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Matthew Clarke-Irons

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Posts posted by Matthew Clarke-Irons

  1. Hi there,



    don't know if you worked out your problem with the Decimator with the hyper drive which i think is by black magic.


    Basically, my experience is the the BM Hyper drive will not except 25p but does except 25pfs.


    I don't know why not, i have not delved into it too deeply, however i use my decimator to convert the 25p signal/format to 25psf or 1080i and no problem...


    I don't know if the hyper drive is meant to except 25p, but it hasn't on the few occasions i've used my camera gear with different BM. So it could be my set up too but either way the decimator set to output something other than 25p sorts the issue.



    hope that may be of help in the future


  2. Experience is hard earned and advice can be taken freely or ignored at a cost!


    It is good that people, whom ever they are and with various levels of experience have a place to express and discuss there views and opinions but we must be careful to keep our emotions to one side.


    It is totally unacceptable that you can buy equipment that doesn't do what is say on the box when it's out the box! I know what I would do.


    If I had doubts kit might not fulfill is promises I wouldn't buy it.


    Everyone starts somewhere and some people by their nature have to discover things the hard way.


    It does make you wonder why the same products/companies are talked about over and over again and the same advice is given, why the problem continue???


    If I knew that perhaps I'd be Head of the IMF, but that would be a pay cut and not as much fun!

  3. Hi T,


    I've been stuck on set for a week doing very little and so researching rigs and bits and pieces, as at some time in the near future I'll buy a rig £££


    I've read your thread with interest, lots of views and advice in the plenty and some seriously kind offers which is totally amazing.... you know who you are!


    Its always a worry when any kit doesn't work out of the box, whatever it is and hopefully it ends up just being 'finger trouble' maybe a red face and getting away with it, but when its not it can be very difficult to work around especially with steadicam related gear, because its not so easy to have spares of everything because of cost and phoning for replacement while on set or in the studio could take hours to get the problem rectified.


    I'm glad the problem for you has been sorted eventually.


    I dealt with MK-V many years ago and it was a pain free experience and Howard show me all the new developments and was very helpful, and I wasn't spending a lot of money and he knew that I couldn't buy a rig back then.


    Someone suggested that Howard make some 'Post' here, but i think that fairly unlikely as its been fairly one sided debate so far and I can understand why he wouldn't.


    I'm glad that there is a place where ops and hopefully suppliers can discuss problems, get advice or recommendations. It just takes one phone call or email to set minds at rest or to reassure that support is there. I know owner operators with MK-V rigs and not all happy. I have a friend with an 'HD' ready rig (not an MK-V) that was running a cable direct from the camera to the monitor externally because the internal cable wasn't suitable when it stated it was and that company took several years to admit the fault..... We all want a rig that does what we want it to do and that can be a different thing every job, hence why we buy all manner of accessories and 'toys!'


    I've been working in broadcasting for over ten years but very early on decided to focus on chasing steadicam as my main goal and career path. I've had great training lots of experience and now in a place to create opportunities. I love the job and not just steadicam.


    Good luck, hope the new replacement gear works well and that the support from our suppliers and peers continues to improve and grow.




  4. I've had another look at the Flyer website, no changeable block...


    Surely a simple collar around the end of the Flyer arm would do it, if the rest of the standard parts mess up with a standard klassen Vest block?


    Silly idea?


    Thank you for the rental offer, but im in the UK.



  5. Thanks guys.


    Can you not remove the male part of the Flyer arm as you would for a Master or G-series arm so that you can swap the side you operate and replace with an Master type Male?


    Or is it swap-able via the Flyer chest plate? I haven't used a Flyer before only big brothers.



  6. Hello,


    does anyone have or know if there is an adapter that will allow a Steadicam Flyer Arm to mount into my Klassen Vest?


    Walter has very kindly told me that he does a carbon arm, to sort the problem, but its a three day Flyer job and I can't see me doing enough Flyer jobs to justify the carbon arm, though it would be nice, its just not what I do.


    Thanks in advance.



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