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Posts posted by mattmarek

  1. so my one knob just decided to stop turning the other day. i didn't want to use excess force or a wrench until i can understand if this is a common thing. there was no out of the ordinary use going on. i may have de-tensioned a little fast and hit the end a little harder?


    thanks for any advice.

  2. the bracket that connects to my sled is a little loose. i need to use an allen key every time now after i tighten the red knob underneath. has anyone changed the way they mount their monitor on the masters sled? what options are out there?




  3. a fairly straightforward steadicam shot opens up the film, until pitt's character gets to a hole in a wall and goes through. camera follows right through the hole.


    was the hole just manually moved out of place for the operator to get through and then put back in place for the reverse? cgi? anyone know how the shot was achieved?


    fun film btw!

  4. another vote to walk.


    if you do want to rough it out, tell the dp you will address him by his name and to let you know verbally when he is going to place his hands on the rig. if they're ok with poor shots due to no balance, fine, but do tell them when you need a 2 minute rest to catch your breath and relieve your muscles.


    we've all put up with nightmare shoots, but disrespect is unacceptable.

  5. thanks charles, that link takes me to this:


    "matt marek, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:...."




    any way you can grant me access? maybe i'm not seeing the classifieds section because i just joined.


    and thanks for the clip. i'm definitely interested in getting a little cam just for personal doco stuff. any manual controls for focus? how's the mic? low light shooting?



  6. sounds fun will :) nice to have a commentary along with behind the scenes photos and the actual commercial.


    it's funny how the audience of today is so used to CG and visual effects. my girlfriend watched the 60 second clip and thought it was the usual 'post trickery'.


    any comments on how whip pans with the AR?

  7. very nice shot will!


    interesting note though; i saw this shot on tv last night, but the product was 'degree' deodorant, not the 'sure' spray tube that you see in the youtube commercial. also the commercial was cut up into about 4 or 5 different shots, and was compressed to 30 seconds.


    did you shoot a blue plate for the product for more freedom of product sales in post? what's the deal?


    again, nice shot!

  8. fun shot :) also enjoyed the film, but find it created quite a few dangerous 'generalizations' amongst friends towards the christian community. worth a watch, but dont group us all in with some nutters out there :)


    also worth checking out are the people from westborough baptist church. you can find them on youtube. i forget the names, but they go to american soldiers funerals and celebrate their deaths. creepy stuff

  9. looks to be a running shot to me. when doing these types of shots, there will be times that you must look ahead of you to check your path. you just need to 'feel' your frame and know that you've got the lens aimed on target.


    will's left hand is on the gimbal. maybe you meant why the right was not on the handle? well again, up to the user, but in running, it's easier to have your handle arm free for stability.


    hope this helps.


  10. howard, i have also had no replies from you or your people at mkv. i have sent 2 or 3 emails in the last couple years and have heard nothing.


    seems this forum would be a good way to keep us all posted and up to date, if you have no way to control and tend to the email flow that you must be getting.

  11. i've worked with the p2 on a few jobs for maybe 15 days worth. only problem we encountered was a loose firewire connection that needed to be tightened by the dealer. other than that, was a very stable outfit.


    i'd take the film rig any days as well, but in my opinion, the p2 is a stable piece of gear that has its place.

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