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Andy Chapman

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Posts posted by Andy Chapman

  1. I have recently read about the red one camera, it sounds great. I haven't purchased a steadicam yet although i was considering a pilot, because i have a dvx100, were a customer want me to fly a red one, I would need a flyer, right?

  2. As I?m studying the EFP DVD in anticipation of acquiring a Flyer LE it appears Jerry Holway is flying goofy on the way up the stairs and regular on the way down.

    The position going up seems to be something I haven?t noticed demonstrated before, not missionary nor don jaun, but goofy, walking sideways right to left and with the camera aiming to his right.

    I?m practicing by just imagining I?m wearing a system and going through the motions, also wearing sand bags around my waist and in a backpack for walks around the park with my dog to get in shape.

    Anything helpful would be appreciated.

  3. Hi all,


    here I am back with new shots to show. I take off cars and put instead more humans and stops. It's still very poor and show exactly the little jobs I'm on now.

    Most of it it's filmed with Panasonic 200, the five guys videos instead is filmed with panasonc 500 and fixed lens (from 10mm to 85mm), very good and steadifriendly camera...

    I would really like to know what you think about it, expecially when the guy enter from the door to the mirror, the director want it to be an objective POV that change into a subjective POV, just before entering the kitchen when the girl talk to him (to the camera), don't know if it works or not...


    here's the link and don't esitate to be brutal, everything helps :lol:





    my best to all




    I?m not an expert although I am studying video at college. I think it?s well done all the way around. Intriguing, interesting, artsy and difficult for me to describe the reasons I like to watch it over and over.

    Here?s another I like and am trying to learn from YouTube video link I got smewhere from this forum

    I?m just starting and the folks on this forum are out of my league although I am learning a lot. Just as much as some of my teachers help me sometimes.

    Soon I?m hoping to get advice on a portfolio video I?m planning to do as a demonstration of some the Steadicam possibilities I?ll be learning.

  4. thanks Alec, I wasn't sure about the Red, and wow did I ever buy at the wrong time... I wonder if they'd swap out electronics for me...


    Brian |-)~



    I forgot to ask for suggestions in the first post which is what I need. Do you think any local (Tulsa OK)production companys would want a video steadicam operator for industrial and conporate videos?

    I know I won't be an operator just because I own one, but I'll practice and make portfolio videos to show how good or poorly I'm progressing.


    Thanks for any help and patience for a "new Steadi-Newbie"

    Hey Andy.....

    as you read and quoted, you won't be an operator just because you bought a rig, but that's not say your not going to be fantastic operator.


    Your question regarding clients is a double edge sword, yes there may be Corp. Clients that would use a steadicam but if your not already shooting with those clients as a regular camera op, then there's no way to introduce the steadi. I guess the bottom line is most of us already had a client base and years of experience doing camera before we decided to purchase our own rig, some even years of experience operating a rig and still have never bought their own rig.


    I don't know if you operate alot on Corp. Shoots or at all or what kind of shoots.


    At least your asking and hopefully you will be flying your new rig proficiently and getting all kinds of new clients


    Good Luck

    Thanks for the input, I havn't worked for awhile and planned to get an associates in digital video after working as a photographer on the Mississippi gulf coast and Katrina wiped me out. I got enough insurance and money from FEMA to plan a new career. Wanting to work as contractor type for local production companys if I can. I think that I've learned video is what alot of that is done with.

    I did alot of wedding photography befor but am hoping to never have to do it again.


    By the way here's some links to some low cost steadicams even a free one :lol:


    This one has "Fancy New Pictures"


    High Tech Vest


  5. thanks Alec, I wasn't sure about the Red, and wow did I ever buy at the wrong time... I wonder if they'd swap out electronics for me...


    Brian |-)~



    I forgot to ask for suggestions in the first post which is what I need. Do you think any local (Tulsa OK)production companys would want a video steadicam operator for industrial and conporate videos?

    I know I won't be an operator just because I own one, but I'll practice and make portfolio videos to show how good or poorly I'm progressing.


