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Ron L Rathbone

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Posts posted by Ron L Rathbone

  1. OK, I have gone to the edit profile section, changed the web site address to one just for broadcast guys and deleted old PDF / HTML files. I need to add several files from an experienced factory view point under my profile. No a post in the forums. How do I get these files back to the section, "Manage Attachments" ?


    All of the PDF files I want to add are at the bottom of the home page of www.rathbonebroadcastbatteries.com


    Yes, I have been back up and running for a while. March 2008 was the first major issue in 21 years. After getting into the new replacement building I had to deal with a serious water damage flood and then a 4 person shotgun robbery on October 10, 2009. I get to go back to court October 05, 2010 for two of them. One is in prison, one is in a local jail, one went to a thrift store rehab program instead of jail because he got mixed up with white trash girl got him on drugs. And the girl, the fourth, was never arrested. I have gone from theft by my broadcast clients through the use of credit cards now to shotguns. But, nonethe less we are moving on well.


    Thanks for the help on these attachment questions,



  2. Ron,


    I'm glad you are getting back on your feet again, but I must say I'm a little surprised that you come back here pointing your finger at anyone and everyone. I'm sorry about your troubles, but ultimately a business is accountable for both their product and actions. To so easily dismiss those paying clients who trusted you with the very equipment that KEEPS THEM IN BUSINESS seems a tad inappropriate. Now, I'm the first to admit that I don't know all the details, but at a certain point, it does not matter. When dealing with companies like (in no particular order) GPI, Preston, Bartech, Klassen, XCS and Anton Bauer, there is rarely a problem. In the event that there is, there are no excuses or finger pointing; they make it right. As for people posting things here that you don't like, consider they had been trying to get in touch with you for a long time. This forum is not designed to take sides or bash manufacturers, but on more than one occasion, it has become a last, desperate resort. It actually annoys me when someone comes on here and starts screaming about a manufacturer because they just bought something and it does not work right but they have not contacted the company yet (or they are annoyed that they emailed them 24 hours ago and have not heard back yet). That would be a bit premature in my opinion, but when we hear multiple complaints about a single company and said company has accepted money from those people, of course it is going to be posted. Why wouldn't it?????


    So instead of coming on here blasting away, may I suggest a softer approach?


    FYI, I erased your post in "Has anyone used BatteryRefill.com" because THAT THREAD IS NOT ABOUT YOU. A member of this community asked a a valid question. It is not for another manufacturer to jump in and say "me, me, me." Paul Dudeck from Anton Bauer chimed in only after a member of the community brought up a specific question about an AB charger. You'll note, he didn't go on and on about how great their products are or provide endless links to their web site.


    Oh, for the record, I have had one business transaction with Rathebone. About a year ago, I purchased 4 newly recelled Compact 14 batteries from them because they are no longer available new. Service was prompt and the batteries seem to work fine (I actually only used them a few times and just recently sold them with an extra battery base I had). At the time i purchased the batteries, the woman who does the personalized face-plates was on maternity leave so they sent the batteries without the face plates. I never did receive the face-plates, but I never followed up on them either.


    Thank you for your time and understanding.


    Thank you for the kind words Alec.


    My committment in the original post stands.


    The face plates, yes, I need to take time and remove the face plate option for now. The lady was contracted for years and has decided to be focused on her child. In January I had started looking for a particular 40 watt laser engraver to install and run in-house. Obviously, that has been side tracked for a good while.


    Thank you for your assistance and encouraging efforts.


    It just hit me, until now I never realized there were disparaging comments about me in this forum. I am sorry for that. I will not search them out as I have taken enough of a beating from events way outside my control. And, as above, my committment in the original post stands. Yes keeping quite hurts.


    Ron Rathbone


  3. Thank you for not slamming me. My regular clients since 1989 forward have not slameed me for the events of the 1st quarter. They have history with me and are also professional. Most of my new clients, even with no history have been smart enough to understand the consequences of the events of the first quarter. Of course, when a new client cannot get through because of the incompetence of AT&T from March 23 through June 17, it can be uncomforting. Although, before having to take a leave, my Director of Sales was sending group emails to everyone with open orders. I have not yet had time to learn that function. DSL and Broadband are not available where I live. It took several weeks to get permission from neighbors to remove tree limbs, dig the ditch for the cat 5 and get the local wireless company to set up an antenna with a line of site to their tower so I could have high speed internet access.


    Anyway, for those with rebuilding orders in house now, my ability to do assembly and rebuild should have been finished seven weeks ago. Most calling in now for rebuilds are converting to my lithium ion batteries and chargers.


    Rathbone Battery Order Status Report: 07/23/2008

    The credit card charge backs, the unexpected immediate relocation, the additional issues caused by AT&T, the damage done in the forums by a handful of new clients;


    My time, (In this order), is focused on:

    1) Generating immediate cash to help compensate for, losses in theft through credit card charge backs (December 15-March 31), and extensive losses in relocation expenses and lost sales since March 23rd, 2008 through new sales of our Rathbone Energy Lithium Ion Batteries and Chargers which are not manufactured in-house for now, but are manufactured to our specifications. (65WH to 600WH). I am attaching PDF specification sheets.

    1A) New lithium ion battery and charger orders that I have personally handled since June 17, 2008, are on schedule, with minor delays in shipping, due to the Olympics and Customs. And, there was a hold up for new labels.

    1B) I have sorted through the sales files of my Director of Sales, on leave of absence, and those lithium ion battery orders already in her files from April and May are also now organized and in process. With the bad things now in the past, and with some organization, All new lithium ion battery and charger, lighting, and camera bag orders will continue to move smoothly and the newer the order the quicker it will process and ship. There is a lot of work before we are shipping rebuilds and the sales of these LI-ON batteries is required to fulfill those obligations. Most rebuild clients calling in now for new rebuilds are electing to convert over to my Rathbone Energy Lithium Ion Batteries. When they see the specification sheets and pricing they realize that it is just good economic sense.

    1C) These things MUST happen so that 2, 3, and 4 can happen.

    2) Getting my equipment up and running so I can do the battery rebuilds already in-house.

    3) Getting my people back in the building which requires generating more immediate cash through the sale of my new lithium ion packs and other new products.

    4) Tackling existing packed battery shells for rebuilding. I must get the prior rebuild orders fixed first, in Chronological Order.

    All in the above order because I must first take care of my health and the health of my business to be able to take care of the rebuild orders already in house for Every great client, not just eight or ten.


