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Frederic Chamberland

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Posts posted by Frederic Chamberland

  1. Not reading the call-sheet...


    3 stairs to go up following the actors with a full load (535), after 5 takes, director says : " Let's do the reverse now..." that meant preceding them, mix of DJ and climbing backwards. I froze halfway tru on the second take. My legs gave up on me. Gave the sled to the grip while trying to climb what is left on my own, director asks me what can we do and I answer "...you can do anything you want but you will do it without me..." ouch...

    Let's just say I am not credited in that film. That was my first real job with a rental rig on a big movie of the week. I stepped away for 2 years before buying my own equipment and came back from dust.


    This experience is my worst of all time on a set, there is still a couple of technicians who witnessed that stellar performance and just tease me sometimes with it.


    read your call sheet. I do .

  2. Hi all,


    Just want to comment on the service I received this last month from different manufacturer and people related to our world...

    My Sachtler Artemis Cine-Hd rig gave me trouble when I used a fresh set of brand new Hytron 50 a month ago and blew up my Canatrans , I had some voltage going thru the video line of my sled, ouch... This happened without me noticing it, just that the Canatrans was not working anymore and had some "loose part" sound when shaking it...

    When Emery at Lentequip opened it up, he mentionned something like"...looks like you opened the unit up, threw the electronics in a fire, put them back and sealed the unit again..." I had my unit re-built and running (with firmware upgrade) in less than 4 days.


    Then my Scorpio went to a special place called oblivion where it would only calibrate on one side, this time not because of the sled's power but just a manufacturing defect that arised 2 years later, David Hable at Cramped Attic sent me a loaner MDR the day after my call and I will have waited for that one to be repaired about 8 days.


    While that is happening, my sled is sent back to Eching, Gemany, and Curt Shaller tells me he has redone my electronics and battery power distribution for me to have more power using 435 and 535 without using my special modification I had done earlier wich permitted me to put 4 Hytron 50 together ... Now , I will use a "special blend" of Ni-cad and Ni-Mh without adding more batteries. Sled was back from Germany in less than a week. Curt also put a PDF with my new electronic schematics with color coded wiring and added some switches to use that extra power or not.


    So there it is , I want to mention that Emery, David and Curt all called me on my phone after receiving my emails and all of them offered a loaner for the next day, wich I accepted in the case of the Scorpio since I had a job the next week. I was able to go to another operator, Geoff St-Hilaire, to lend his sled and transmitter.

    All of these guys have gone the extra mile to offer me what is called a FIVE STARS SERVICE. I have had my sled for 4 years now and this was the first time I had so much to be repaired at the same time and first real "emergency" since the high season for jobs is starting now. And living in what I call a "remote" location for that kind of job, I love to think that my business is as important to them as it is to me.

    And the bills? Let's just say my FEDEX account will miss the 4 digits by a couple of bucks this month...But hey, as I said to everyone on the phone, just make it happen, and they did. Thanks to everyone.

    Picture taken on set but applies to the week.

  3. Hi Bryan,


    I have had the same hickups from receiver but managed to now have a strong and solid signal 90% of the time by re-positioning the 2 units. A very good thing is the tally on the transmitter, I put that one also in sight so I have both lights in my view.


    Hope that helps.



  4. Hi all,


    Working on a GM commercial with DP Steve Asselin and while doing some 180? shots around the car outside in the sun, he asks me if we can put one motor on the Pola to be able to rotate it while flying...

    Since our LMB-5 clip on has been modified to accept 138mm round pola, it usually rotates with a small round knob covered with rubber that turns the pola while in it's slot. So we flipped the clip-on upside down to have that little knob underneath and put the iris motor on it, the rubber was soft enough to grip into the motor gears without slipping. Powered the motor, manually did some limits on it and voila, Steve made some specific marks on the iris slider and we pulled that one off with a couple of rods and adapters.DSC03012_2.JPG


    The picture tells it all. Thanks to my 1st AC, Eric Benssoussan who actually convinced me to try, because I tought at first the rubber would slip and we would loose time we did not have.


