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Adrian Proleiko

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Posts posted by Adrian Proleiko

  1. 13403890_284442775237697_455149744860497so on the last performance i was operating on, i had a taped off area in front and to the side of the stage (Photo below, if i can figure out how to do that), and this was the area i would walk up and down with my rig, and most of the time i would have my eye on the monitor, and on the ground. problem with this plan was, there were many kids in the audience and they thought it was funny to run underneath the tape, and run in front of me, while i was operating. i managed not to hit most of them, but at one point i was moving to quickly to be able to stop in time, and i hit this little kid with my arm. he was maybe nine. i feel so bad about it.... i told them i was concerned about hitting someone again, and they said from now on they will have an actual fence. Maybe not as dangerous as some of the other situations on this thread, but i don't want to injure anyone, let alone a child.

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  2. Follow focus. i would go with CAME, as they are pretty cheap, and very high quality. i don't own came myself, but its a good starter kit. as far as connectors go, the main ones for me have been sdi and hdmi. for the sled, you should go with also a came, but for the vest and arm, definitely go for the tiffen brand. the off brand ones aren't that good. for the monitor, find a cheap one on eBay or go to this website i found called "Made In China" (http://www.made-in-china.com) And you can buy directly from the supplier. to be honest though, if your just starting out, get a cheap sled for a dslr and start shooting videos with your friends. find a cool place with lots of movement, and just shoot something. operate at weddings to start, then after you make some money, upgrade your whole rig to tiffen brand steadicams. i would go with the pilot or scout. maybe a zephyr if you can afford it. if you can afford a big camera, then get one. (I would advise a kinefinity brand one) as you will get more jobs if you own your own kit.

  3. Hello, i was wanting to know if you guys could help me find an arm and vest for $140usd as my rig is almost 10 pounds and it is getting really hard to operate smoothly with all that weight. i can pay only through paypal. Thanks!

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