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Steve Ware

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Posts posted by Steve Ware

  1. Famous veteran Steadicam Operator and now famous DOP Nicola Pecorini from Italy (who created the SOA with Garrett), was known for operating with one hand only most of the time, here is a picture of him on the shooting of Cliffhanger :





    Hi Kareem,

    I am filming with Nicola Pecorini right now. He is the DoP of the movie I am on right now. Amazing talent and modest as well :)


    Sanjay Sami



    Hey Sanjay, Since you are working with Nicola Pecorini, the one-handed Steadicam master, will you ask him if he wants to mentor me? Ha! Ok, I am mostly kidding about that.


    In all seriousness though, Thank You So Much everyone for all of the encouragement! I have learned a lot. I do need to get myself into a rig. I am going to NAB where I hope to run into some of you folks. There I will be looking at Steadicam and some other rigging options for hand held like the Easy Rig. Then I return to New York and look into a Flyer. Then Steadicam school.

  2. I am learning a ton from this discussion. In particular the degree of variance in peoples technique. I have noticed that every operator has their own style, but the majority of her/his form appears to be the same. From this discussion it sounds like there is a lot more flexibility then I previously thought. I have always been a dolly/hand held guy, and before my injury I never seriously considered doing Steadicam. There are so many of you that have already mastered it, and the size of the investment is rather daunting.


    I will be at NAB this year, and I will definitely be spending a lot of time at the Tiffen booth. I have sent messages to the people at Tiffen that have been recommended in this thread.


    Is there a book anyone could recommend on the evolution of the Steadicam? Certainly Garrett Brown or somebody has written something?


    Thank you all very much! Please keep this discussion going.



  3. Thanks for the replies fellas. So, as I begin to pursue this, what do you think my limitations might be? Certain big moves (rolls, very high angle) are probably out, but what else? Assuming several years of classes and practice, do you think I would be limited to lighter cameras and rigs? Would the inersia of running be too much to over power with one hand?


    Who are the best people at Tiffen/Steadicam to talk to about this? Maybe they have ideas on special modifications that would make operating easier. Certainly in 40 years of Steadicam someone must have had an injury similar to mine. Lee Daniels (Slackers, Before Sunrise) had his left arm paralyzed, but I don't think he did Steadicam. Rich at Abel Cine Tech helped him with a hand held harness, and Abel NYC is currently helping me with my hand held set up. In the Steadicam world, who do I go to?


    Thanks to all.



  4. Does anyone know of Steadicam operator with one arm? I am a DP/Operator and last year I was in a car accident that has left my right arm partially paralyzed. I can use my shoulder, but the rest of my right arm is immobile. I have been working on various hand held rigs, but I am wondering if Steadicam might be a better way to go.


    Has anyone ever successfully worked as a Steadi Op with only one arm? Assuming I would have an assistant to help with set up an the heavy lifting, is it even possible? It looks feasible to me, but I have never used a real Steadicam. Any insight or suggestions on this matter would be greatly appreciated.



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