    We now have a very happy DP , a proud 1st AC and a surprised but happy operator.

  5. Hi Gordon,


    If your job is tomorrow night, I would advise to try to get your hands on the camera and accessories in the morning to make it work and if not, run to the rental house with your sled to adjust. As for accessories like remote focus and video sender, if you can't power them from the sled, I used to velcro an NP-1 battery with a XLR 4 adapter for such accessories in case of emergency. Cheap to rent a couple for that occasion.


    Every time I have to face a new camera, I always try to go to the rental house to check it out first, it really is reassuring to get on set knowing you just put that camera on your sled earlier. And helps you put your mind on the shots to do and not the "too short power cable" or the "why don't I have the focus gear for that lens" or even (and I have sweat thru that one) : "my dovetail plate won't fit under that camera base plate"...

    fly safe

    Frederic Chamberland

  6. hi,


    As Alec mentionned, make sure the insurance from the production covers all, my own insurance will cover my equipment over water only if I call them first and pay a small extra fee for that particular day. Good to check the small characters on your own insurance ...


    Fly safe.

  7. Hi Jason,


    There is two major things to look after on the Pro 35. First, every time you power down the Pro 35 (change of batteries) it has to be re-powered on (the power switch is intermittent, it has to be pressed again when power is back) This alone is a major thing to look after since you still have an image in the OFF position. also remind your assistants to look after this.


    Also, the On-Off of the Sony camera for your remote focus goes thru the lens connector, the same that powers the Pro 35 ... So you won't be able to use your On-off cable to start the camera from the remote. Put a BIG tape on the on-off off the remote to remind your focus puller to start the camera "manually" and not from the remote.

    i am sure someone here probably had different cables made to power the Pro 35 from another connector to be able to use their On-Off cable. If I had a couple of days to shoot with this setup, I would probably go for that solution.


    and finally , I strongly recommend a Tally light ( I got mine mainly for HD jobs) since I operate with the viewfinder off to take some weight off, the only light remaining is at the rear of the camera, not enough for me to be confortable knowing the camera is rolling or not.

    Hi all


    Just received and tested mine. NICE! Simple design, compact, runs on a 9 volt ...and wireless. item was delivered on time as promised, no hassle .


    Here is the reason I bought one:


    I was flying a Sony 900 with Pro-35 adapter. The Pro-35 was taking it's power from the Sony camera, directly from the lens connector (the one we use to On/Off the camera with our remote focus systems). As you guessed, the on/off cable was not used because of this configuration and we forgot about it; there is one shot that was NEVER recorded because we used the On/off from the remote instead off starting the camera manually...


    That thing would have saved me a call from the producer nobody wants to answer.


    My 29,900 cents + shipping.


    Fly safe, with the lights on



    This was taken from the "bracket/widgets" section under "Wireless tally is here!"


    fly safe






    189$ and he used all my connectors (Lemo and Archos), so add up another 70/100$ for the Lemo plug and you are around the same price as a gently used Archos unit on Ebay. How many times the cables for a device costs us more than the device itself? History just tends to repeat itself...

  9. Hi all


    Just received and tested mine. NICE! Simple design, compact, runs on a 9 volt ...and wireless. item was delivered on time as promised, no hassle .


    Here is the reason I bought one:


    I was flying a Sony 900 with Pro-35 adapter. The Pro-35 was taking it's power from the Sony camera, directly from the lens connector (the one we use to On/Off the camera with our remote focus systems). As you guessed, the on/off cable was not used because of this configuration and we forgot about it; there is one shot that was NEVER recorded because we used the On/off from the remote instead off starting the camera manually...


    That thing would have saved me a call from the producer nobody wants to answer.


    My 29,900 cents + shipping.


