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Sverker Hahn

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Posts posted by Sverker Hahn

  1. This thread has, I think, missed the key reason why any moving camera is desireable. From its earliest inception filmmaking has loved a moving camera because it took a flat medium and made it more three dimensional. The moving camera showed separation of the objects.

    Steadicam has made it possible to move the camera in more situations than is possible with cranes and dollies, which also makes it more three dimensional.


    I think that Bonnie can get enough material to say all the good things we know about the steadicams. My post was just a hint about that nothing good comes without the bad.

  2. Those same two characters in the corridor could discuss 2 pages of dialogue in a room sitting at a table, but that would practically be radio. I get what you are saying, but if you are searching for reality, tv and movies might not be the places to look.


    I like reality. I do not like when the hero of the story only gets a small, insignificant wound after fighting the bad guy for five minutes, including a fall from 5 meters height and being hit in the head by a large stone.


    Well, I am not much into actions movies and have practically stopped watching them. But the very unrealistic steadicam-recorded discussions in public exist in other types of movies that are supposed to be realistic.


    And if a director isn´t up to record a discussion in a room without creating the impression of radio, yes, how good is he/she?

  3. Steadicam is frequently used in TV series and feature films, making story-telling better and more varied.


    But I also think that the use of steadicams has changed the stories to be kind of unnatural sometimes.


    E.g. the camera follows two characters along a corridor when they discuss police work, the hospital´s patients and their treatments or even the government´s secret policys. Everywhere around them are people that are possible leaks and spies. Do you understand what I mean?


    Seems that the possible use of Steadicams has somehow has made the writers to skip the closed room for conversations in delicate matters and moved them to places where a lot of people can hear it.

  4. I have the same experiences as the other Mac-guys.


    If not buying anti-virus software, you could buy other protection software:


    Undercover anti-theft software - if your iMac gets stolen.

    SuperDuper - backup your HDD and make the backup bootable.


    My MacBook Pro was stolen a month ago - now I have UnderCover on my three Macs.

  5. OOoops!


    Where did I put that cable??

    Haven´t used it for two years, it must be somewhere in the snake nest of cables.

    Will look for it tomorrow.






    Found the cable. Only the yellow video connector is in use, the other two hang loose.


    But it works!


    Thanks again!

  6. Hi, everybody,


    The Pilot has arrived and I am eager to get it working until the workshop in May.


    But I don´t get a picture from my Sony EX1 to the monitor. It does react when I change settings for video out in the meny, from NTSC changes to PAL when I select SDI output. I have circled the settings on the monitor, but so far no picture.


    Are there any tricks or obvious settings I might have missed?

  7. looks interesting, but my first question is what about the stability, especially in a turn and secondly, those long skids look easy to trip on.




    The skids are for tripping on, you typically stand on one of them and kick with the other foot.


    Last winter I tried to make long shots with the camera on the kicksled and me pushing. A lot of snow on the ice made the shots unusable. Soon I will get my Pilot, and try to do it again ...

  8. "flip it in post" is the poor man's low mode. In theory, you could have an issue with the scanning being reversed if you shoot interlaced. My guess is you are shooting progressive of some sort, probably 1080p?


    Yes, I have EX1 and shoot mostly 1080p, sometimes 720p.


    Welcome to the forums! If you get the Pilot and needs specs for the power cables to lighten your EX-1 and run it off the rig, it's floating around here somewhere. I've made up a couple of them for different applications, and it's a great weight saver..


    Thank you!. But let me see if I understand: you mean that I could use batteries on the Pilot to drive the EX1 and the Pilot´s screen? How can that make a weight saver?


    I will use my Steadicam in the wilderness quite often, and then I need problemfree power. I know about the AA-battery option, which seems to be OK. Do you recommend any of the other options?

  9. Great things ahead!


    In May I will be attending a 6-day workshop in Sweden. Garret Brown and Jerry Holway will be there!!! :rolleyes:


    Now to a question (I do not have a Pilot yet): I know I will do a lot of low mode shots - do I need the Low Mode Kit? Or could I just flip the footage in post?

  10. Welcome Sverker. Be sure to use the search function on the forum and you'll find lots of great info about the Pilot.


    I checked out your work and wanted to point you to this link. It may be a good fit for your style of shooting.




    Thanks, Kevin,


    I have looked at the glidetrack, quite interesting for certain motifs, especially closeups of flowers and small stuff. Easier to transport and cheaper too.

  11. Hallo, everybody,


    You have probably already come to the conclusion that I haven´t got a Steadicam yet. But I have had a short experience with our EX1 and the Pilot in Tiffen´s in Los Angeles. Their willingness to let us test the combo was so great!


    So do I need a Pilot? Aside from my eagerness to buy any type of high tech stuff - yes, I think I need it. Right now I specialize in long clips of beautiful nature or wildlife - up to 20 minutes long if possible. They are all taken on a tripod without any panning, a little extreme, I think.


    But the same nature scenes with a Pilot - I see great prospects of great footage. Many nature scenes have at least some movement. Some scenes, however, will be too calm to watch for 20 minutes, but with a Pilot, even these will be interesting.


    So, I will be visiting this forum to learn and hopefully we will buy a Pilot later this year.


    Sverker Hahn



    Sony EX1

    MacBook Pro

    Final Cut Pro

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