    What am I doing to compensate for the losses and increase sales to more quickly get the assembly and rebuilding departments back up and running? I will continue offering:


    My Rathbone Energy Premium New Lithium Ion Batteries at extremely low prices and I am also giving away battery chargers in package deals of four batteries, eight, fifty batteries, etc. For less than four batteries purchased I am selling 2X and 4X chargers at my cost plus incoming freight and single port charges for free with the purchase of two batteries and at cost with the purchase of one battery. I cannot give pricing here. See featured items and current on-line specials at www.rathboneenergy.biz for pricing. See www.rathboneenergy.com for detailed specification sheets on these batteries, chargers, lights, camera bags, etc.


    Additional Savings:


    Since we obviously have cut our ties with our merchant provider and no longer accept credit cards I am also giving a 5% discount for purchases made via bank wire, cashiers / company check, and money order. For now we also accept PayPal but offer no additional discount for PayPal.


    I have added lines of Professional Camera Bags and Carry Solutions, Broadcast and Film Lighting, Broadcast Monitors, and more. Sales in all these lines are helping substantially but the losses discussed have been heavy and it will take time for me to recoup. I also discovered I have missing equipment.


    In Addition: I am offering a 5% commission to all clients on their customer referrals that purchase lithium ion batteries, chargers, camera bags, lighting, and monitors from Rathbone Energy. See www.rathboneenergy.com or contact me for details.


    Guys and Gals, yes, you are helping me when you take advantage of my 1st quarter misfortune and purchase and or refer clients that then make purchases from me. But, You are also helping get my staff back to work and my quicker ability to help my rebuilding clients caught up in the events caused by the following paragraph.


    It is no secret that my staff, good clients, and myself have been abused by credit card charge backs from new client?s who did receive their product, bank NSF?s from these charge backs, the relocation expenses caused by a very bad landlord (Three years of H _ _ l, it was only a matter of time), AT&T, and a few new clients disparaging my name in the forums although they had already been made aware, via group email in April by Lisa, of the events that took place. Lisa is now on a leave of absence due to extreme stress caused by a couple of very toxic people. My staff needs their paycheck back and my rebuilding clients need their battery packs. NAB is always expensive for me and I pay last minute. The events with the landlord and relocation were the reason we were not present at NAB 2008.


    I should have been back up and running the battery rebuilding by 80% seven weeks ago. Although the disparagement to me, in particular less professional forums without moderators, from a few clients has, as they wish, hurt my business and slowed down sales, which are always very slow in the summer anyway, they have succeeded in slowing down my ability to finish my relocation quickly, place my staff members back on payroll, take care of years old good clients with rebuild orders in-house, and take care of them, but, it is giving me lots of ammunition for future events against the old landlord and other. A couple of new clients have seriously abused a staff member, now on leave. A couple of fairly new clients with prior business here have confused me with Wal-Mart and continue to attempt to roll me as they have attempted in the past and are now using some forums as a tactic to get things not due them or to strike because they did not get things not due them. It will not work. I am now out $41,000.00 in direct losses and additional lost sales totaling $160,000.00 and counting. So, take advantage of my misfortune and order your new Rathbone Energy Batteries today! PDF specification sheets are attached.

    : )


    There will be no more responses through the forums by me to the disparagements against me, no matter how bad I want to respond. There are at least two sides to every coin. I could pull email documents and receipts but this bickering will stop at my door. My energy needs to stay positive and focused on healing myself, my business, my staff, my good clients, my new clients as received, and even the dozen or less trying to hurt me and everyone afore mentioned. Almost everyone above has rent, house payments, food and medical needs, basic needs. Working together is better for everyone. Bickering and scratching with a toxic few is not.


    I want to thank several of my good clients for taking time from their busy days to send me private emails of good encouragement. Those emails really do work. I do wish more were posted in the forums, but as a couple of you have pointed out, some forums seem to be taking a turn and becoming a negative battering ground of toxicity similar to the old news groups, not just on me. I understand why they do not post publicly. Maybe it is the economic depression, a lack of time for proper moderation in the forums, or a reflection on us all. With my current work load I do not have the time desired to be present in the forums as I would like.


    Since 1989, Rathbone Energy has been and wants to continue to be one of the best service and product providers in your industry! I am very proud of my work.


    For those being toxic in the forums, You decide, are you going to be part of our solution or is your character such that you just cannot be a positive impact? Being a positive impact helps you and your colleagues that you are hurting.


    Working as hard as I can to better serve you.


    Other staff members were responsible for sending broadcast emails to open order groups with order status reports. I have not yet had time to learn this function or make an email list of open orders for rebuild products on my laptop. As soon as I do I will start sending an email status to open order clients myself. I am anxious to get these guys back on the payroll!


    On another note:

    I have gone forward with assault charges.

    I have additional firms now requesting to represent me starting with charges against this nemesis and others of Conspiracy to Interfere with Trade for Personal Gain, Collusion, Trespassing, and Extreme Slander and Liable, among several other charges.


    Two other firms want a contingency but are asking for what to me is a large sum of money up front as a commitment to see this through. I don?t know, they are definitely larger firms. If I go that route I will need to set up a legal fund and will need to learn how to do that. One or more of these firms may be creating profiles in the forums under production names to monitor and collect data, if not already.





    Ron Rathbone

    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    Newport, TN







  4. Rathbone Energy sent a email letting me know the building they work out of was hit by a tree a couple of weeks ago. They have also had trouble with the phone system since all phone calls needed to be forward to a cell phone.


    Not being able to contact them, I was getting a little nervous that they went out of buisness. They have had 5 of my batteries to be re-celled since January 2. I put a hold on a charge to my credit card but after the email and learning of Rathbone's troubles I took off the hold.


    It was good to get the update and to know they are working on getting into a new building and back to business.



    Adam Keith

    Q Video Services, Inc.


    Thank you Keith.


    Now, since I have internet access and since the telephones are finally working, No thanks to AT&T, and I am slowly getting paper work organized I am gradually addressing all needs. AT&T now cannot seem to make voice mail work. I have many people telling me they constantly get busy signals.


    Movement of my Lithium Ion Batteries and Chargers has been a timely product and a salvation. Getting the battery assembly and rebuilding functions up and runnning is dependant upon high sales of those products. My building should have been finished and I should have been back up and running seven weeks ago but, The lithium ion batteries and chargers are moving smoothly.


    The damage done in the forums by a very few is really slowing down my ability to get back up and running as I should already have been up and running.


    Those few people are hurting me but they are also keeping 12 people out of a paycheck and hundreds of good customers from getting their rebuilds back within any reasonable amount of time. I cannot do anything about the past but am now focused forward.


    So, all good referalls from years old clients are welcome.