    Fly safe, with the lights on

  10. Thanks for the clarification Ikarman, I always refer to PRO specifications but own a Sachtler Artemis , which is all PRO connectors specs. And changing the voltage at the sled is much nicer but these devices change so oftently, I just prefer to adapt the gadget rather than the sled and keep my options open.

    (If I'm not mistaken, the original 9v out from PRO sled was to power the Sony Video8/HI8 recorder, the only portable solution at the time).


    Fly safe

  11. Here it is, thanks to Fred Davis, the cable feeding all (video in/out and power) from Archos to PRO sled.

    Here are the instructions: take out the Archos plug (leave as much cable as you can) from the "Archos Base" (the small unit that comes with every recorder to plug directly to your TV), put in an enveloppe to the attention of Fred Davis, he will take care of the rest. See the pictures attached, first you can clearly see the down converter (small black box) that takes your sled 12v and powers it down to Archos 5v. the small clear heatshrink is where the original Archos cable ended.

    My recorder is the in the 400 model series.


    ***Of course, taking the plug from the base implies you ruin the functionnality of it and renders the enormous remote control completly useless***This cable was made with PRO specifications but can surely be adapted to other sleds, contact Fred Davis***




  12. hi Denny,


    Last I know, you have to go thru Germany to get a Artemis rig. email Curt Shaller : curt@sachtler-hd.com


    He is the one that will get you the prices and all the specs (he's also an operator, so he knows his stuff).


    I am located in Montreal and got my Artemis Cine-HD from Germany. At the time, I hesitated between a PRO and Sachtler, and it came down to money, my canadian money was worth more in Euro than Us dollar. Now it is the exact opposite, so would I do it again? I would probably go for PRO now but I don't regret one second having bought a Sachtler. I have had it for almost 4 years now and it serves me well. At the time, I was saving about 20% over same PRO package (sled , arm, vest).


    If you ever come to Montreal , please let me know, we can arrange something so you can see it all. Maybe the Formula One weekend? (june) or Madonna concert? (june also)


    And at the SOA workshop, you will probably try out different rigs so take notes and try them all if you can, you will be busy for the next couple of months, enjoy.


    Cheers. Good luck.

  13. Or try Emery (who sold you your Canatrans) at Lentequip, he got me a Sony TU1041 Tuner that is by far, one of the best receivers out there for the price. And I am pretty sure they have a PAL version. Problem is they are really hard to get and I remember Emery having one or two left at the time of my order (6 months ago). He could even change the "F" socket to a BNC on the antenna input. That is the only modification you will need on this tuner to have a five star receiver (this mod is not essential, but recommended).

    PROS: simple to use, EXCELLENT reception, 12vDC (4 pins XLR) or 110 AC ,it's a Sony.

    CONS: Costs around 450$US, a bit chubby (9"X2"X14").


    As a Canatrans user myself, I am now using my Sony tuner combined with a CIT Sharkfin antenna all the time and I don't hesitate to ask the video assist person to use my stuff first when I get on sets. And with excellent results for this RF magic.



    Sony Tuner


    Fly safe

  14. Hi ,


    Try :




    Cheap, simple, one color, one font, one size. The size is perfect for cases and carts. Tough vinyl will go for the long run. I got my stickers for 6 months now and they still hold without blemishing. Very good quality.

    I still use a good old Brother p-touch for small pieces.

  15. Hi,


    Also check TELETEST . Their 7" SDI LCD is new, but seems a good compromise and they are built like tanks. I have had the regular version for 3 years and it still gives me a great image. Service is really good. Image flip, 16.9, 4.3, Anton bauer mount compatible, Anti reflective glass that actually works, and the prices are all on the web.


    Worth a look

  16. Hi,


    Now a proud owner of a Canatrans, my other sender is for sale on Ebay:

    Click Here for description


    Great for newbies. Cheap and solid. Probably the only thing electronic in my package that NEVER failed me once.


    I also have a GV-D200 recorder for sale, check in "Sellers other items for sale" on the Ebay page...Parts only, it just went beserk yesterday. . . Just bought myself a Archos 420 , God I hope it performs half as well in the cold as my Sony "minus 25 and still rolling" recorder.



