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christophe soffietti

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Posts posted by christophe soffietti

  1. Hi,

    I had my couple of K6 gyro fully rebuiled buy kenlabs a few years ago, bought a new AC/DC transformer, everything is like new (because never used since) and I finally don't need them anymore.

    Everything comes in a Pelli with cables ...

    I've just tested that everything is perfectly working and ready to use.

    the kit will go for 2k€




    IMG_9842 2.JPG


    IMG_3032.HEIC IMG_9840.HEIC IMG_9843.HEIC IMG_9844 2.HEIC IMG_9845 2.HEIC IMG_9848 2.HEIC

  2. Hi,


    I got my new rig few days ago, and I want to sell my previous one.

    it comes like this and only like this, I don't want to separate.


    BETZ TOOLS RIG (german rig, best in europe) 4 stages (until 2m long for Super High or Super Low mode)




    some spare cables

    Docking stand ...


    Transvideo 8" HD Ultra Bright


    PRO ARM 4 canisters (2 blues, 2 Black)

    soft bag and tools


    STEADICAM EXOVEST (pads upgraded)

    soft bag


    9 Gold Mount ANTOBAUER DIONIC HC Batteries.

    (3 sets of 3, 3 small for monitor, 6 Big for powering accessories and Alexa ...)

    High speed Antobauer 4 ways TM4

    PELICASE custom foam


    Everithing is 5 years old, and serviced at EMIT (Paris) one time a year minimum.

    perfect shape, ready to fly

    All the material is still at EMIT for full service, and cleaning, and will be available soon (next week)


    29k€ the full kit (means 50% from the original price)

    Contact me for more details or pictures.


    Fly safe !


    CHRIS from Marseille south of France

    +33 609 973 914











  3. Hi Gus,


    I've eared about your story with UnitCine. I've bought one unit and received it from HEDEN (reseller 5 years ago) and also paid around 10000. Don't have any regret with it, except for you money for sure, but trust me I've tried to use it so many times, It never worked even ONE time !!! It's very very sensitive to any Radio perturbations, and you can't use it except linked with a cable !!! I now have a Preston like 200% reliable. No regret, I still have the Benz 500 from the famous M. Ben Fisherand I don't know what to do do with it. Almost in France where I do work. I don't know what anywhere else.

    4 years ago, I managed to contact him by email, I asked me to send the unit to him in London, I did it, and waited 2 YEARS (yes!) to get it back !!! and you know what he didn't touch it and I got it like it was before. this is one of the crazy storries about M.Ben'z



  4. HI everybody, it's a long time I didn't post, but I'm still keeping my eyes over there !


    3 years ago I bought a PRO I/II (some parts rebuilded) from Nathaniel MASSEY (Vancouver) and I'm still working with it. It was in good shape after more than 10 years, it has been partially rebuilded after Nath's crash while shooting. The Sled, the energy part and the gimbal have been replaced. From 2 years I begun to feel some vibrations depending on the lens I'm working with, but let's say at the begining the problem was viewable only from the 100mm, and soon, from the 85mm, and now, as soon as I'm doing a quick move or hard step shooting I can feel and see the vibrations (kind of scrambles) even from the 35mm !!! So I can't go ahead anymore like that. I had some email with GPI, but they just ask me to send them the Top-Stage, without risking any helpfull diagnostic. I'm living in Marseilles (south of France) and I only have one Sled, so I want to take the chance of a local and/or self made solution.

    If any of you guys owning/owned a PRO one (and I guess so) got this problem can tell me something about that it would be helpfull !!!


    PRO-Top-Stage serial N°.67 (if I remember well)

    All the best for you all from France.



  5. Hi Charles, yes you're right, I made a mistake unfortunatly creating a new topic. Here is bellow my previous anwser, and I gona try to close the new one.

    I use to work with 3 anological preston motors, and I'll post some pics of the gears I already have.


    "Hi you all,


    I first want to thank you all one more time, for your quick answers. I already have some gears because of Nathaniel, I first have to identify each one (may be to count tooth by tooth !) and look for those I'm still missing. I'll do this and post a picture this afternoon (gmt).

    Where do buy some, Jerry's ?"




    Chris, from Marseilles, south of France.

  6. Hi you all,


    As some of you know, I just bought the Nat Massey's rig, and job after job, I'm learning this pack. I've just did a video shot, and I realized I miss some gears.