    Ron Rathbone






  5. I have a Hytron 50 that is showing a half charge on it's display but no voltage is coming out of the battery. I've used a voltage checker directly on the contacts to confirm that it's the battery and not the shoe. When on the the charger, the charger doesn't recognize a battery is even present. Has anyone seen this before?







    Yes, I know. We see this on a regular basis. Ther is more than one location in the battery that will cause this issue. Some locations are repairable and some are not.


    Between broadcast and other markets we have a very heavy work load right now. I recently cleaned house and let a few people go, all for excessive absentisim, but I just hired a new Senior tech who is really good on a board. I cannot get it fixed this week but it is doing you no good there so send it on in. We can check it out in about three weeks, maybe four.


    As for Dionics please check out our new lithium ion batteries.








    Ten Dollar $10.00 Credit!


    One (1) $10.00 credit for each Anton Bauer Dionic 90 / 160, Hytron 100/120/140 Series, Logic Digital ProPac or Logic ProPac Battery exchanged against one of our New Lithium Ion Battery Packs! One (1) $5.00 credit for each Hytron 50, TrimPac, Proformer, or IDX or Sony BP Professional Camera Battery. One battery credit per each new battery purchased.


    Ron L. Rathbone, Taking a break from a welder.

    Rathbone Energy, Inc.



  6. You also might want to check these guys out: http://www.globalmediapro.com/


    They look like the same stuff for less money. I have heard that they are the supplier for a lot of retailers. I have heard good things about their batteries but havn't ordered from them myself.




    Jess I believe you are correct in thinking it is the same battery. It appears to be the same and a Lousianna client bought some and says they are the same battery. I cannot remember his name. Convenient I know.


    We have a few specials going on with our line and we give credits against old AB Batteries. We had to define the credit program. We had people shipping in 30 batteries expecting to get free rebuilds. The thing is, whether is is smart or not, people are going to Lithium Ion and we end up sitting on the dead AB equipment. Nonetheless, we still give a credit.


    Ten Dollar $10.00 Credit!


    One (1) $10.00 credit for each Anton Bauer Dionic 90 / 160, Hytron 100/120/140 Series, Logic Digital ProPac or Logic ProPac Battery exchanged against one of our New Lithium Ion Battery Packs! One (1) $5.00 credit for each Hytron 50, TrimPac, Proformer, or IDX or Sony BP Professional Camera Battery. One battery credit per each new battery purchased.








    Ron L. Rathbone

    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

  7. Ok the time has come were I must start to Recell my old Pro Batteries. Anyone know of a good place in the LA Area. I remeber someone talking about a place in Burbank but I can not seem to find the post on here or in the archives. Please feel free to E-mail me.




    Scott Klepetar

    Hello Scott,


    Ron Rathbone

    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    2595 E Hwy 25/70

    Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725




  8. For starters, I know how many comments I'm going to get about using original PRO batts at this point so consider them sent.


    Anyone have a good place for recelling these things? I used a place in woodland hills last year and they haven't lasted that long.


    Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?





    I just read a post by Charles and realized you may have been talking about a different battery.


    We recell thiese as well. I do not think I have them up on the web site but maybe this weekend I can get the Pro and Strand Lighting battery pack pages up on rathboneenergy.com.


    If in error I apologize for the other thread.


    Ship to:

    Rathbone Energy, Inc.


    2595 E Hwy 25/70

    Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725




  9. For starters, I know how many comments I'm going to get about using original PRO batts at this point so consider them sent.


    Anyone have a good place for recelling these things? I used a place in woodland hills last year and they haven't lasted that long.


    Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?



    Hello David,


    We rebuild the

    Old original ProPacs with the metal bands, Standard ProPac

    The Logic ProPac

    The Logic Digital ProPac

    The Hytron 50

    The Hytron 100 Series

    And we can convert your 60WH Nickel Cadmium Propac to 150WH Ni-MH IF you own or intend to purchase a Cadex or PAG analyzer.


    I do not know which "old" ProPac you have so Please see the following links for details:

    Broadcast Batteries: Look for your particular link within the page:



    Nickel Cadmium ProPac conversion to Nickel Metal Hydride:



    Logic Digital ProPac, with LCD:



    Logic ProPac, No LCD



    Hytron 100 Series upgraded to 150WH:



    Dionic Series:



    Amateur Rebuilding Work Examples:



    Stable Vendor:



    Current Lead time: 1 week

    May 31, 2007 we dropped or preferred vendor of three years due to excessive and inexsistant lead times on battery cells with no response but apathy. 39 out of 88 weeks we were without battery cells even though we were on a blanket order. This hurt us and our clients. We started sourcing new vendors WITHOUT GOING CHINESE! FInally, in mid-August replacement battery cells from Sanyo begain to arrive and continue to arrive like they should.


    We have gone with Sanyo and Panasonic across trhe board. Panasonic no longer produces large cell ni-cd battery cells. Sanyo has the only 10AH Ni-MH actually in the US at this time.


    Everything we do comes with the BEST Sanyo or Panasonic battery cells available and with paper tube insulators. See the specifications on each page.


    Battery Manufacturers Impact on Time and Price:



    Dave, we are a true battery assembler and also a rebuilder of dry cell rechargeable battery packs for the last eighteen years. As for rebuilding we see battery packs built by battery pack sub-contractors around the world, see the condition of the packs at the end of their life and learn the histry of some battery packs from their respective users. For these reasons and many more we know the true charasteristics of differnet battery chemicals and chargers.


    When you consider the purchase or rebuild of a Lithium Ion battery pack the average life expectancy is +/- 200 charge - discharge cycles. Read the battery cell manufacturers spec sheets which can be found on our web site. If someone happens to get more than this life they are the exception.


    Also, I am very surprised just how many people do not know how to use their AB 2702 with DDM. IF you select a channel on display and hold in the test button for a few seconds you will be provided with the charge - discharge cycles of a particular AB battery. Is it real time / world accurate? Not in my opinion but it is something.





    Ron L. Rathbone




    2595 E Hwy 25/70

    Bldg # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725

  10. Hey all,


    I'm sure this is covered somewhere but a search did not produce an answer. How many cycles can you get out of a Dionic 90?




    Joshua Harrison


    Hello Joshua,


    On a good day, about 200 charge - discharge cycles IF they are Panasonic, Sanyo, or Moli. Joshua, we are a battery assembler and assemble new battery packs as well as hundreds of rebuilds of battery packs per week. We see everything and learn the history on the packs being rebuilt. There may be exceptions but they are just that, exceptions.

