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Milan Ovrlinic

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Posts posted by Milan Ovrlinic

  1. Thank you guys!


    Actually, I think I might have some sort of weight plate lying around at home somewhere. I just forgot about it. I'll try to put it on. Daryl from ActionCam called me today regarding the gimbal. It seems like two or three units from that batch missed some washers where the "fork" is fastened. I checked it today and it seems like mine are missing. Hopefully it'll be easy to fix the problem when he sends me the right washers.

  2. Victor: Thank you once again! I will try and see if I can do it by myself.


    Jens: Yes, I guess it would be better. My problem is that my camera is a bit too light so the extra stuff I've put on is for adding weight on the top, but I guess I should find a better way to do it. Thank you for the advice!

  3. I recently bought an ActionCam Raptor stabilizer and I'm trying to learn how to balance it properly with my gear on. Recently I put a 24 mm lens (I use still lenses) on my camera and almost achieved dynamic balance. Then I changed the lens to a 50 mm, which is lighter. Now I'm having much trouble to get it in balance. I know it's not so simple, so I guess I'll learn in time. There is one thing that bothers me though, and maybe I'm just stupid for not getting it, but if I achieve static balance while the rig is on the C-stand, and then just turn the sled 180 degrees, shouldn't it still be in static balance? As it is now it seems to be in a straight vertical position when the camera points to the left, but if I turn it to point right, it seems like it's a bit back heavy.


    Here are two pictures illustrating my problem:
    1. Camera pointing left.

    2. Camera pointing right.


    So, if there's someone here who can explain why this is happening, I'd be very grateful.
    I'm going crazy here... :)

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