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Scott Burns

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Posts posted by Scott Burns

  1. Hi Guys, thanks so much for your input!


    Can you put any more specifics of time to this? I'm positive that tiny dock breaks will happen... but in general, is there ANY type of "rule-of-thumb" for On/Off periods? SAY: 45 on, 15minutes Break.... Or any other combo?


    Above it looked like 10 minutes and then a break for a larger rig isn't so unusual (See, I didn't know that!). With my larger setup (a Sony FS7 with a Shogun) I find 30 minutes with microbreaks between takes is enough to then want to take the vest off for a bit. But what if it's an Un-knowledgeable client who just thinks 4-hours on is normal? Or -is- that normal as well? I don't know. That's why some harder numbers would be awesome. (I understand there's a huge range of variables.)


    Mike, you also mentioned an example "wore the rig for the master and both overs without ever taking it off" -- What did that equate to in minutes?



    Note: I personally would LOVE to keep the rig on all day. I love using it (I assume like everyone here). I wish reality would allow for it.



    An Aside:

    I just did the wall of China too! But it was only with an OSMO (Oooh, nasty word). The bigger steps can be killers! I both wished I had my full rig with me and was also happy I didn't. haha...

  2. Hi,


    I was wondering what are peoples expecting on/off time during a days shoot? Lets assume a decently weighty rig. How long are you running with the vest on before taking breaks? How often and long are the breaks?


    To give a backstory here. Any shoot I've been on before only had specific steadicam shots for the day. So I had to burn for maybe 20-50 minutes but then could relax the rig (and my back!). But I have a situation coming up where it's a long day and they want the steadicam as an ongoing b-camera. They say there will be breaks, but I'd love to have some kind of guidepost as to how often/much these should be?


    Thanks in advance for your input. I know everyone's experienced and physical strength is different. I want to be fair both to my client and to my body. : )



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