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Rob Vuona SOC

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Posts posted by Rob Vuona SOC

  1. Like Jerry said, try at least 4 vests with a decent size load on them each one will have a different feel. The Klassen back mount , the Exo vest , the tiffen vest and the Pro vest


    They are all very different

    • Upvote 1
  2. Hey Rob. I had one but sold it with my old steadicam pro vid a few years back. I know Jim and Lori from Stanton very well because I also own a Jib. I asked them about using one. They do not make them until you order them and do not keep any extras around the shop.


    Dam that Jim . . . . . so stuck in his ways over there at Jimmy Jib . . . . LOL


    I don't know anyone in AZ who has one.

  3. Hey Rob,


    Had my suspicions that I had something like this.


    Decided to have a real dig around through my old stock, and came to the realization... I got stuff... HEAPS of stuff... NOTHING but stuff!

    So I was thinking I'm going to do a bit of a clean out in the future and sell off this stuff, but suddenly decided;


    I got stuff, nothing but stuff. Maybe I should reserve this stuff to help out operators in the future who in their time of need require parts that are no longer being supported by their manufacturers.


    Anyhow, could this be what you're looking for?





    Kind regards,



    Hugo Langer


    Hi Hugo,

    Thanks for the phone call , I can fix my bottom section so if the other guy needs it please help him out, if that falls through let me know


    Thanks again for reaching out You da man

  4. Hi Peeps,

    I'm looking for a bottom section for an old EFP, anyone have an old EFP or parts they may want to part with?




    Hit me at +1 310-993-0667. USA






    Peace Out

    Rob Vuona

  5. Hi Jorge,

    What Jordan and Jens said is good advice, Greg Bubb is top notch, as is the XCS and his design does reduce vibration by design. It's a non conventional design and takes some getting used to adjusting the for and aft and side to side on the bottom. The Pro is also a great rig, solid construction and like you said classic design. You never mentioned the Tiffen Steadicam sled, may I ask why?


    The M-1 or the Shadow-V incorporate all the best features from all of the sleds on the market with more options.


    I think you cant go wrong with any of the three as far as a professional rig that is going to last you, but what features are you going to have to do without or modify for the kind of flying that you are doing becomes the question.




    Fly safe

  6. I've always traveled with 3 cases (2 checked, 1 carry on), but I added the Scout 31 to my travel kit for Rio after talking with the infamous world traveler, Rob Vuona. It's a handy little cart (under 70lbs which flys free in Delta First Class), and it's the same diameter as the Pelican 1650 cases. Everything stacks on top and rolls easily in and out of the airport.




    I fit everything except C-stand/arm/vest/tools in my sled case with custom foam from Innerspace. They put a million hidden pockets in the base of the foam making optimal use of all the space. Fiber/triax jumpers, G-zoom, PGM return, prompter monitor, BarTech w/ motor, spare plates and arm posts, spare arm canisters, you name it! And Patti's lid organizer at Camera Essentials is far more durable and spacious than anything Pelican offers. I fit every cable I own for each of my Sleds in the lids.




    Of course batteries are carry-on only, and I never try to check them. A Pelican 1510 fits 8 Dionic HC and a Quad Charger easily and is sized to most overhead bins. On regional jets it still fits under the seat just fine. I've flown over 125,000mi this year with them and never had an issue.




    Lately I've only flown in First where I get 3 bags free, so without the cart everything travels free (including my clothes). Before that, I always had success with my NBCUniversal ID getting the $50 Media Rate (under 100lb) on Delta. I was turned down once years ago by a sassy agent having a bad day but a quick complaint on the phone got all my money back. All in all, I find it pretty easy to travel with gear.





    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Your cases are looking good young jeti . . . . LOL . . .


    You have the travel case for the cart, correct? I ask because having that much advertisement is asking for it to be taken.


    As for your sled case and the lid organizer, is it attached with screws?


    and what did you put in your vest case? and on the lid of the vest case?

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