    Does anyone can tell me how many lens drive gears we should have to 'sleep well' ?

    I've been seeing the Jerry's website, but I still don't know wich one I have to order !!


    Thanks guys for helping.


    Chris, from Marseille south of France.


    33 609 973 914

  7. Hi Rob, the only thing I already experienced is to use a cinemonitor III ultrabright, on my Master series instead of the greenscreen. And even if this kind of monotor is very reliable, the problem is the light weight. The thing is the monitor you're talking about is the lightest I never tryed, and I'm now also a Pro owner/user, and I'm scared by losing dynamic balance conditions. You know as well as I do, how frigile is the dynamic balance seting up on the pro.

    What do you mind ?


    Chris, from Marseille, south of France.

  8. Hi Guys,


    I physically saw the batteries today, and they are 14,4 V 100W/h !!! those are Japonese Dionic 90 cells and chinese assembly. It's better than I was scared about. But I still have to check AB/L-Ion modified chargers working with. I'll post next week the results ...

    Chris from Marseille, south of France.


    +33 609 973 914

  9. Hi Lawrence, you defintively right. it exists 2 different size, 84mm, and 55mm corresponding to the dionic 90 size. They copied as the Chinese often knows to do the exact caracterics, electronics, until box size !!!

    I gona buy some to check how good are they. Today I modified my two antonbauer interacive charger to allow them to charge L-ION batteries.



  10. Hi Lawrence,


    in fact, as you can imagine, I already got some informations about it, in particular from a company using 6 of those batteries for somthlike 1,5 year and they are very happy from, but they only use them for video cameras. (1 batt - more than 4 hours shooting).

    But the thing I'd really like to see it's if some Steadicam operator have already used it.

    But be sure I'll post what I'll learn about,




    Chris, from Marseille, south of France

  11. Hi guys,


    some friends of me told about the famous antonbauer L-Ion Dionic 90, 14,4V - 90W/pH to power up the PRO and accessories and a greedy 435 for example.


    Thinking to move through from my Nicd Hytron 50, I'm considering an offer from a chinese dealer, L-Ion same 14,4v 95W/pH and same mount, for 3 times cheaper.




    What do you think ?


    Chris, from Marseille, south of France.


    +33 609 973 914

  12. Hi Erwin,


    Thanks for your answer. I already have the other mounts you're talking about. I also already have the Pro 12/24/110 inverter, and many other amazing things because of the "Nathaniel MASSEY'heritage" I did. (see general discussion my thanks to Nath)

    But I still don't have the way of mounting any K6 under the Pro Monitor in the 2 batteries configuration, and I'd like to check it. But doesn't matter, I gona ask to my local lathe-operator (mecanician) to make one for me. The Pro I got is now version II, and I still have some Gyro accessories for version I, I think I gona sell.

    Shall I have to also mount the ProII inverter on the sled, or shall I power the Gyros from the stand while waiting ?


    Many thanks,


    See you.


    Chris from Marseille, south of France.


    +33 609 973 914

  13. Hi guys, still upgrading my new acquisition (Nath Massey's old PRO Rig).

    I'd like to find an AntonBauer Gyro mount. I know there is some at GPI, but if one of you wants to sell his, you're welcome to contact me.

    I'd also want to understand if I can power the gyros from the Pro, I mean does it exist a smaller converter than the Pro converter II ?




    Chris, from Marseille, south of France


    +33 609 973 914

  14. Hi all of you,


    After 10 years working with a not really reliable Master series, and after 25000 km to get it back, all the Nathaniel Massey's pack will reborn in the south of France. I first want to make those lines a tribute to M. Nathaniel Massey for all his carrier as a great camera and steadicam operator (The X-files, Stargate ...). I also want to thank him to transmet a such mint condition rig and pack. Everything, Gyros, Preston ... is in a perfect shape, and much more than a seller transmit to a buyer, Nathaniel transmet me so many other stuff, and in the same time a bit of his experience, and a real love in our job.

    So thank to him, and happy new carrier as a still photographer, and happy new life to him and his wife Dian.

    I'm now came in the dark side of the Steadicam. I will try to be worthy of the George Paddock's child.


    Chris Soffietti, Marseille south of France.


  15. Hi Job,


    I'm still having some problem with the Benz, and now it might be set up with the user guide litterature.

    I solve apparently the radio problems, with new antenas.