    Thanks for any help and patience for a "new Steadi-Newbie"

  6. I'd recommend against purchasing the F24 flyer. It's double the price of the 12v Flyer because it comes with an HD monitor. But why spend that much when all you really wanted was the 24v capability? You can have a 12v Flyer modified for less than $500. I'm looking in to how this affects the warranty, also why I haven't modified mine yet.


    And then think about how often you'll use that 24v. You'll never use it for your DVX, that'll be on-board batteries. And for ANY other digital camera that you can fit on your rig you will either be using on board batteries like your DVX, or powering just fine off of the 12v on the sled. The Arri SR3, 235, and 416 are 24v, though the latter two fit with an on-board battery just fine. Without the battery of course you can fit more accessories. The SR3 gets a bit heavy with just a lens and a loaded mag. But again, the vast majority of your work is going to be with digital cameras, so before that warranty runs out, 12v is going to be the name of the game.


    The only possible exceptions I can think of are the Phantom and the Red One (and next year more Reds). I don't know enough about either to say one way or the other, but the Phantom is not likely to be a common occurrence for you, nor possibly the Red One in Oklahoma.


    And yes, that Flyer workshop will do ya wonders. Peter is a great instructor and all around fun guy. You'll learn a lot in those two days. Also, he often sells the workshop flyers for a discounted price. And the rigs are in great shape.


    Brian |-)~

    I didn't notice any only 12 volt flyers the one I was considering is $7500 with V mount but without bateries.

    got the steadicam dvd today

  7. After some research on this web forum I?ve decided a flyer would be best for me to get. I have a DVX100B now but want to be able to fly something heavier later. I?ll need to save a little longer though and may not be able to get the battery and charger in the same month. I guess I could practice with a homemade weight at first.


    Below is the Flyer model and battery I was thinking about.

    I live in Oklahoma and was planning to go to the workshop listed also.


    I called Tiffen and ordered the "DVD-200504 General Purpose Steadicam Instructional Video" over a week ago they're a little slow or maybe I should call back to confirme.


    Steadicam F24LEVLNNS Flyer24-LE Camera Stabilizer System

    V-Mount Battery Compatible Compact Vest Iso-Elastic Stabilizer Arm 12 to 24 VDC Switchable Power Mfr# F24LEVLNNS B&H# STF24LEVMCV



    IDXEC-7S Portable Endura Charger Kit - Single Channel Charger, E-7S Battery

    Mfr# EC7S B&H# IDEC7S B&H Kit



    December 5-6. Chicago Flyer / Pilot Workshop.

    Hosted by Calumet Photographic.

    1111 N. Cherry Avenue, Chicago, IL 60622


    Note: This workshop is held on Friday and Saturday.

  8. Hi Andy I'm about your hight and have used the Flyer, I'd go for the compact vest.



    Thank you very much.

    It's hard to wait but I think I'll save up a month or two more to get the flyer instead of the pilot.

  9. I'd like to get a Flyer instead of a Pilot if I'm able. I've searched and read the other posts about compact and regular vests but didn't find a reccomendation I need.

    I'm about 5'6 1/2" , 150Lbs. and 32" waist. Does anyone have a suggestion?



    Visit My Website

  10. Could I use a power converter such as


    Dolgin Engineering DC-7200HVX DC Converter - for Panasonic DVX, HVX and DVC Series Camcorders, 12 VDC 4-Pin XLR to 7.2 VDC Panasonic Connector


    converter at B&H



    to connect a dvx100b to the power connector of a pilot with a V lock and IDX E-7S as supplied with the Pilot-VLB?


    Any suggestions?

  11. I will be purchasing a Pilot in June.

    Regarding the 10 pound weight limit for the pilot, does that include the total camera and added counterbalance weight to the bottom?

    Also, were I to get the Pilot VLB, is there an adapter to use the 12 volt power connector with my 7.2 volt DVX-100B.


    Thanks for any help and to Dave Gish for the Getting Started Q & A.


    Andy Chapman







  12. I will be purchasing a Pilot in June.

    Regarding the 10 pound weight limit for the pilot, does that include the total camera and added counterbalance weight to the bottom?

    Also, were I to get the Pilot VLB, is there an adapter to use the 12 volt power connector with my 7.2 volt DVX-100B.


    Thanks for any help and to Dave Gish for the Getting Started Q & A.


    Andy Chapman





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