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Mark Cowherd

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Posts posted by Mark Cowherd

  1. I just order Jerry's book last night, hope can receive it soon, can't wait to see it....haha

    I got Jerry's book just last week and let me say that it has really helped me. I own a Steadicam Flyer LE and have attended 3 workshops since July learning all about the flyer and how to use it. This book is the perfect companion to any workshop. Let me say the book is beautifully designed and layed out. You can open to any page and pick up really cool information. I plan to order a 2nd copy for my bathtub reading pleasure.

    Mark Cowherd

    Louisville, KY


    Steadicam Flyer LE

  2. There's a long shot in The Untouchables, surrounding the murder in the elevator. Greg Lundsgaard is credited as the operator on the film, but he says there were several ops, and he was on another set when that portion of the film was shot.


    Given that it's a Brian De Palma film, my first thought was that it could be Larry McConkey, since he's done many of De Palma's other long shots. He's listed as having worked on the film in Serena Ferrara's book. Anyone have the answer?


    Pffft ... sorry. Didn't search here before posting: http://www.steadicamforum.com/forums/index...?showtopic=1227

    Janice Arthur worked on the film too, that could have been her work.

    Mark Cowherd (I attended one of her workshops in Chicago and will again in 09)

  3. I just registered... anyone else on here going to this? I was told I don't need to bring anything? that true? I'd hate to get out there and have left something back home :P
    If you own a Steadicam Vest bring it to the workshop. Peter will fit it for you nicely. Have Fun!

    Mark Cowherd

  4. Hi all;


    I'm doing one of my workshops Sept 12-13 in Chicago.


    If you're interested let me know at Steadijan@hotmail.com


    I only have 5-6 students in a workshop and at least a couple of rigs of various sizes.


    You don't have to bring anything.






    I just completed Janice's workshop today and I want to say how much I learned and how much confidence I now have in my use of my Steadicam Flyer LE. This is my second workshop in the last 3 months ( I am a slow learner) and now everything is clicking. My vest now fits better, my rig flys better and my back feels way better!

    It is wonderful to work in a business where the best don't just mizerly hold onto their skills but teach those skills to others.

    I highly recommend Janice's workshops and will be attending another of her workshops next year, plus Chicago is a FUN TOWN!

    Mark Cowherd

    (not a newbie anymore)

  5. Hey Mark, glad to hear you're out there making it happen! (I was a classmate in your workshop.)


    What weight are you flying? Perhaps some more mass, adding inertia, would make it easier to.... "fly against the wind".


    Or, following Amando's suggestion, park a big box van behind you.


    Thanks for the info. I did a search on gyros, and did not find a price, so that must mean they are $20,000! Do they make them for the Flyer LE? My cam (JVC GY HD 250u) with audio weighs 12 lbs so I have a little weight to give. Thanks so much for your response.



    Great hearing from you. Did you ever get you Awesome Steadicam T Shirt? I did not. Also, I have really been loving the flyer. After my first car show(My back was screaming after 10 minutes) I got in back yard and kept it on all weekend. Now I have built up my stamina that I can keep it level for 20 minutes straight! Are you getting ready for next week, are you taking your rig? I will be looking for you on the convention floor.

    Mark Cowherd

    502-552-4911 cell (call me sometime)

  6. I just recently purchased a Flyer LE to use in my car show business. I produce 15 minute long form car commercials/shows where the dealer walks through his inventory giving prices on cars that I show. First let me say using the flyer for only a couple weeks the end product has already improved but I am still having a few difficulties. My main nemises has been wind. I seem to be constantly correcting the pan axis/roll axis to combat the wind. On air I probably notice it more than anyone but I seem to be correcting alot, mostly from the pan axis. Is there anyway I can add some pan drag like on my tripod?

    Also, flying the rig for a 15 minute shot took a little getting used to. After my first paid gig, I spent the next weekend with the rig on for 15 min. intervals holding a level shot. Any other drills or exercises to add endurance.


    Mark Cowherd

    Louisville, KY

  7. Steadicam Pros,

    I just recieved my New Steadicam Flyer LE (I really love the new heavier duty stand) and I am balancing my cam on it. I own a JVC GY HD-250 with a .8 wide angle adapter. On the front shoe (between viewfinder & nat mic) I have a double shoe adapter with 2 sennheiser rec. units. On the back I have left my AB battery to help with weight leveling. The question I have, is the manual states I should have center of gravity over like a rear hole on my steadicam plate. I have done this but that places the plate with only about 1/3 of it on the bottom of my JVC quick attach plate using the last hole to attach. Is this correct?

    Thanks for the advice, I'm going to practice now

    Mark Cowherd

    Louisville, KY

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