    More info:

    Lithium Ion Batteries:


    Dionic 90 Recell:



    Info within our article The Negatives of Lithium Ion:






    Ron L. Rathbone

    Rathbone Energy




    2595 E Hwy 25/70

    Bldg # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725

  11. Hello Everyone,

    Does anyone know of a facility on the East Coast that will recell the proformer?

    Thank you in advance



    Hello Gentlemen,


    Ari, Thank you for your kind words. You have more ready to roll this evening. After 39 ofr 88 weeks with no cells and upset clients we dropped Saft as a preferred vendor. :)


    Here is a link to our Proformer Rebuild.


    N1900CSR Cell and paper tubes. Why is this important? Look at the product link and the amateur link.


    You will notice that we give exact detail and specifications on what we are going to do for you.


    Also, there are NO age old brand name cells on our shelves and NO Chinese cells on our shelves.


    Because we are a real value added battery assembler with 18 years experience and excellent quality, Our cost is excellent.


    Also, I believe the other quote was for inserts. For the Do-It Yourselfer we sell inserts for those two battery packs and others.


    As for franchise retailers and "Most" do it yourself though you may want to look over this link:


    Amateur Work Samples



    We also rebuild Dionic 90's and have V Mount and Gold Mount Lithium Ion batteries.

    Broadcast Batteries:





    Ron L. Rathbone




    2595 E Hwy 25/70

    Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725

  12. Hello Colin,


    I cannot believe that I actually told you the vendor was lazy, even in jest.


    We received your order in house on March 19 and shipped your rebuilds back out on March 28th on sales order 3831.


    As discussed with you the Dionics will sit on a hold shelf until we have enough to do an assembly run of inserts. IF you want them back without being rebuilt we will be glad to ship them.




    We have just returned from NAB2007 and are in the standard after NAB Kaos.


    Lisa Bolden is your sales rep. Lisa tells me that she has talked with you and that we received your Dionic 90 units which are on the shelf for rebuilding.


    Lisa also tells me that we rebuilt batteeries for you and were able to get them out well before leaving for NAB.


    As for our Inik lithium ion battery packs:


    Yes, we listed them on our web site mid March / early April. We officially signed the contract while at NAB2007 and the factory reps worked our tradeshow booth with us.


    We hae been and are taking orders which are beyond our expectations.


    Now that we have signed the contract our first primary order of lithium ion battery packs is scheduled to arrive April 30-May 5.


    Thank you for your business.


    Ron L. Rathbone

    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    There's a better way - rathboneenergy.com - when cell quality is paramount.


    800-223-1775 Sales

    865-484-1783 Office & Sales

  13. Gentlemen,


    We have been looking at making a high power li ion battery, just like our Dionic 160. The Dionic 160 battery is the ONLY li ion battery that is manufactured/designed to handle high current draws. The cell itself is designed to handle high current loads as it is a military spec'd cell. Most li ion batteries can only handle loads up to 6-7amps. Any other li ion battery that can handle higher current loads is more than likely not backed by the cell manufacturer, and the manufacturer of the battery has just changed their protection circuit to a higher current level. This is not safe at all! There is a reason why the cell manufacturer only recommends a certain amount of current being pulled from the battery. Remember, li ion is the only rechargeable battery that has a flammable electrolyte.


    We were investigating using the same cells that we use in our Dionic 160 for our newer battery. However, we found that the individual cells contained too much lithium in them and even if we manufactured a high current draw 95wh battery, it would still need to be traveled/shipped as Class 9 Hazardous.


    Also, please note that any reputable cell manfacturer (like Sanyo) does not recommend putting more than 3 sets of cells in parallel when using li ion batteries. Again, there is a reason why the CELL MANUFACTURER does this; Monitoring more than 3 sets of cells in parallet gets difficult and the protection circuits may not work properly. ALL batteries that are over 100wh that we have investigated, use the same small cells and put up to 6-7 sets in parallet. this means that your battery has 24-28 cells in it. Another problems associated with having so many cells in your pack is that if ONE, yes, only one, cell goes bad, the whole pack is unusable.


    There are very few companies out there that are actually manufacturing their own batteries. To our knowledge, there are only two others besides Anton/Bauer. Most/All of the other companies are just purchasing batteries from a Chinese company and re-labeling them. They are chinese manufactured and of chinese cell quality. Some may be "assembled" in other parts of the world, but use inferior cells. Ask any of these companies to tell you exactly what is inside of the battery or exactly how the protection circuits work and they will give you the runaround. Reason is because they don't know themselves. They are relying on people overseas to design, manufacture and assemble their products for them. Where is the quality control?


    ALL Anton/Bauer batteries are designed, tested, manufactured and assembled in Shelton, CT. We can tell you exactly how our batteries work, what is inside of them and control the quality ourselves.


    Lastly, ALL li ion batteries need to be tested to UN specs and get UN approval for travel. Even if a battery is under the 8g of aggregate lithium content, the battery must be UN approved before you can travel with or ship it. Ask the other battery manufacturers if their batteries are UN approved and have them supply you with paperwork indicating so. YOU, as the owner of the batteries, are responsible for the battery. Once the other company sells the battery, they wipe their hands clean. If a company tells you that they don't need to have UN testing and approval to travel with their li ion battery, then the company has not done their homework.


    I hope this helps you in getting a better understanding of li ion batteries. We are continuously working on improving all cell technologies and are continuously testing all new battery types. We work with all reputable organizations that involve battery technologies and their safety.




    Great points Mr. Dudeck.


    All of the information you give in your thread regarding LiON battery cells and Li-ON manufacturers is right on target! The users should become much more knowledgable able travel restricitons and any penalities for disregard to those travel restrictions!


    There is a lot more involved.


    Panasonic, Saft, and Sanyo require certification before they will sell lithium ion cells directly to a battery assembler. Your people have to be trained on lithium ion cells, how to weld the cells, all the saftey issues, and special weldes are required. We know this because we are in debt for these welders now. Our welders also do a much better job on welding N-CD and Ni-MH.


    Many companies second source a few name brand Li-ON cells but almost always buy third world lithium cells. The manufacturers of these third worl cells DO NOT CARE what type welders you are using or about the saftey of your employees or your clients!


    You buy battery, cheap welder fine. You buy battery, we make deal yes.


    PS. For your consideration, we do final assembly of new nickelcadmium and nickel metal hydride battery packs right here in our US facility for many companies.




    Ron L. Rathbone


    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    2595 E. Hwy 25/70

    Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725

    There's a better way - rathboneenergy.com - when cell quality is paramount.



    800-223-1775 Sales

    865-484-1783 Office & Sales

    865-484-1785 FAX

  14. Still looking to recell my AB hytron 50's in the Los Angeles area? I need a quick turnaround and have not found a trustworthy source. Any help???


