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Steve Peterson

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Posts posted by Steve Peterson

  1. Rental houses these days aren't what they used to be. I have been working out of Arrive CSC for the past few years on my show in NY. They suck balls. When they run out of stuff (which is often) they just say they can't help...instead of subrenting or, god forbid, buying more gear!?


    I swear that most of there stuff they don't even look at when it comes back in, they just sent the case to the next show. You wouldn't believe the shit shape stuff shows up in. Horrible and embarrassing.


    The but on my hu3 backed out a few years back as well...just put it back in with a nylon lock nut

    Good to know since I have 3 complete 3 motor HU3 systems each with a single channel on subrent with Arri/CSC. Might have to rethink, any suggestions as to what NY rental house to put them with?

  2. Partial Preston available, great for upgrade. I just upgraded to a HU3 with this unit and that is why it is available. My I Photo won't open so no pics till new computer shows up.


    MDR II and HU II

    Battery charger with 3 good batts

    11 focus rings

    2 spare antennas

    zoom bracket




    Steve Peterson 714 579-7857



    Preston stuff is sold.

  3. Partial Preston available, great for upgrade. I just upgraded to a HU3 with this unit and that is why it is available. My I Photo won't open so no pics till new computer shows up.


    MDR II and HU II

    Battery charger with 3 good batts

    11 focus rings

    2 spare antennas

    zoom bracket




    Steve Peterson 714 579-7857

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