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Posts posted by robinsharvell

  1. Evening all, just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the suggestions. Have put them into practice (except the gimble, i dont think its dooable on my own) and its worked my horizons are much much better, my statics are now awful, but am ironing that out. Dynamic balance is as much better aswell. On a much sadder note all the shoots i had coming up which were to be done on steadicam are now to be done on the MOVI. But just gives me a bit more time to get things right. Once again thank you for all your help.



  2. will have a look see if the gimble is amendable, But i feel that its more a practice thing. Its not major 45degree roll when turning but almost everything i do is a walking mid shot around a corridor or similar so that slight roll is annoying me.

    Im starting to agree that bigger rigs are slightly easier to control than smaller ones but sadly my bank doesn't share my enthusiasm.


    Im hoping that it is just a case that mistakes are more noticeable on the lighter rigs, I'm figuring that if i can get it ok on the lighter rig then i won't get lazy on one with more inertia/mass. However this might not be the case.


    thanks again



  3. PMW-500 in both instances. i also tried an EX3 a C300 and for some reason a Z1 (it was lying around) the same thing occurred . The main difference was drop time which was less on the flyer rig. (3sec A1 / 1.5-2 sec on the flyer).


    Will try re-aligning the gimbal see if that helps.


    Thanks for the advice :)

  4. Evening all, I have a question regarding the Flyer LE. Basically when ever i use my flyer i have a lot of trouble keeping my horizons straight i get a lot of roll (not sea sick roll but enough to anoy me). When ever i use the Archer 1 i don't have this problem to the same extent. Is there a trick with lighter rigs that I'm missing? Im just learning steadicam so i can blame a lot of this on lack of experience but the difference in the two rigs is noticeable. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



  5. Hey, ive been asked to do a shoot boat to boat, the equipment will be an archer rig with an HDX 900 and J21 lens (so longer than i would like). Is it better to be soft mounted or hard mounted when doing this? also if anyone has a better idea of how to get a fluid boat to boat shot i would like to know :)



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