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Jeffery Cools

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Posts posted by Jeffery Cools

  1. Actually, to properly frame, 3D operators often have to watch both left & right camera perspectives together. Whenever, centering the subject or specifically placing the subject in frame at close proximity, watch both images overlapped together. Also watch both when filling the frame and there's important info near the sides of frame.


    With beam splitter cameras the same holds true and you really have the feel the "innerocular" distance to understand how best to compose the the shot.


    Still, alot of material I only watch one camera perspective if I keep subjects away from the edges if frame.


    The double image can be a bit wacky to concentrate on after a while!

    Dave Isern




    There is a 3D workshop next week in North Hollywood (beverley garland hotel i think) and they are focusing on the 3D mirror rig made by P&S technique (SP). Perhaps sign up and check it out?

  2. We use this set-up for shooting anaglyph 3d Stereoscopic projects. It's 2 JVC HD cameras shooting 2K recording onto hard drives. The left camera is of course the left eye and the right one does the work for the right eye..Right now I can only monitor 1 camera but it's working. The light cameras are easy to handle on my small rig but too small for the other Provid HD rig I have. Users who have a SK will notice I'm not using my SK vest and the monitor has been upgraded to a LCD Marshall.


  3. What type of bracket did you use to attach the monitor to that original swivel plate? I find without the original CRT, the little plate will swivel right off the rig (maybe i'm missing some sort of bumper...)



    I will take a photo of it and post ..hope that helps As far as i know, it's the original half moon bracket from the original green screen and I just use the 1/4 20 screw to attach.





  4. I now have 3 different marshal monitors that can be flown on the rig. The SD, the HD, and now the new daybright. I just finished shooting 3 more episodes of MTV Cribs in Canada and the image is clear even under the overcast sky. Hope that helps anyone who's thinking about swapping out there Provid monitor or SK monitor for a LCD viewable color one.



  5. Tiffen Accessories PDF file, you should be able to find the conversion on here. I worked at a studio that had the provid to master series socket block conversion on their provid. It made a huge difference compared to the "pin" style. But it was still a provid, yuck. The weight you guys are talking about on that arm is too much, but the real problem is that weight on that rig, not nearly enough weight to counter balance. Correct me if I'm wrong but, that 26lbs is total weight not a 26lb camera???




    Nop, the Provid can handle 15 to 26lbs of cameraweight.. the provid 2 the same as the sk2, 9 to 19lbs of cameraweight.

    Counterbalance can be achieved if you add for example a batterymount 'under' the sled.


    On the SOA site you can find a picture of Jeffery Cools who's has a modified Provid with 24v mod (you can see the extra batt for 24 and also counterbalance below)also a hd monitor mod etc etc..

    I have attached a copy of this picture.






    Hi Mark,


    I also added a steel socket block to the Provid arm and changed out the original ProVid vest for a 3A style one. I agree with Charles. Sometimes we want our mid range rigs to play like the full size ones and it could get sketchy. I snapped my SK arm flying a BetacamSP a number of years ago and well...we don't want to do that again...lol :)

  6. Good evening , Jeffery!

    Your variant really looks very nice and usefull! But Marshall monitor is only 400 nits . What about outdoor shooting?

    And do not forget : the one after another connection of batteries that differs in W/h caracteristics is not correct from engineering point of view.


    Best regards.


    Andrey Yazydzhi,SOA,Russian steadicam operator&instructor,



    +7 903 7406481.



    Hi Andrey,

    Thanks. The Marshall monitor I have on the rig right now is only 400nits, but they are coming out with a new one in about a month that will be more like 1400nits. I saw it at NAB. As far as battery characteristics I can't comment other than when I run the 2 battery's I can power the 435 and still have volts to spare. :) Thanks again for the post!



    Jeff Cools

  7. Has anyone heard anything about the new Marshall Sunbright monitors? I use one of their high def montiors on my XCS sled and thought of trying out their new backlight monitors.


    Any thoughts?


    Brian Rose

    Steadicam Op

    Vancouver,BC IATSE Local 669



    Hi Brian, I saw them at NAB this year and I'm also waiting for their release. The ones at NAb on display looked good with a HMI hitting them, you could still see quite nice. Not sure what price they will enter the market..here is a link if it helps. http://www.lcdracks.com/monitors/v-lcd65sb-hda.html


    Jeff Cools

  8. Hi guys,


    The local directors guild has approached me to help put together a work-shop for directors who want to use steadicam in their productions. I have a pretty good idea of where I'm going to start but I'd really like your help. I'm sure we've all been asked to use the steadicam in a matter that speeds up production i.e. stand here and shoot, now stand here and shoot and I'm sure we've been asked to do a shot that's really better suited for tripod or dolly etc. This is where I need your assistance. I'm looking for advice to tell directors about how to use the steadicam more effective. The guild feels that because Steadicam has been around longer than most of the new directors have been living. The steadicam operators have a great deal of knowledge in how direction (camera only) should happen on a set. If you have any great story's about when a steadicam should be used and when it shouldn't be used (safety first) please share them. I'm sure we'll all learn from this. Thanks in advance!




  9. Hi Guys, It's spring now and the wind is really picking up. What are some operating techniques you guys use to still operate in high wind. Do antlers help? More bottom heavy? Any advice would help. I've read and found some other posts on operating in windy situations. What I really want to know is..should I invest in antlers or a gyro? who's using these?


    Thanks for posting!




  10. Hi Jeff


    Really look very nice.

    What about the post? This is a telescopic post.

    Did you change or modified the original?

    And what about the arm?

    The original Provid arm can lift a heavy HD with Follow Focus and accesories?

    Best regards,




    Hi Gus, The post is the telescopic one. The wires inside were upgraded to handle the HD signal and of course power. The original arm was upgraded only at the arm to vest connector, it's similar to the others like 3a and master series. The vest was swapped out and a new vest purchased from Denmark progear. Hope that helps.



  11. Hi All, Just a note that a modification to the ProVid to 24v and HD is easy as pie. At least they were if you're running a Anton bauer mount. The monitor still gets 12v with one battery and by adding the other battery 24v is sent up the pipe to the power out. I've shot 2 projects with a Arri SR3, Preston FF and a LED lite panel...no problems. I love the new Varizoom Lithium Ion Batteries too! A full 190wH and their not that expensive either..like $500US each. Here are some pics.




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