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Posts posted by ericulbrich

  1. Ok so let me be clear on my work experience. I have crewed on over 40 films in my four year time here at film school. I was a rigging electrician on films like High School Musical and did rigging and set electrician work on the last sin eater dir. Michael Landon. Finally I just finished gaffing my first feature. I know that as I am in film school I might seem like the typical film student, however, I do have professional experience, ive talked to steadicam operators working in the business as well as many camera operators, gaffers, key grips. ect. ect.

  2. ok, maybe im being a little optimistic. I am purchasing the rig using some family members investments as well as taking a loan out for myself. I have a large group of young film makers who cannot afford the 1000 dollar plus price tag for an operator so what I meant to say was that I have people who will hire someone with less experience and be able to actually afford to have steadicam on a student budget. I feel that by utilizing the flm school crowd and charging less i will be able to practice my operating on a daily basis while still being able to present a quality project for student films. From this I feel that I can build my reel as well and begin to work on larger bigger budget shows. I know that its a large investment and I'm not one of those starry eyed film students who thinks that he will be the next Hollywood savior. I know the time and investment it takes to buy an expensive piece of equipment such as this and plan on using it for quite a long time.

  3. Ok so im a senior in film school. When i graduate I am looking to buy one of the new ultra cine 2 systems plus a cmotion follow focus control system. I wanted to know which steadicam school would be best for me to attend after I purcahse the rig. I already have many contacts of people who want to hire me straight out of school so paying the rig off is no problem. What are some of the things I need to think about when purchasing the rig? Any advice would be very helpful.


    Eric Ulbrich

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