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Darren Schmidt

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Posts posted by Darren Schmidt

  1. I have your basic Flyer with the standard monitor. The monitor connects to the sled with an all in one type plug. I am wondering if there is a separate breakout cable, (with a power and audio video connection), so I can use the monitor without having to go through the sled. If there is not one that I can purchase, can anyone tell me who makes that monitor, it is not printed anywhere I have looked.


    Thanks in advanced,


  2. Some of these questions might be a little dumb, so please don't spank me.


    1. Should the Flyer sled be in balance when there is no camera on it? I realize it would be bottom heavy, but it seams funny to put a camera on it to compensate for a rear heavy sled.


    2. Is there any tricks to flying a JVC HD100? Fully loaded it is close to maxing out the arm, about 13 to 14Lbs, but I am having trouble dynamically balancing it. I have tried all sorts of battery, monitor, and camera positions with no total success.


    3. Last question. Shouldn't I be able to thrust the rig on the arm forward, backward, and side to side without the it going askew? I believe I have seen that in videos.

  3. I just found out that my budget will not let me buy an Archer. By "budget" I mean my wife.


    I'm trying to figure out which Flyer rig to go with. I can afford them all, but should I pay double for the 24SE? I looked at all the upgrades it comes with and I can't decide if I need them.


    Most of my paying work is with the Sony V1U, but I own a JVC HD100. I am upgrading from a Varizoom Aviator. I would like the ability to fly some film cameras, but I have yet to even shoot on film. I think I might regret not getting the hi def monitor with frameline, but of course I don't want to have buyers remorse. On the other hand I could buy a lot of equipment with the extra $7000 savings.


    As you can see, I'm confused "to many choices." What I want to know from anybody with a flyer, is their likes and dislikes of their package, or just some general advice. I plan to use this as a stepping stone to a Clipper or Ultra in a year or two. Thanks in advanced. I'm excited to finnaly become an "official" Steadicam owner.


    One more thing. What way is the fastest to get a flyer to me. ie. Steadicam site or retailer?



  4. It could be any or all those factors. I have read the manual and the steadicam manual and adjusted my rig. I'm pretty confident it is at least close to balanced. My biggest concern is that a steadicam is at least twice the price as most the others. Does that money go toward making an easier flyable rig, or does it pay for that cool Steadicam logo?


    After reading a post that said flying is 80% person and 20% rig, I was wondering if everybody is in agreement. I have no frame of reference. I live in Antioch Ca and do not have access to try or play with any other rigs. I'm planning on driving down to the DV Expo in LA, but I didn't see Tiffen on their list. I would hate to spend $25000 on an Archer with out trying it. I'm keep my eyes out for any way to get my hands on one, or at least a flyer.

  5. I have been flying a Varizoom aviator for about a year now. It's all I could aford at the time. I've been having some trouble keeping the rig steady through the shot.

    I was wondering if i purchased a Archer, how much improvement would I see in my shots. Or does it just come down to practice and experience? I'm not really looking for advise on flying rigs, just if a purchese of a real steadicam would be a major upgrade in my work. I also have my eye on the sachtler rig, but I'm unsure if this is a wise alternative.


    Thanks in advanced.


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