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Lakoda Leep

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Posts posted by Lakoda Leep

  1. Hey @Jerry Holway I registered for the workshop and am excited to be there this spring! I already put my deposit down and booked my flight and hotel but when the website updated this month I saw where it starts on the 16th now and not the 17th as listed before. I fly in the 16th early that morning. I saw you were on the contact list. Do I need to go about changing my flight and hotel a day earlier? I will arrive in Philadelphia at 9:22am.

  2. Hey everyone,

    I am currently based out of Kansas City, MO. and I am looking to relocate but not to LA or NYC. As much as everyone would love to be in the main cities I am actually more interested in smaller areas like Austin TX, New Orleans LA, or even Atlanta GA.

    Just wanted to see where everyone prefers to be and where the most work would be outside of LA and NYC for steadicam op.


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