    Ari Gertler



    While I don't like to offer negative feedback regarding a vendor I just have to offer feedback regarding the Rathbone Hytron 50 recells: I had mine done by him and they performed well for about 1 year. Now they are useless. One didn't even last a year. It definately was not worth the months of hassle it took to get them done by Rathbone. Apparently I caught him during some unfortunate and tragic personal problems, hurricanes, changes of staff, lightning storms that wiped out his computers, and relocation. I had no reason to doubt the veracity of these excuses, but frankly it was too much for me to try again. And they didn't last. As he warned, not all the recells took due to the fragility of a temperature sensor and I was forced to replace a few batteries with a new AB Hytron 50. The bad thing was that the recells are slightly lighter than the original AB batteries and every time a new AB battery was given to me to replace a down battery on the sled I had to rebalance the drop time. Annoying to say the least.


    Forum members, I beg your forgiveness for my public response.

    Hello and good morning to you.


    Response to Lawrence within this thread.


    I wish to thank each of you who came by and visited Rathbone Energy, Inc., at our NAB2007 booth C10621, to say hello and ask your questions. At our booth we always have samples of the battery cells and inserts that we place in your different battery packs and can show you the specification sheets for the battery cells.


    We also have a few rebuilds placed on different chargers for your inspection and this year a new line of Lithium Ion comparable to Anton Bauer, IDX, PAG, and Sony at a substantial cost savings. We have V Mount and Gold Mount Style. The V-mount will accept charge on IDX and Sony V-mount chargers. We are full disclosure and have a full disclosure web site. We have nothing to hide.


    We have discussed the H50 battery on this forum many times and you will find that information throughout this section. We rebuild Hytron 50 battery packs. The following link will supply you the detailed specifications for the battery cells we use to build the H50 units as well as pictures. Please also take notice of the links within this page to: Safety precautions, H50 precautions, and links to the manufacturer?s battery cell specification sheets for the cells we choose.


    Hytron 50 Rebuilding:




    This link, Broadcast Batteries, list links to most of the battery packs used in broadcast film, cinema, film, and video. The web site itself only list about 20% of our abilities.




    ProFormer Rebuilding:



    We use the Sanyo N1900CsR or the Saft VRE 1800 CS, both sintered positive electrode technology, rapid charge, 900 ? 1200 charge discharge cycles, paper tubes, and 100mah difference in nominal capacity.


    Amateur Work Examples:



    Stable Vendor:



    Just like every other vendor in this forum and any vendor in general, unfortunately, not every client will be made happy. Fortunately our percentage of unhappy clients is extremely minimal. Since we have survived 18 years on referrals and without outside investors or bank loans our reputation is crucial.


    In October 2005 we successfully leased a new 9000 square foot building in Dandridge/Newport Tennessee, continue to hire and train new employees, and continue to expand in many great markets including broadcast and film.


    We have current contracts in-house for the NSA, a satellite tower company, a new space satellite project, and just took an order away from a Chinese factory for 1000 battery packs per month. This order was a US military order being built in China. It is now being built in the Appalachia?s of the USA, and not with Chinese cells.


    As for recommendations, may I suggest a quick look at our amateur page, stable vendor page, and point out that we do NOT use low end name brand or Chinese cells in our assembly process. We also supply detailed specifications of the cells and building process used in the building of our client?s battery packs. Rathboneenergy.com is a full disclosure web site.


    Hello Lawrence,


    Top of the day to you.


    Your invoices with us are as follows.

    05/19/2005: Inv #: 12921; 2 H50 rebuilds @147.00

    06/14/2005: Inv #: 12935; 4 H50 rebuilds @127.00 each

    07/26/2005: Inv #: 12947; Warranty Inspect 1 unit of H50 Rebuild SR#: 3963

    08/30/2005: Inv: # 12988; 3 H50 Rebuilds @ $127.00


    Lawrence, up front we discussed all the issues with the rebuild of H50 battery packs.


    Invoice # 12947; As you already know, each battery is tested and must pass every test of an Anton Bauer 2702 with DDM before being shipped out from our facility. H50 SR#: 003963 from the original invoice 12935 of 06/14/2005 left our facility working properly. When the battery was received and assigned Warranty inspection invoice # 12947 it was placed back on an Anton Bauer 2702 with DDM and went to ?HOLD?. Our workmanship, the battery insert, tested fine.


    In our efforts to accommodate our clients I still cut you a refund check for that battery insert / rebuild even though the issue was within the circuitry of your shell. You cashed the check.


    You then sent in more H50?s for rebuild.


    In June 2005 I begin my first attempt at consolidating our two locations, Atlanta and Newport to Newport Tennessee. There was a lightning storm and in one quick bolt of lightning all of our UPS back ups and equipment in Newport was fried. On that trip my childhood friend and business associate in Newport was shot and murdered around 6:45AM one morning when going to open his warehouse. I was to see him around lunch that day to discuss sharing warehouse space. Now I was involved with my friend?s funeral.


    Lawrence, You called me later that same day with an urgent need and drop ship to Canada. I explained the events of the morning, you explained your crises, and you still asked me to build your batteries with urgency. I made a special 250 mile trip to Atlanta, built, tested, and drop shipped your battery packs to Canada as you requested, and then I drove 250 miles back to Newport for the funeral and comfort with friends.


    What can I possibly say? We have recelled thousands of H50 battery packs and the only balance issue ever brought to our attention was a good operator who requested that we not place the name plate on the side of the H50 units for just that reason, balance. So, we no longer place the plate on the battery.


    Other delays: We cannot control Panasonic, Saft, and Sanyo. Already they are becoming more difficult and are carrying less inventory in the US. We had to second source 2000 Sanyo N4000DRL cells last month. The ones that arrived were date coded for January 2001. Fortunately for our client, not only do we inspect these things but we also refuse to use old cells and sent them back instead of passing them on to our clients.


    I am very aware of the quality you are now purchasing. No, the price for rebuilding ProFormer battery packs to our specifications will not be reduced.

    Stable Vendor

    Amateur Work Examples

    Any legitimate issue could have been handled with a telephone call and not in a public forum. Initially I chose not to respond in public to your public discontent with me.


    Lawrence, I am not accustomed to loosing a client. I lost two others during the move.


    I truly apologize that I have been so difficult for you and sincerely wish you only the best in your future endeavors.




    Ron L. Rathbone

    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    25/95 E Hwy 25/70

    Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725




  15. Hello Everyone,


    Thank all those great people who came by our booth at NAB2007. Thank you for your questions and interest in the rebuilding of your packs. This show allows us to show you the actual insides of these battery packs.


