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Trung Dau

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Posts posted by Trung Dau


    Hi Luis


    I have seen it today at the IBC and its a blast. 1.8 kg, very bright, build in tally and bubble, sd/sdi/hd Nice screensize.

    The 8 inch is made for steadicam, the 6 inch hasnt have the vieuw angles we want/like.


    Price is about 5500 euro.


    i saw that monitor too in IBC. But i remember it was so bright, maybe i'm wrong. How is the the brightness (nit) of that monitor, Job?

    Anyway the monitor was really nice.

  2. Chris,


    Water is always available in Vietnam. hehehhee

    I know a very good quality t-shirts brand in Vietnam, only 2 Euro per white T-shirt. I can bring 10 t-shirts for a shooting day, and a towel for drying myself for each time changing T-shirt. Also a good solution. I will try every solutions from u guys, And will find out the most suitable for me.

  3. THanks Erik and MArk for ur helpful information!!!!!


    Writting them out in my note book!!!!


    I thinking about another solution : buy an extra pads kit for the vest; when the vest is wet cause of sweating, i will change the pads kit and dry wet parts under the sunsight ( under sunsight, they will be dried fastly ).

  4. Hi guys,


    i'm going to back to my country, VIetnam. And i'm going to start my steadicam operator job in Vietnam. But it is too hot in Vietnam.

    Last 2 years, i used the glidecam V8, i only can do the job for 20 minutes. Because it was too hot witht he vest, I got sweat all the time, The vest even got wet.


    U guys know any solution?

    Is it a good solution https://www.coolvest.com ? I'm afraid that the vest gonna be too tight, and then the cool bag will ve broken.



    Trung Dau

  5. Thanks alot Lohengrin!!


    I'm watching movies everyday. i take most of time for watching movies. I hope i learn from them. My mom said If i want to get great design or drawing, I need to look and watch orther designers, drawers' product. That's not coppying from them, that's for learning from them.


    All i can do know is finding a good but cheap rig :rolleyes: . And try to go to US for the workshop.

    When is the next workshop after OCtorber? I think i can't get the Workshop on OCtorber. I must stay in the Netherlands for the IBC September 2007 and the workshop is full now.


    Hi Trung,


    Well, i do receive the last years all kinds of mail from below :




    Maybe they have some nice workshops for you, it seems affordable.

    They offer also a Steadicam Workshop :




    Best, Erik


    Thanks a lot. I think i should take some :D But the steadicam workshop is already this September. I already get the catalouge for this year.

  6. Thanks alot Lohengrin!!


    I'm watching movies everyday. i take most of time for watching movies. I hope i learn from them. My mom said If i want to get great design or drawing, I need to look and watch orther designers, drawers' product. That's not coppying from them, that's for learning from them.


    All i can do know is finding a good but cheap rig :rolleyes: . And try to go to US for the workshop.

    When is the next workshop after OCtorber? I think i can't get the Workshop on OCtorber. I must stay in the Netherlands for the IBC September 2007 and the workshop is full now.





    Thanks everybody for the advice! Wish you all have a good weekend!


    Of course film degree doesn't give me the dream. But it will give me knowledge, foundation and a chance to work in industry film.



    Knowledge... well yes you will get some knowledge from film school but film making is a craft so don't get disapointed once you find out that this "theorical knowledge" is sometimes too far away from the reality of a film set (this is mainly caused by the fact that film teachers are ofthen NOT experienced film makers).


    Foundation... yes it will but your main education will come from watching other's cinematographer's work so please go to the movies, watch TV, thats the best education you can get, get a sense of what you like in terms of lighting and composition.


    A chance to work in film industry... wel this is the tricky part... I'm not even sure if that's true. If you ask 10 diferent film makers you will get 10 complete diferent stories of how they got their break so I'm not even sure about that. But what I can tell you is that film making is a labour of love so keep trying and you will get there

  7. ------------------------


    School/University here is all about learning the theories and making you a more well rounded person, the only way your going to learn all about making movies and more specifically, steadicam is hands on! I definitely think you should attend university if for no other reason for yourself. If you do come over and decide to try to get some work just offer up your two hands and work your way up all the while shooting on the side and learning steadicam.


    It's all good and stick to it!


    All the best


    hi Rob,

    Thanks for ur advice. I will find a school/university in US. That's the only reason i can get visa to US and that's the only way i can learn how to make movies faster. beside that training steadicam and try to find any projects to work with it, maybe Vietnamese community in Cali can hire me sometimes. They has music shows and making video clips every years.

  8. heheh thanks JOB. Wee will see than, i would take ur advice. :P


    hi Eliot, thanks for ur advice. 65grants fro 2 years of studying is really expensive. I'm still get no solution about the school. U know what i want to work for making film, then experience will bring me up. BUt how can i get work? That's a big question. If i don't get a degree in a cinemagraphy school, how dare somebody want to hire me? I'm going to finish school of multimedia design , that degree's a bit different than my wish career. Why do i want to go to US? I want to learn, to get knowledge, experience,... then i will come back to my country to give a help. Have anyone seen Vietnamese movies? You can get asleep after half of hour. Korean filming is developing a lot and very fast, there're many people get back to their country from US.


    Whatever i will get a cheap asss rig first :rolleyes:

  9. Anybody know about FulSail in Florida? Or any real good school in Cali?

    I'm from FL and worked with a handful of people who went to Fullsail while I was working in FL. Most of the people that I knew that went to Fullsail wished they hadn't. It's very expensive and they spend very little time actually shooting. As far as I know they don't deal with Steadicam at all. From what I've heard, they market the school very well, but don't run it very well. But all of this is hearsay, so try to talk to people who've gone there yourself for more information.


    Thanks Brad


    I also heard about that, but i was confused. Now i gonna irgnore that school. Dealing with steadicam i need to take some workshop and self practice.

    I want to continue my study for being a camera operator and cinematographer in the future. there r many school in Cali, that makes me really confused.

  10. Thanks for your advice about UCLA school, i will inorge it. And i will keep in mind the legal working problem. Thanks for everything. I'm looking for a cheap secondhand rig, but i already miss 2 good deals from Patrick in Germany and Andrew in Canada. I will wait, then still dream. Dream be true. :rolleyes:


    i already contact JOb but he's too busy.


    i will call Chirs and we maybe meet eact other next week.


    Anybody know about FulSail in Florida? Or any real good school in Cali?

  11. Hi guys,


    I'm from Vietnam. Im studying Multimedia design in the NEtherlands. My major is about digital filmming in this study. Í'm going to finish it this SEptember.

    The first time i saw a steadicam was3 years ago. From that time still now, Im addicted to steadicam, day and night watching pictures, and your guys' discussion. While sleeping, i often dream that i own 1 rig :lol:


    I can't loan for a long term in Vietnam. But i can't stand anymore this feeling hurts me day by day, i need a steadicam rig now!!!!So i ask help from my mom, i can loan her. But the problem is that i also want to study in a Film school in USA. My mom only have enough money for me to to do 2-3 years for film school. So i might only can take about 20 grants from that budget. I will take 1 or 2 years for studying English in US. During that time , i need to do partime job for earning nearly 20 grants which i took out from film school budget.


    And my questions and things need to advice are:


    which secondhand rig (20 grants to 25 grants) can do the low budget job? I might to work for Vietnam community music show in US. So it would be great the rig can handle big camera as the betacam or HDcam. And cheap focus and iris remote system is need.


    Can u advice me some good film school in US? especially in Cali. I'm wondering about Fulsail in Florida; you guys know anything about it?


    Thanks in Advance,


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