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Posts posted by RichardNarramore

  1. Hi All,


    I was very fortunate to evaluate the first RED One camera (Serial# 22) to be delivered to Australia!


    I have written a review on my expreiences with the camera (and the *tiny* zoom RED have on offer):-




    I only had limited time so the review mostly covers the setting up of the RED with Steadicam, I hope everyone finds it informative.


    More recently I had the RED on my rig to film a mock TVC to demonstrate the camera's abilities, hopefully I can get some pics and details up on that soon as well! Needless to say the camera was great to fly :D


    Please feel free to ask any questions.





    Thanks in advance, and no need to be kind......


    Hi Richard,

    Some fantastic stuff their :D

    For a reel i'd say it's twice as long as it needs to be.

    Just pick out the nicest longest sequences I could suggest many greate shots from that reel, nice work.



    Thanks for your feedback Matt, I have reduced the run time by a minute and trimmed off some of the shots.


    I know its really hard to let some of ones' favourite shots but I wanted to show some more of my range, its hard to show enough examples of various work from feature/short films, music videos, trailers etc. in two minutes!


    Also, an editor gave me some feedback and helped me to re-order the shots to make some more cohesive sense of the piece. It seems to have a better flow now which keeps the viewers' attention.


    The new version : http://www.reelmotionfilms.com/Steadicam/f...teadicam_15.mov


    On a related note, now its finished and my DVD and packaging has been done, what are peoples' opinion on the best way to approach sending their showreel's out? My plan is to send the DVD's to all the producers/directors and DoP's I have worked with in the past, to hopefully impress them and to remind them that I still exist! I would like to also send copies out to production companies and individuals who I have not worked with before, with a covering letter etc. Firstly, has this worked for people in the past and what has proven to be the best way to word the covering letter? I have a draft which is a little too long and would like to focus on points that are most relevant and effective.


    Another method I have found useful is to take the web version of my showreel and use software like iSquint to convert it and put it on my mobile phone, that way I can always show people my work when on set/meeting people.


    Thanks guys



  3. Hi steadicam colleagues


    Having just finished my "rough cut" I thought I would throw my new showreel out on this forum to ask for opinions! What you will see is roughly 2 years of experience based on shoots in and around Sydney and Australia.


    Rather than describing every facet of the shots, I will let you digest what I have produced and let you tell me if I am on the right track or not.


    I have created both Quicktime and Windows Movie versions (in Premier Pro) and are held on my website. The main page is still under construction and doesn't link to the videos as I am not 100% satisfied that they are ready for the masses yet. The Quicktime version is a better one to view because its at the right aspect ratio.


    Quicktime version -> http://www.reelmotionfilms.com/Steadicam/f...reSteadicam.mov

    Windows movie -> http://www.reelmotionfilms.com/Steadicam/f...reSteadicam.wmv


    Thanks in advance, and no need to be kind......

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