    This year we introduced our new line of Lithium Ion battery packs ranging from 63WH to 160WH in V-mount and Gold Mount styles.


    Check them out on our web site and please call to speak with your sales rep today.




    We are not Li-ON fans but that have taken a significant percentage of the market place so we must join that band wagon.


    Today, on our web site, we started a poll, a work in progress, asking questions of our client base about different topics from your opinions of NAB2007 and the cost to visit or have a booth at the show and other important topics such as lithium ion batteries.


    As usual we will first do the research, gather the facts, place them on our web site for reference, and the make the presentation. One thing we will be confirming is the FAA regulations on Li-ON aboard airliners. According to information we have been given, You should be aware that at this moment you are allowed to board two Li-ON batteries up to 95WH each, NO MORE! If in your bagged luggage you pack more than the volume of Lithium Ion allowed, and your are asked if you are shipping anything hazardous and you say No, and then your bags are inspected, that you will face charges and penalities including a $250,000.00 fine. We are doing a more through search on charges and penalties this week to confirm this information and advise you, our client base of th facts.


    But, please see our new line of Lithium Ion. Just use common sense, ask an authourity if in question, and be SAFE!




    Ron L. Rathbone :)


    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    2595 E. Hwy 25/70

    Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725

    There's a better way - rathboneenergy.com - when cell quality is paramount.



    800-223-1775 Sales

    865-484-1783 Office & Sales

    865-484-1785 FAX

  16. Hello Ari,


    Please see our page on Hytron 50 recells. 67WH $137.00




    Recell a Dead Anton Bauer Digital Hytron 50 :

    Part Number:





    14.4V 4.5AH 67WH, 12, Sanyo HR-4/3FAU4500 cells, 2x1x6 Nested configuration, manufacturers brand labeled pvc shrink, heat shrink weld tabs, fiber top and bottom insulators, new scratch resistant plastic Sideplates with client name and phone number. Charge discharge cycles are 500-700 full charge discharge cycles.


    Retail Value: $167.00 each.


    Discount Price: US$137.00 each 14 Month warranty


    Safety Precautions; Hytron 50 Precautions .


    Safety Precautions


    Note: If after recell your battery does not pass the test of an Anton Bauer Interactive 2702 PowerCharger with DDM you will be advised and you are NOT charged for the recell. Your two choices are then:


    At your request the new insert will be removed and your empty case returned to you.


    If after being recelled your H50 does not pass the test of an Anton Bauer InterActive 2702 with DDM you should know that it will still charge just fine on a PAG Pulsar or Quasar Analyzer and will also continue to work on your cameras.


    You can purchase one of these PAG analyzers from Rathbone Energy, Inc., at a discount from the PAG price structure.


    Battery Analyzers that will place an excellent charge on your batteries. Do you need a Cadex analyzer for your Li-ON batteries? HMI Lights?


    Panasonic Ni-MH HHR450A


    Sanyo HR-4/3FAU4500.pdf

    More detail on the page including pictures.


    Lisa Bolden is our West Coast Sales Rep.


    PS. We have a New Line of Lithium Ion V Mount and Gold Mount batteries. We are not Li-ON fans but thanks to one company and the desire for light weight battery packs they have taken a portion of the industry that we cannot ignore.


    Thank all those great people who visited our booth at NAB2007.




    Ron L. Rathbone


    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    2595 E. Hwy 25/70

    Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725

    There's a better way - rathboneenergy.com - when cell quality is paramount.



    800-223-1775 Sales

    865-484-1783 Office & Sales

    865-484-1785 FAX

  17. Uh...I believe the product is called Firestore...?


    Also you might want to refine your list of services as it appears to be cut and pasted from your site, and includes vestiges of links that are obviously not part of this posting.


    THanks Charles,


    My chief technologist heard me on the telephone today and friday correcting me both times for saying firestorm. A brain glitch. Gotta go in for repairs or an upgrade.



  18. Hello everyone,


    I asked permission and was given permission to advise you of the following services we offer.


    Repair Services


    Battery Charger Repair

    Focus Enhancements Firestore

    Media Pack Servicing and Repair

    Media Storage Devices (NAS for Video and Sound Storage)

    Media Asset Management

    The Negatives of Lithium Ion




    Rathbone Energy, SBA HubZone Certified Empowered Business, DOD, DOE, DOT, & NASA Authorized Contractor, is a custom assembler of dry cell battery cells into pack inserts used in new battery pack assembly, final assembly, or battery recelling. Battery recell specialties include all brands of broadcast, cinema, professional film, video, DOD, DOE, DOT, instrumentation, medical, NASA, survey, or other dry cell rechargeable battery packs. No Chinese Battery Cells, Buy American!



    Proudly Serving Broadcast News, Cinema, and Other Industries Consistently Since 1989! Rebuilding of Anton Bauer's fine batteries after they have died is a specialty at Rathbone Energy, Inc. Rebuilding dry cell rechargeable battery packs for any industry is our Specialty!


    See attachment.



    Thank you,


    Ron L. Rathbone


    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    2595 E Hwy 25/70

    Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725






  19. i have a couple of batteries that are fine most of the time but sometimes just refuse to charge.

    i have tried them on 3 chargers but no joy.

    when i can get them charged they run fine.

    i have 3 ABC800H chargers, maybe they need to be upgraded or something...?

    any ideas?



    Hello Morgan,


    Being a battery pack assembler and also a consistent recell specialist in the broadcast industry for the last 17/18 years we sometimes see these issues. If your battery is out of warranty...


    We have seen issues with several of the digital type batteries.


    Your H50 is built by AB and obviously promoted with an AB charger.


    In the last two days our people have talked with customers in the field with many Ni-CD and Ni-MH Digital battery packs that are sitting on shelves because their complimenting smart charger and those batteries are not communicating with each other. Each is sending in several now for rebuild and repair. We have written in this forum about these issues before. Hope I do not make any made this time.


    Rough Draft:


    Some of the issues are that:

    The battery goes to "HOLD". If it goes to "HOLD" it will not charge. We and several of our staff have personally seen instances where a particular problem battery reads "HOLD" but the 2702 with DDM continued to charge the battery. We would not pretend to know exactly why we have seen this happen but suspect it to be a glitch. We have an article on our Hytron 50 recell page about H50 Precautions. Too much for here.


