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Nicolas Rome

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Posts posted by Nicolas Rome

  1. After trying the at Daniel souve/ Walter Klassen vest I was amazed how the mecanics of the different leveredge allowed me to swing my sled forwards without having my back muscles saying "What the fuck are you doing!?!". So because I still don't work enough to allow me to get a 7000$ vast I started building one my self. Not carbon fiber but aluminum plates.

    I tested it out on a job with very light weight , about 8 kg, and found it very nice but I notised tha I foelt a little bit of a twich in my upper back muscles after wearing it a while...

    Can anyone that owns a real back mounted vest share their thoughts so maybe I can make some adjustmants?



  2. Good job DJT !! I was reading through the posts and wondering how nobody mentioned that at 24 or 25 fps a 1000 ft mag lasts about 10 min....

    I think ,if you have the choice, 435, 400 ft mag, and just tell the director to have a fucking extra walk across the frame and use it as a whipe and cut it there!!!

    Offcourse, Stephen, if you had my super smooth frictionles arm post on your arm everything would be easier!! Just joking!

    I remembered your name ... remember you got in touch with me about it.

    Hasn't the director thought about shooting with the cinealta hd cam?

    I' know it has nothing to do with shooting anamorphic but sometimes one has to find solutions like this ... anyone seen the russian arc? Or With the panasonic you can even ramp up to 60 fps!!

  3. Remember that the level is a bubble which is influenced by acceleration wich makes it useles while moving!!!

    The best thing in these cases is to check also the vertical lines. unless you're also tilted. And also if your angle is slightly preceding the perspective must be with the horizontal lines rising slightly from right to left in the shot and the oposite for the slightly following(depending also on the focal length of the lens).but the trick is to use one or the other because because if you are at a perfect right angle every imperfection on the horison will be caught!

    Luckily in music videos there is usually some more elasticity for these things


    Nicolas in Rome

  4. I've told my secret to many operators here in Italy but I gues they rather sweat than take advice from a younger operator.

    I don't remember how I came to this, but, one day I tried to ad to the noamal pading of my 3a vest those mats full of square holes that here in Italy you can get in hardware stores and is generally used on the Kitchen sink to let dishes dry or in the shower to avoid slipping, etc.Made of neoprene.

    Anyways. you must ad it on the inner side of the padding.Having a not flat surface it avoids the vest to stick to your skin and reduces sweating in an unbelievable way!! This also helps with heat dispertion and consequently you can keep the rig on longer!!

    Often people are surprised when I take my vest off and they don't see those huge soaking sweat marks.

    Try it and let me know


    E-mail nicoridillo@yahoo.com

  5. Interesting! I don't log on very often but this is a good moment because I did a 20 min. short film which is made of three single steadicam shot aprox 7 min each. But the heard part was that each shot was basically in one room. Very, very slow.

    And too make it even harder I was flying a sony pd 150 with a 6 kg weight under it! So... if slow is hard, slow and little weight is a real bitch.Just to say I understand very well what your talking about!

    It's all in your mind!!

    Use the force!!

    I found the tychi (or how you write it)style weight shifting very slowly worked quite well in this case but do not make too long of a step!!

    Obviously going forwards.

    Backwords I agree with charles

    But the most important thing I found is allways think of the shot. Whenever I start thinking of my body parts and mechanics or steps or anything thats not regarding the shot I mess up....

    Good luck!!


  6. I have lost six friends in six separate film-related helicopter crashes:  two hit wires, two ran out of fuel (!), one main shaft frozen, etc.  I won't go up in them any more. 


    Garrett Brown


    I remember on the malibu workshop 2000 when jerry talked to us about your friends who had those accidents and the danger of helicopter shots! I allways tell people about that ... But it is also a matter of having "control" over the situation. As we all have experienced directors, or anyone pushed by them, tend to forget about safty when they want to get the most "spectacular shot of the world!!"

    I don't know a whole lot about piloting helicopters but it in the recent years I have done 3 or 4 helicopter shots, ofcourse not with a steadicam, and everytime before the flight I spoke to the pilots and told them that I don't care what the director says safety is the priority during the flight! No matter how spectacular it could look!

    I must say that the few pilots I worked with here where carefull also due to the strict rules in italy. One did't even take off because the bracket for the wescam was not legaly authorized in italy because it was coming from Brussels.

    Anyway, I allways think about jerry' words and prefer to fly my steadicam than a helicopter!!!

    Let me know when you come to Italy!


  7. I am starting the production of a frictionless arm post for 3a arm!!

    I have been using it myself for four years and have never had any problem.

    I notice that when I let operators try some are skeptical because they are used to the stiffness of the normel arm post but if you have ever tried the pro arm, which has this feature built in it, maybe you understand what I mean. I myself never work without it because it absorbs even more the horizontal body movement and gives you the possibility to move much smoother around your sled , specialy during switching, or when shooting in tight situations where it also gives you the possibility to tuck in your arm those 5-10 cm you need to get through a doorway ecc...

    It is fully an bearings with no friction point between the arm and the post!

    For price or other information please contact me:

    Tel: 0039 329 6232504

    E-mail : nicoridillo@yahoo.com

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