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Gus Trivino

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Everything posted by Gus Trivino

  1. My Artemis docking model is the old one, which is not at all comfortable compared to the new models that Arri has now. I think if I were you, I would use the Arri one with the Koon accessory, but it's a matter of taste. Both models (Arri & Tiffen) are good. Gus
  2. Hi Jiayu I bought the Volt kit with the tiffen volt gimbal 1 year ago and I had no problem adapting it to my 1.5 post . If you are going to buy the Artemis 2, let Arri know that you are going to use the Volt . https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1706199-REG/arri_kk_0044425_artemis_2_volt_post.html (the 1.8 post size does not work for volt, you should buy the Artemis post designed for Volt From what I have Understood, the Arri gimbal does not work for you and you must also buy their gimbal in the kit The docking bracket is a decision: You can use the Arri one or the Tiffen one. At first I used the Arri, but finally ended up using the Tiffen. Best to all, Gus
  3. I have been using Artemis for more than 20 years and the truth is that I am more than happy. I currently have the Artemis generation 1 with Volt, and I hope to make the jump to the Artemis 2 soon. I think that an advantage of having the Artemis 2 is that if tomorrow you want to make the jump to a Trinity 2, since it is modular you can do it without a problem. Another advantage is that the resale power. When you want to change equipment will be greater than the M2 with volt -knowing that the Volt 3 will be released soon-. Just my humble opinion. Gus
  4. Hola Alberto In case you're interested, I have an old style Sachtler 1.5 for Artemis. Tell me if you are interested. Im located in Buenos Aires. Greetings Gus
  5. Hi Max Rever has been on the market for many years, and Luciano -the owner- is very active with all his clients, asking questions into the forum or being attentive to any after-sales service, which is always a great sign. I tried out his new post and the new Rever band arm (The arm is really smooth and strong to lift any heavy camera setup), All I can tell you are positive things. Just my 2 cent Gus
  6. Hello Yeshin. If your post size is 1.5", you can adapt the volt to your post. (I own an Artemis 1.5" and everithing was ok) You should buy the VOLT GK1 kit from Tiffen. This Kit comes with the docking bracket, control box, power and gimbal cables, gimbal and its adapters for the 1.5" post ( in addition to other post measurements) The control box is powered at 12V. I don't know what power cable you use from your movcam, but I think that Tiffen DOES NOT make cables that are not compatible with Pro or Tiffen. Find out carefully so as not to burn the control box. You have to let Tiffen know if you are Regular or Goofy and they will send you the kit according to your order. I hope the help has been helpful. Hugs, Gus
  7. Hello everyone I'm about to do the electrical and HD SDI rewiring of my old Artemis, and I wanted to know who can do this job, preferably in the USA. Could you give me some contact information? Thanks in advance, Gus
  8. Juancho!!! Bienvenido al club!!

  9. Hi Todd. Contact Maurizio Aloi. He repairs arms and can surely give you that information: https://www.instagram.com/maurizio_aloi_calicocam www.maurizioaloi.com Best to all, Gus
  10. Hello, I own an old Artemis generation 1, and I am looking to buy a 1.5" Artemis free tool post. (Arri has it discontinued, they only sell 1.8") If anyone has one out there and wants to sell it, here I am. Best to all, Gus
  11. Hi Eddie Send an email to Maurizio. I think he can help you: https://www.instagram.com/maurizio_aloi_calicocam/ https://www.maurizioaloi.com Best to all, Gus.
  12. Hi Rob, do you have some pics ? Best to all, Gus
  13. I tried the new one with elastic rubber bands and it's incredible. Soft, lots of boom, light and strong enough to lift any type of camera. The best thing, besides the price, is the post-sale service. Luciano is always attentive to any question or whatever happens, and that is priceless. https://www.reverstabilizer.com/rever-band-arm Just my 2 cent, Gus
  14. Check this and ask for used equipment: https://www.reverstabilizer.com
  15. Hi Justus You can buy the Artemis post for a volt. (I think the price is around $3000) If you have a doub, send an email to Jorg. He sent me this info bellow. Best to all, Gus
  16. Take care of Drex Timmy. He contacted me by email trying to scam. Gus
  17. Looking to buy a Walter Klassen iBaird 4 inch right side (Regular mode) adaptor. Let me know if you have one to sell. Best to all, Gus
  18. Im 6´1" and I have the same doubt
  19. Hi Horia: We have the same top stage, but you haven’t the focus Bracket!
  20. Hello everyone A few days ago a scammer contacted me outside the forum trying to sell me a sled - which was posted on the forum by another user - I followed the game to see how far it went.. He called himself "John Weekend", and his email is: johnwkd468@gmail.com Googling his email I found that he had already tried to scam in another forum: https://www.thecj2apage.com/forums/scam-user-name-johnwkd_topic50570_post514794.html#514794 The paypal account where he wanted me to send money is: ndungufran23@gmail.com Be careful. Greetings to all, Gus
  21. Looking for an 1.5" Artemis Post from Sachtler/Arri. Just the Post, no cable needed. If you have one around let me know. Best to all, Gus
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