this sort of thing -- those years of web-dating on Carney.com has paid off (at least in organizational qualities)
  15. No problem A-A-Ron. Glad you're all good now and on the way to getting everything tip top. I have always stuck with Preston motors because they are tanks. More money, heavier, maybe noisier...but like the battery bunny they last forever and are strong. The dm-1 I loaned A-A-Ron was purchased in '99 and used on episodic almost constantly since. It has maybe had one trip to Preston in that 15 yr span because it was getting a little noisey...quick adjustment and all good. It may be my other motor I am thinking of...both purchased at the same time and only one went in. Whatever, good motors. The look on his face when he played with the dm-1x on the 12 to 1 was priceless. :-0
  16. Everyone is different, but In my life in episodic I am more often (always) expected to be as close to dolly as I can be so I like a long sled as well. No antlers, just long sled, heavy drop time, with the occasional gyro in the swirly wind in Manhattan. I was never fond of a short sled...I like the stability and ease of seeing the monitor. Sleds with the monitor dropped (coplanar) feel great as well...though it's a pain to see the monitor for me so I don't do that. I would probably choke if I do a music video...don't watch them and out of practice with whippy sleds
  17. I think he was referring to Greg Bubb's device a few pages back. Looked like a smaller, neater, all in one solution.
  18. Don't listen to Sanjay. He knows nothing about grip gear. He does, however, know a lot about bondage gear. He used to run a sweatshop in East LA making gimp masks and putting zippers in socks
  19. Hmmm, that is weird. I am lucky I never had that problem
  20. You may already know this...but just incase -- the omnishot adaptor works very well and allows one to use the same batts as the hu3 (standard camcorder batts found in any camera store)
  21. DM1X is the way to go for focus. Though I haven't bought one because every show I get on has them...I have a DM-1 (since '99) which is slower but very strong and a newer DM-4 (very slow, but small and light for zooms or iris).
  22. Use a bag with a c-stand. The American stand is stronger and breaks down shorter.
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