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Posts posted by SteveSimmons

  1. Thanks for the info. Mostly I'm shooting SD Video with perhaps 20% HD. The Transvideo I have now is "ok" for viewing, but focus is absolutely impossible to find during a live shot even with peaking at maximum. I'm hoping to find something sharper. I'll check out the two monitors you mentioned.

  2. I need to replace the stock monitor on my Broadcast Masters. Anyone have an opinion on which LCD monitors are high quality enough to focus on? I have a transvideo NTSC unit as a spare and it really isn't up to the task of focusing. HD ability would be a plus. Thanks!

  3. I ran a G2 once, heavy prime, 1000-foot mag and a matte box on a Film Masters. The arm could not handle the weight. I wrapped bunjee cords tightly around each arm section and this helped take a bit more weight but I was still lifting. The rig was around 95 pounds, all told. It was a two minunte shot, fortunately a very simple one, but it started to get really uncomfortable after a minute and a half.


    One funny thing I remember was the sound guy telling me he could hear me breathing in the main talent's microphone. I guess I was working pretty hard!


    Oh, and for the record I'm not 7' 300lbs either. 5'9" 150. :)

  4. I'm converting a Film Masters rig to accept Anton Bauer batteries, so I have the following for sale:\


    Four CP Film Masters batteries, all recelled less than a year ago and hardly used.

    One PAG charger with adaptor cable

    Film Masters battery plate


    I'm not sure what it's all worth, maybe $600? Make an offer, or if you just have an opinion on worth please let me know.




    - Steve

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