    THis can be because the contacts are oxidized and need a simple cleaning. If that fails your issue is internal. It could have been caused by being dropped damaging a circuit board component, a thermal sensor, pinched wire, broken board components caused by the stress and extreme tight placement of the weld tabs against the bottom of the cb which, unlike other boards, has components on the bottom of the cb, or it could be damage from an ameteur rebuilder. We see it all.


    You may not be paying attention to your charger LCD read out when the battery has finished charging. The final charge should read a delta cut-off, a TCO, a VCO, or a CCO cut-off. The delta is your first line and the preferred cut-off. TCO and VCO are still OK and the battery is reaching full charge potential.


    But if it reads CCO this is a cumalitive math formula. CCO really means that the charger has finished a safe charge on the battery but the battery has not been charged to its full potential. We normally see a CCO to be approoximately 25% less than required for a proper maximum charge.


    When testing a clients battery or testing a clients battery with a new insert and we see CCO cut-off we take the battery pack to a PAG or Cadex analyzer and run the test again. The PAG and Cadex units will safely take the battery to full voltage and capacity and the battery will work fine on your cameera. When we do come across a battery that displays "HOLD" or "CCO" on an AB 2702 with DDM and we cannot correct the problem in-house we remove internal componets from that battery that allows an AB charger to recognize the battery. Thus removing any unforseen potential safety issues due to the "HOLD" reading if they were placed back on an AB charger.


    When a customer sends us a problem battery that reads HOLD or CCO they either buy a pre-owned shell from us and we install a new insert in that shell or they purchase a PAG or Cadex analyzer from us.


    Your AB battery manual and charger manual has all this information about the Delta, TCO, VCO, and CCO.


    IF YOUR BATTERY STAYS ON HOLD REMOVE IT AND DO NOT PLACE IT BACK ON ANY AB CHARGER AGAIN. These batteries will continue to charge just great with a PAG or Cadex analyzer. PAG and Cadex analyzers do not require a logic board or thermal sensors to manage their analysis or charge routine. Thermals are a great back up for the battery and their real job is with the battery, not the charger.


    See our web site for our article, the negatives of lithium ion.


    We repair battery chargers, repair / rebuild battery packs, sell new PAG and Cadex chargers, rebuild Dionics, service and repair Focus Enhancement Firestorm and Firefly units, electronic lamphead ballast, smart washlamps, and have several other electronic services. More information can be found at www.rathboneenergy.com or www.batteries and circuitboards.com


    We do final assembly for any company keeping jobs in the Applichias of America. No Chinese cells. No Chinese Labor. We do not receive or pay exorbidient salaries that run companies off shore.


    Our HubZone company here is a true small business, not the 6.5 million dollar small business. Our area average income is under the national poverty level. Our area average unemployment is > 10% most of the time. We would like to gain your business and your corporate and individual referrals.


    I hope I have been helpful. I was hoping our Chief Technology Specialist Jim Burns would chime in. Where are you Jim? Jim also does NAS upgrades, etc.




    Ron L. Rathbone


    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    25 95 E Hwy 25/70 Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725





  20. :) Hello,


    Yes, the H50 is a delicate batery. We have information on precautions of the H50 on our web site.


    Basically, the H50 is a 50WH Ni-MH battery pack weighing 2.8 pounds or thereabout.


    The cell, a Sanyo HR-4/3FAU4000 (our recell is a Sanyo HR-4/3FAU4500) is a Foam Pasted technology good for +/- 500 charge discharge cycles. Then thing about Sanyo, Saft, and Panasonic manufacturing requirements for the high end product is the slop or curve of the cell capacity, the charge discharge cycles, and internal resistance. The same for their High end Ni-CD and Li-ON cells.


    That is, 50 watts, or our 67WH recell on a steady discharge with little to no drop in the slope until almost the end of the charge cycle.


    Li-ON is another animal. Even when comparing 50WH to 160WH the performace slope of the high end cell is steady while the Chinese cell will show a constant degradation of its performance slope. Being at 160WH it is simply not noticed as obviously when matched against a 50WH pack. More information can be found within our article on the negatives of Lithium Ion.


    Of course there are many other issues with the cell quality of Chinese cells but 18 years of experience is too much for a forum. :)


    More can be found at www.rathboneenergy.com


    Guys, have a good night. I am going to back to work for a while longer.


    Ron L. Rathbone

    Rathbone Energy






    I have used the AB Hytorn 50 batterys for the last couple of years and to be honest, i didnt like them. After 2 years the lost there charg after 24 hours. I payd a lot of cash for them, bought the AB chargers and even bought new hytron 50 batts. Becose i use lots of HD and XD Cameras, i needed a bunch of them. XD Loves the juice, so did my extras and ringlight. 10 of them nearly brought me true the day. I didnt want the idx becose i found them to light in weigth. So i started to try out those cheap chinese things. Not 50 w like the ab but 160w.



    Well, after 2 years the still are great. Ones charged the keep charged for weeks. There cheap, nice in weight, and easy in use. Even if the die in the next year, i dont care. Get a few new ones and i am set for years again.


    Now, i am not a battery expert, and i am sure there are several reasons the quality is poor, but fact is the work. Every freaking day the work. I only use 6 at the most for a day and use 2 others for lcd, monitor or whatever i want to power up. No chip settings, no software crap, just chagers who charg the batterys when needed.


    My 2 cents

  21. :) Good Day Andrew,


    Points to note:

    1. Each lithium ion battery pack assembler designs their own PCM board that MUST be attached to the Li-ON pack.

    2. Most battery pack suppliers turn-key the assembly to receive and market their finished product.

    3. Each assembler or final assembly house then attaches the finished Li-ON pack with the PCM board to that companies circuitry for their battery pack and their Li-ON charger.

    4. In the case of Li-ON and the safety issues of Li-ON, the circuitry of the manufacturers charger and the manufacturers batttery MUST interface exactly.

    5. No two companies are going to use the exact same circuitry so you do not mix Li-ON chargers and Li-ON batteries.

    6. In the case of Li-ON improper interface of two companies Li-ON products, ie., the charger and the battery, can cause an extreme danager to product and personnel.


    Also there is the posibility of recelling a few brand name Li-ON batteries like the Dionic series which Rathbone Energy does recell. This is not a project that we take lightly and invloves extreme attention through the entire recell process.


    A few people may experience a situation where their Chinese charger and chinese battery are from different name companies and they do interface properly. This is simply a case of one supplier and multiple battery company marketers private labeling the same product.


    Of course, the Cadex C7000 series of analyzers can be programmed for any brand Li-ON battery. Rathbone Energy sells these analyzers but because of their quality and their abilities they are more expensive than smart chargers from any manufacturer.


