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Martin Robausch

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Posts posted by Martin Robausch

  1. 1 hour ago, Jarrett P. Morgan said:

    Any local machine shop should be able to turn one for you, but I would be hesitant to put too much weight on a 1/2" pin. If you end up putting a bunch of leverage on it with a trinity type shot" it could fail. I would 100% do stainless steel if you could. Just be careful to not overload the arm or the posts. 

    Many thanks for your hint, I already thought about it. I just wanted to make sure that I am not simply missing an offering every other Steadicam community member knows but i don`t... 

  2. Hi Guys!

    After working with some gimbals (Ronin 1 & 2, as well as the RS2) and other stabilisation systems such as ready rig, I recently got myself a Steadicam package, consisting of a Zephyr Vest, the A30 arm as well as the Steadicam Steadimate  (for the Ronin’s).

    Although this works well, I nevertheless wanted to assemble some sort of the “poor man’s Trinity” and got a sled as well. Unfortunately, I decided to not go with the Aero Sled, because I was a bit shocked about its price when purchased solo (roundabout 3K USD here in my central European home) – compared to the very attractive package prices (my complete 3-part package was cheaper than the Aero sled alone).

    Anyways, so I bought a sled from another brand and quality-wise I am satisfied so far, but as a complete Steadicam-newbie, I am struggling – not a big surprise you might say - with a very basic challenge.

    As you might know, the A 30 arm has a ½ - do you call it pin? – which shall settle the sled, but my sled (differently to the Steadymate) has a 5/8 hole on its (arm)end, which I thought can`t be the biggest problem, but it is…

    I can`t find any adapter which has on its one end a ½ hole and on the other end a 5/8 pin anywhere in the net. Without it I am not even able to give the system a first try. For security reasons I checked with a “baby-pin” from a light stand and yes, exactly this pin size would be needed to hook up the sled.

    So now my question is: does anybody here can help me with a link to such an adapter please?

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