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Christopher TJ McGuire SOC

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Posts posted by Christopher TJ McGuire SOC

  1. Dynamics?? Weight??? Steadicam Finesse???!!!! Yeah NO!!!!

    Working with 4K Steadicam is a bugger!!!

    DP shooting wide open - Rig carrying; 2 x Reds, 2 x Master Primes, 6 motors (focus/iris + I/O, Convergence), the 3D Split Beam Mechanics, 4 x Filters, 2 x MDR's.... Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

    Although I have the Dynamics working well, operating has so many limitations - I so cant wait for a nice Arri LT 2D gig!! I will NEVER moan again!!!! LOL!!!

  2. Awesome! not only was the shot on the stairs an awesome one!! but, the training crescendo with all the kids, was and is the most inspiring cinematic scenes that has motivated me as a person!


    I raise a toast to Mr. Garrett Brown and Mr. Sylvester Stallone... Thank You!



    Best - Chris.

  3. Doesnt it suck that Visual effects guys get a pretty definite credit on a movie - when the Camera department gets pretty well bummed - even tho' an additional operator and or AC or AC's sweated their nuts off and probably did more than 20 days!!!


    Just venting!!!


    All the Best and Happy Holidays to all!!!



  4. I'm very happy with my MK-V AR and am willing to talk to anyone off-forum about my experiences with the system.

    The AR goes from strength to strength in my own eyes and also I get excited to see it being used successfully by other guys right across the genres.


    If I can offer any advice please don't hesitate to contact me.



    Chris 'Can someone lend me $50 so I can be a sustaining member?) McGuire

  5. Hi Guys -


    Leave it to you to make a self serving post that has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand.


    Hey Chris have the licensing fees been paid to the license holder (Lynn) on your AR?



    Eric - I had to peel myself off the floor at the fact that you didnt get the joke that Ant had left at the end of his post!!!


    You seen the video that the guys from the motor racing forum posted?

    Let me know and I'll post it here, fella!!!


    Best - Chris.

  6. Hi Guys - Has anyone seen the Awesome AR work on 'Transporter 3'?

    I think its Eric Le Roux - I applaud you Sir!


    To be honest I'm looking forward to meeting Michael Stumpf and showing him how much of a 'Sucker' I am!!


    Politics aside - the AR is already working in the market place...

    Yes, MK-V has issues - Howard, please get them sorted...

    As Mr Le Roux shows - the AR kicks ass!!!

    Until someone gets their other stuff together - the MK-V AR 'WILL' bring inventiveness to the big screen!!!


    I'm blown away with some of the shots on 'Transporter 3' - the shots that really make the AR.

    This is the only reason I have posted here tonight!!


    I myself have done some pretty amazing stuff with the rig and when I see comments that denounce it, its derogatory to me, personally.

    Yes, we take a risk at new technology - If your in the know - you know that the AR needed developments - if you've not handled it in the field then keep clear!!!


    Howard knows my issues with MK-V and the AR - I'm a patient person...

    The MK-V AR and or technology that embraces the movement of the camera deserves some patience!!!




    Christopher TJ McGuire.


  7. Hiya!


    Does anyone know who did the fantastic shot in Cellular directed by David R. Ellis and DP'd by Gary Capo.

    The credits show Gregory W. Smith as B-Op and Steadi, but also show David Charmeides as un-credited.


    Its the shot that tracks along with a vehicle with the hero then follows him into the police station - around the police station then back outside to the vehicle all the time with the hero on the phone to Kim Basingers character.


    It's a great shot and I've never heard anyone-else mention it.


    I'd like to give credit where credits due.


    All the Best - Chris.

  8. I've just completed a 3-D test shoot with the AR for a forthcoming slasher movie.

    The AR creates some pretty amazing perspective changes which really shows off the 3-D effect.


    Howard Smith just completed a movie that has more than 90% AR shots that we're shot in 3-D.

    Its exciting to see the hardware working in tandem with state of the art technology.

    I'm looking forward to seeing both movies in all their AR / 3-D slendor.


    Meanwhile, I'm off to Asia to shoot 1st Unit A-Cam exclusively with the AR.


    Congrats to Job for some fantastic work on 'Idols', some steadfast footwork, great transitions with zooms in shot.

    Am also, looking forward to seeing Buzz's work on Eddie Murphys forthcoming release.

    And Mr. Steve Campenellis AR work on Clint Eastwoods - 'The Changeling'.


    There are plenty of other AR Ops that are working hard with the AR using it for solid Steadicam work and pushing it through transitions.

    Its exciting to see commercials, features and TV work that has been serviced by the AR and knowing that the Owner/Operator has worked hard to educate production into how best to utilize the rig.


    Good work, fellas!


    My Best - Chris.

  9. Hiya, does anyone know where I might be able to get a hold of an Arri SBR-1 bracket?

    I've found it to be excellent for mounting motors to the 235 body and a whole host of things.


    Cheers Chris.

  10. MK-V are looking for two camera interns / assistants to help out at



    MK-V will be showing and demoing the MK-V AR, Nexus sleds, Hands Free

    Transporters, Walter Klassen Vests with a plethora of equipment on the stand

    for Operators to try first hand.


    Please contact me off forum; chris@ar-mcguire.com if you are interested in

    helping out and getting to grips with the kit.

  11. Just to let all the Canadian Ops. know - I'll be in Montreal for the next 6 weeks and will poss. be holding an AR induction day, depending on numbers. This is purely an independant venture on my part.


    Pls contact me on; chris@ar-mcguire.com or +1 661.839.7432, if interested.


    Best Chris.

  12. The MK-V AR was used on an anti-smoking commercial in the UK.

    I'd been asked to do this but sadly was unavailable at the time, I had talked at great length with Mustard films with regard to what the rig could do after they'd seen my demo reel. Thankfully, Thomas English bravely stepped in to do the job and as you can see from his behind the scenes demo on his website, he did an amazing job. (www.thomasenglish.co.uk)


    Sadly, the commercial was pulled, due to the media frenzy that had developed following the demise of the Russian spy recently in the UK...The spot was making issue of the poison that supposedly killed the Russian, as it is contained in most cigarettes. It did, however get a 2 page spread in 'The Times', broadsheet.


    Barry Ackroyd BSC, has grasped the concept of the MK-V AR, perfectly, both with the anti-smoking spot, and the Rexona ad. At the time I had been very disappointed that I had not been available for either...


    I believe Will did a sterling job and I look forward to seeing the final spot mself.

    And as Will demonstrates in his photos, the versatility of the rig of attaining shots quickly and effectively is obvious.


    Anyway must dash, got another diaper to change!



  13. Today was the first day of the MK-V AR and wireless HD link being used on SKY soccer... I believe it was a resounding success!!

    Bolton v Fulham - There should be game highlights tonight on Match of the Day.


    Howard Smith and Tony at Charter have worked hard to get this finally up and running.


    Well done Jon Clark for Operating! Looking forward to seeing more!


    Best Chris

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