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Francisco Orozco Jr

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Posts posted by Francisco Orozco Jr

  1. Pro Cine Live owner here, same issue, won't hold level with 90 degree pan test. I've triple and quadruple checked that all things are lined up from the camera to the bottom of the sled etc. It won't even hold level at an almost 1.5-2 second drop time. 4 Second drop time it's wildly out of level if I pan at all from where I static balance! Hope someone knows if there is a provision to center the gimbal or if I just need to send it back to Pro.

  2. Sam,

    On the big rig I have a docking collar on both the top and bottom of the sled. For the Zephyr if I’m doing low mode I tend to extend the center post just enough to get the docking bracket into the collar right above the bottom electronics. Don’t make the same mistake I have of thinking the post clamp assembly is thick enough for docking! Hope this helps!



    • Upvote 2
  3. Biggest Difference is the bottom having dual rods to fine tune monitor and battery placement for pan inertia, as well as the option for 2nd battery plate for 24v power. This is a good reason to consider getting a zephyr since used they are around the same price as a new A-30. Also the A-30 is all made overseas and the gimbal does not have the nice flush clamp style locking.

  4. I Inquired about that back in February of this year, here's what Joe W. at Tiffen said "Also, the new style Aero dovetail holder has a different design and won't attach to the Zephyr. The Aero is replacing the Zephyr. However, it has less power options, less video options and is made overseas. These are some of the reasons that the Aero is more affordable than the original Zephyr."


    I know that they share the same center post but I believe that the top stage & gimbal are different.

  5. What I know about that, you need to take care your gimbal, it’s usually the main center pin break when you overload the sled, so that you should have one more to replace if shit happen in the field... see the pic to ask the replace part...27537f97bfada355133f3dde19e89f60.jpg



    Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk

    If you don't mind me asking, where could I find the PDF file of the Zephyr assembly with part numbers? I've always wanted to open and clean my gimbal as well as service my top stage.

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  6. There's a whole topic already on the forum related to those two question. It boils down to whether or not your camera power cable is wired for 12v or 24v, a menu setting in Alexa for voltage warning, and the zephyr having too thin wiring for the load required by the camera!

  7. Interesting to hear that arms have been getting damaged for being used at 30 lbs of combined sled & camera weight on the arm? I've found that my zephyr arm floats fine and horizontal up to 43 lbs! I'll keep that in mind as well. I try to keep the camera payload below 25 lbs to be safe on the gimbal & top stage.

  8. Hi,

    I have a Tiffen G50x arm and want to make a maintenance,

    does anyone know how to disassemble it step by step and which lubricant to use?

    At least to clean the main bearings.





    Typically Tiffen asks you to send it in for maintenance, however I've in the past used contact cleaner (no residue) to clean out the arm while wearing it and then giving it some ACF-50. Once I couldn't get my hands on that so I used "Tri-Flow" in a pinch but I'm not sure about it since most folks here go for ACF-50! Best of luck
  9. I personally went with the Ultra 2 vest as I found the EXO not to feel right for me at the time (weight distribution). However you do get the added benefit of the back mount for the EXO. I'd probably be happier with thinner pads on the U2 but aside from that it's solid. I'll hopefully get to try the Pro Vest one day as it always seems to sneak into the conversation haha

  10. Can anyone tell me the post diameter of the Aero? Is it the same as the Flyer LE?


    Colin Donahue

    According to the Owner's Manual


    "It has the same center post that is used on the Steadicam Zephyr model sled"


    If so these are the measurements another member had posted when he first received his Zephyr on another thread:


    - Zephyr grip diameter: 1 3/4 in

    - Outer post section: 27mm

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