    But the problem I still have is the difference between the lens course end the unit ring course. I mean, the focus puller does write all his lens marks, and go at one end, go back, and go again, and can read a difference from 1 to 4mm between the boths marks. And you know as I do that is sometimes unacceptable, in very close distances, in opened iris condition, and most of the time with more than 25mm lenses....


    I started my new job, 8 weeks long, and after the 5th day of shooting, I couldn't work with mine but with an old rented Genio with horizontal motors.


    That's why I thinkiing you might send me an email copy of your user guide. I lost mine when Ben Fischer got it for service the first time, and never back to me, and at the moment, I can't manage to find it on the web.

    If you please can help me ...


    Many thanks.


    PS.: Congratulation for your demo band !




    33 609 973 914

  16. Hi everybody,


    Does anyone of you know a company being able to service my Benz/Heden system ? Heden doesn't know.

    In europe, or US ?






    mobile: 33 609 973 914

  17. Hi Job,


    I read a lot of things about the ben Fiischer storry, and it make me thinking I had a lot of chance. because after a couple of month I bought and used it, I got some techn problems. I sent it to him and he kept it through him for more than 6 months, without any news. I finally manage to talk with him, 1 email, 1 call, and He said I'll ship it to you tomorrow to France. 2 days later I received it...

    No more comment about miracle.


    I still work with it, but I'm not verry happy. I always have some short radio cuts between sender/receiver, and I sometimes have a big time on switching on the system (from 5 to 60 seconds for waking up)

    And 3, I use it with 2 Heden M28VP, and the system is not really precise. If I turn the focus ring one way untill the end, and go back to the same mark on the handset, when I check the lens mark, there is a bit difference about 2 to 4 mm. It should be unavailable depending on the configuration and the shhoting ...


    Do you have those kind of problems, and would you know how/where to service it ?




    Chris from Marseille south of France.

  18. Hi guys,


    I'm looking for a film rig 24v, I'm a Master serie owner/operator for 5 years, I'd like to upgrade for an ULTRA or a PRO for a reasonable price ...

    I'm living in europe (south of France).

    Please contact me for any offers :


    mobile : 33 609 973 914




  19. Hi Job,


    I totaly agree with you about B.Fischer, and I know some more stories about him, but some time passed, and I don't want to tell anything else about him, I just want to forget him, and advice to all of you to do the same.

    About my 5001 unit, it has already been serviced by By FISCHER and he said no matter with it ...


    Many thanks


    Hi Lukas,


    thanks, and to be honnest, I'm still doing some tests for as long as I got this unit. I decided to upgrade/change my rig, so I'll face to a new configuration soon, I'll tell you again.

    (I'm a Master serie owner/user to be a Ultra II or PRO one)

  20. :blink:


    Hi, I'm using for 2 years a BENZ focus system, made by the verry famous Ben Fischer from London. It supposed to be a verry good system (looking like between Scorpio and Aladin(chrosziel)) with 2 new verticals HEDEN motors one M28P, one M28VPT). But in fact, this system is not trustable at all. I did all the testing you can imagine, succesfully, but I never could be on a set without any problem. Each time a different problem. Sometimes, the motors doesn't answer quickly enough, or worst, the motors answer with short cuts (1 to 5 seconds), sometimes the lens course after several calibrations is different when you go one way and go back (1 to 10 mm of difference reading the lens mark on a ZEISS 35 for example) and the last new one, the ZOOM command doesn't want to zoom out, only IN !!! ...


    I'd just like to know if some of you got or know this machine and what do they think about !!!


    Many thanks to all you for reading and take care.


    Chris, from Marseille, south of France.


  21. I try to get him on the phone for several day's but no response. A company in the Netherlands bought a unit and payed in full. There is still no delivery. I hope it will be solved but i fear that there is something terribly wrong.


    _ edit_ i spoke with him on the phone today and he say'd it wil be solved this week.



    :angry: Hi Guys,


    I bought a Benz system from Heden 6 months ago, and I they asked me a few later to send it to Unitcine for checking up. Ben Fisher got it, checked it and emailed me everything ok for return. The problem is I'm still waiting for it for 2 months and a lot of job losts. I'm becoming furious. I know some of you had problems with him, I hope he will read this message quickly. Fortunately I kept all the email we exchanged. If I still don't have back my system before two weeks, I will contact each of you to sue Ben Fisher in a large and international lawsuite with the help of Heden.


    Chris from Marseille south of France


    mobile 33 609 973 914

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