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EH Marshall

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Posts posted by EH Marshall

  1. Now that Preston is no longer repairing many of their products can anyone suggest and give feedback on the best places to get that equipment serviced?

    MDR 2, MDR 1, handsets, etc.

    Cramped Attic is one, but I'd love to not have to ship to Canada.

  2. There are some great deals on Preston kits if you're patient. 7K - 10K can get you an older, full FI+Z Preston with preston motors if you have the time to wait. I have a full system with one motor I'm thinking of selling for 4K, so they are out there, just check for them regularly. You won't be sorry if you get a Preston. I would say that's one thing you can get and not feel like you've upgraded too quickly. It's also something that can be rented out for regular camera builds as well as steadicam.

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