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Alex Haspel

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Posts posted by Alex Haspel

  1. you sure that's Steadicam? almost looks handheld.


    those did not look "handheld" to me, none of them. :)



    Nice to meet you here in the forum, Alex !!

    And thanks again for helping me with the moviecam :-)


    hi there!


    glad to hear everything worked out fine!


    see you at the VoO premiere :D

  2. What can I say? I haven't seen anything this cool in a long time. I know there are a lot of gadget freaks amongst us & I know how much we all like our PDAs. I'm positively drooling.....




    Too bad I have a year left on my contract (had to renew for two years to get two Treo 650s - one for me; one for the wife). And my wife just gave me a 80G video i-Pod for Christmas. Oh well.



    i honestly don't know anything about this.

    but it highly disturbs me how much shorter the hand model's thumb nail is compared to the others.



  3. on monday i'll have a imagevideo-shoot (canon xl2) i'm going to dp and operate,

    and was just informed that there'l be this thing too:




    i've spent half the day today trying to gain control over this thing using a sony

    pd170 on it....

    now, i would definately not dare to call myself anything near a steadycam operator,

    but the extremely unpleasing result do lead me to the conclusion that the basic

    construction of this thing might not be perfect...


    i spent an hour balancing it out, but whenever i try to pan the camera it starts



    sorry for this question, which might seem extremely dumb for most or even all of

    you, but as i said before, my experience with operating camera stabilizer systems

    is zero...


    plus the results are even shakier and worse when i use this thing:

    (but i assume this might be a bit better with the heavier xl2 .. ?)





    i hope not to insult any of you pro's when i dare to ask: has anybody experience with this



    and? what am i doing wrong?


    thanks in advance,


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