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Mike Brennan

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Posts posted by Mike Brennan

  1. Has anyone seen the Russian Ark?  I hear its a 90 minute one shot steadicam film?

    About thirty (or more?) operators saw this at a Steadicam Guild get together shortly after it came out. Yes, it's one continuous steadicam shot and it's almost an hour and a half.


    Longest take in cinema history

    The only one shot movie


    There was no time for a retake. (they stopped first take after 1/2 hour or so)




    Mike Brennan

  2. I have lost six friends in six separate film-related helicopter crashes:  two hit wires, two ran out of fuel (!), one main shaft frozen, etc.  I won't go up in them any more. 


    Garrett Brown


    The helicopter crash operator in question was apparently using a side mount. (you can see the footstep in the picture)


    As a matter of interest BBC now require producers to give the pilot a document detailing causes of last three accidents in UK which were due to loss of tail rotar authority.


    Loss of tail rotar authority is usually down to flying sideways with cameraman hanging out the back door.


    A nose mounted remote control gimbal is the answer.



    Mike Brennan

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