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Posts posted by SDiMasi

  1. I have a new MagiqCam IIa system and so far am very impressed by it. I am rather new to flying, so take this for what's it worth.


    I built a really nice handheld stabilizer that produced some impressive results, but since I use a Canon XL1s with a matte box and filters with a 7" LCD, it was very difficult to operate for more than about ten minutes. I am a big guy, but even with a forearm brace, it was too much weight to hold steady.


    I finally nailed down a major job I'd been working on for a long time with about a weeks notice. As stated by MagiqCam, it takes five weeks since they are built to order. I emailed them to see if they could help, and they called right back saying they were able to send one out a couple of days before my shoot. I was impressed while talking to them (Kelly and John Gardner) and appreciated the customer service and willingness to help me out. They spent a good deal of time with me on the phone answering questions and discussing the system. They clearly understood the needs of an independent and I appreciated their desire to develop and offer a quality alternative to the astronomically priced systems.


    I have never flown a true Steadicam, but I must say I was so impressed when I opened the case. Every component was wrapped in its own drawstring bag and very well put together. Having built my first stabilzer, I was blown away by the quality and thought put in to each piece of the system. It looks and feels very solid. More importantly than how it looks - it works wonderfully. Once I figured out the dynamic balance, detuned the springs to fit my camera, and practiced my butt off, I am so pleased with the results. I shot for four hours today, and although tired, I'm not wiped out like I would have thought. I even operated from the tailgate of a Blazer this windy afternoon and achieved fantastic results.


    I'm sure a true Flyer is a more competent system, but for my budget and clientele, this thing simply rocks! The footage I showed to the client so completely knocked his socks off, I think I'll be getting a lot more work from them.


    Just to note: I do not work for MagiqCam and have no vested interest in the company. I am simply a very happy customer who has found a very cost effective way to increase my level of production value without having to take out a second mortgage. I have no idea how this stacks up against the Glidecam unit, but the value/dollar ratio is amazing.


    Let me know if you have questions I can answer. I?ve been lurking on this board for a while and would love to contribute.








    I am a newbee steadi operatior. (that cant spel) the companey I work for has one glide cam for HD and one holleywood light GT for sdanderd DV. plus a few difrent "rented" systems.


    I am looking to buy my own rig (i get paid about the rate of a PA for steady cam work) so I dont have a lot of cash so a real stadicam is out of my leag for right now. and I dont reley like the glide cam. I was looking at the magi cam and was wondering waht other pepols opinin was. ( I know about the basson already) of course it will suck next to aney thing made buy staedicam but I just need a starter rig to save some cash to get the real thing.


    has aney one used a magi cam?? aprently it is used on "exstream home makeover" you can see from the show waht the shoots look like and that the color dose not match the tripod shots but heay its not a real rig...

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