    The following is not self promotion. Anyone using Li-ON really should read our article on The Negatives of Li-ON found at this link. We supply links to the manufacturers Specification sheets as well as the latest findings from the FAA. It is coming.




    PAG, has as good a Li-ON as you can buy but the money exchange is killing thier US sales. Here is an article they wrote promoting Li-ON in the proper situation. OF course this does not change the facts in my above article.


    Lithium Ion Does Not Have to be Dangereous



    PAG makes a great and durable case with their L95 and has our preference in design technology. Anton Bauer also has a great and durable case and their design technology is good. Both utilize a very thick case which is important with any battery cell, especially a volitle Li-ON cell. Li-ON and other chemical batteries we have opened from many other manufacturers are designed wiith very thin plastice cases and no barrier between the cell and the outside world except their paper thin plastic case.


    Because we are not only a battery pack assembler for any industry but also recell or rebuild battery packs from many manufacturers and have services like battery charger repair we see the good, the bad, and the ugly. We see the product at the end of its life and see the quality of cells or components used as well as the quality of the manufacturers final assembly process. Not to mention the disasters from third world companies and amateur rebuilders.


    We always welcome the opportunity to be the final assembler for anyone thus keeping jobs in the Appllachias of the United States of America.


    You get what you pay for.


    I hope I have not bored you too much. See you at NAB2007 Booth # C9621


    The more you are accurately informed the more you will appreciate rathboneenergy.com services, products, and 17 consistent years of operation.




    Ron L. Rathbone


    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    2595 E Hwy 25/70

    Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725







    I am going to buy IDX Endura 10S bateries and compact cheap SWIT charger. for the road it must be real saver. but i am not good in electronics. please any comment if I can use long and safe to charge IDX Endura bateries with the SWIT charger?


    Price is in big difference with original Endura chargers. I am concider to buy one of these chargers:


    SWIT SC- 302S/A



    SWIT S-3010S



    thank you



  22. :) Hello Erwin,


    We recycle Anton Bauer and other brand broadcsat, film, and cinema batteries. Here is a link to find the directions:






    Ron L. Rathbone



    FYI: Battery Recycling


    I had to learn that a lot of people don't know what to do with there old or used batteries. So they just trash-'em! We are using a lot of them on the set... for the little handheld TV, for your receiver, for your follow focus, etc... The sound guy, depending on his set up, uses a shit load of D-cells and 9 Volts for the wireless Mic and AA for the boom.


    All sound guys that I work with, either collect them until I work with them again or they started to bring them to the recycling place them self... (and yes I'm proud of that accomplishment!)


    I have been using rechargeable's for years and converted my monitors, receivers, lights, etc. to Anton Bauer and I'm in the process of converting my small TV's to the Sony M Info Lithium, The same that my Preston uses, But...


    Believe it or not but I'm bringing my Alkaline Batteries to IKEA here in the states. The Burbank office takes them... across from the customer service desks are bins set up and they take: Batteries, Light Bulbs, Paper, Glass, etc...


    For Rechargeable Batteries like the Info Lithium, NiCad, NMiH and the like, just go to a "Batteries Plus" or another place that re-cells batteries...


    The best thing is that it's free and you are doing something for the environment...


    I just thought I'll share.


    Be safe and recycle...


    Happy New Year!



  23. Terrible news for those that knew Matt Chubet. Matt died sometime over New Years while on a camping trip. Car camping, he zipped himself up in his Bivvy Sack in his car and must have suffocated during his sleep.


    Totally crazy.


    Matt was an interesting cat with a lot of life experience. A Marine, a steel foundry worker, editor, producer, Grip, Steadicam/Camera Operator, and writer. He was always quick w/ a joke and was fun to party with. I helped him pack up his U-Haul in NYC and sent him out West. I always saluted his diligence.


    He was a good friend in NY, but we hadn't hooked up out here yet. I regret that. You just never know.... I figured, "Oh, there will be time..."


    Live every day to it's fullest. Put aside your pride. Don't take anything for granted.


    RIP Matt. You'll be missed.




    Our hearts here are always greifed at the passing of another life. 101% of our client base is always polite to my staff and to myself as well. One of the many perks for being allowed to work with you guys in your industry. As a client Mark was always even more upbeat and full of energy. Always , "No Sweat", and, "Thank you so much" kind of responses and full of energy.


    Matthew has left us with an admirable footprint. I am sure he is already enjoying the other side.


    Like everyone else responding...


    RIP Matthew.




    Ron Rathbone and Staff.

    Rathbone Energy, Inc.


  24. I am going to be buying Greg Bubb's XCS Ultimate sled. I have been using a Pro 1 the past 10 years and am only familiar with the Nicad batteries used for that. I don't have much experience with Anton Bauer batteries (which are what the XCS sled use). I'm wondering what people who are flying the XCS are using to power their rig and various cameras. I mostly use Panavision XL's and the newer Arri's (Arricam and 435's), but with the impending reality of HD, I need to be prepared for that as well.


    I would like to keep this new system as simple and uncomplicated as possible. Is there any combination that will work with everything in your experience? What do you suggest? Thank you for your time.


    Brooks Robinson


    :) Hello Brooks,


    We have used trimpac cases that we have bought from people getting out of the business for whatever reason. 45WH sinered positive electrode true rapid charge 45WH. Please see this recell link. The information is the same. Year end is slower so it is a good time for quicker building of the new packs.


    Trimpac recell and preowned unit link:




    Recell of your proformer:



    The Negatives of Lithium Ion







    Ron L. Rathbone




    Rathbone Energy, Inc.

    2595 E. Hwy 25/70

    Building # 2

    Dandridge, TN 37725


    There's a better way - rathboneenergy.com - when cell quality is paramount.




    800-223-1775 Sales

    865-484-1783 Office & Sales

    865-484-1785 FAX


    Dead Anton Bauer Battery Recell Service

    Battery Cells ? Battery Assembly ?

    Batteries ? Battery Recelling - Any Industry

    Cadex and PAG Battery Analyzer Chargers

    Battery Belts - Film Packs and Recelling ? PAG Batteries

    PAG (Cool to touch) HMI Lightning ? Dollies & Cranes

    Battery cell distributor, battery pack assembly, and final assembly: SAFT ? Panasonic ? Sanyo ? Enersys Hawker Cyclone ? Duracell ? Fuel Cell Research



    Repair Services for:

    Anton Bauer Battery Chargers ? PAG Analyzer Service Center ? Media Pack Servicing ? Media Storage Devices (NAS for Video and Sound Storage) ? Firestore FS3 Focus Enhancements ? Media Asset Management ? Remote IO Controller Repair ? Digital Analog IO Controller Repair

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