  17. instructions for an electric battery warmer powered by your sled.


    -Buy a baby bottle warmer for the car (12v) , got one from Wal-Mart for 10$.

    It is simply design like a very small warming blanket, just unwrap it from the bottle by removing the vinyl shell.

    -Take off the 12v car adapter and put your 12v connector that fits the bottom of your sled.

    -Put some velcro here and there to cover the batteries and voila...

    -The thing is not too power hungry and it keeps my batteries and recorder very warm.

    -No waste from multiple hand warmers that last 1 hour...


    Fly safe and toasty.

  18. Hi,


    What Alec said is true, you lose some voltage going thru the post, I also fly a Artemis HD: I had a cable made with bigger gage on the power line.

    Two solutions:


    1- Get a Hytron 120 or a big Propac, that should do the trick. Any "small" battery will cry for hunger.


    2- Get a cable made directly from the AB plug on the battery holder to the camera power, 100% juice directly from battery, the drawback is in the camera movements, you now have a cable in the way to do some 360 on the gimbal. Should work alright in most cases.


    Fly safe.

  19. Hi all,



    I guess I should get onto this thread too and share my experience with my 2 months old Canatrans, 35 days of shooting, the thing is on my different cameras beaming video signals 12 to 14 hours a day.

    What you have read is true, and here is my review:


    In September , after reading the few comments from other operators in the field testing the Canatrans, I decided to go ahead and buy one, until then , I had only used one channel senders and mostly the Modulus 3000.

    I ordered the Canatrans with power cables to Arri 24 v, Arri IVs and PRO sled cable. I also bought a Sony Tuner from Emery at the same time, I already had the sharkfin antennas (from CIT!).


    Let me start by confirming this sender is the new reference in the very small world of video senders.

    I am presently using mine on my A camera , a 535, and the B (Arricam LT)has a Modulus 3000. We also hook it sometimes to our little 235 when going handheld and the 435 on car rigs.

    I have used it in many different situations here in Montreal, Canada. Freezing rain by night on Steadicam, Car mount with Wescam XR running 150 fps chasing down some Hummers in the woods with mud everywhere, at the end of a Supertechno crane over a public pool indoors where humidity was driving us nuts, inside a bunker hospital with thick cement walls, inside abandonned steel warehouse. And I have spend the last 5 days in studio on a dolly and I still have 2 more weeks to go.


    Here is the video village setup:

    CIT sharfin antennas on c-stands always 50' from set or less, hooked to the Sony tuner (TU-1041) for A camera and the CIT DX400 tuner for B camera plugged in two Sony PVM 19" reference monitors side by side.


    The image from the Canatrans has always been as good or superior to the Modulus in perfect conditions. In lot less perfect conditions, the loss of signal was significantly higher with the Modulus. To be able to do extensive testing, we also switched tuners to compare and also switched channels to see the differences in the signal transmission. We always got the same results, the Canatrans always came back with "as good" or "better" transmission in same setups.


    The features on the beast:

    For those of you affraid of push button menus, this one is as easy to understand as any Arri Camera status menu. it took me 2 days to breeze thru the menus and get my options right. And actually, the only two options I use now are the "power output" option and the "video gain" option. These are the key features of this new sender and , as Larry stated it in his post, I just quickly adjust the power requirements on the different sets. Takes 7 seconds , tops. And the video gain is a nice feature too, the video top in the 535 is less sensitive than the one in the Arricam and I quickly adjust the video gain higher so images are on par on the monitors. Our video assist technician , Karine, sometimes intentionnaly "forgets" to wire the A camera and goes wireless on the dolly with nobody noticing...

    I really think the Sharkfin antennas are still the best antennas on the market right now and the Sony tuner is a marvel. I will repeat it too, the reception end is half of the whole magic going on. You get crappy antennas and cheap LCD TV's and the experience will be difficult to endure. It really should be a whole package. Even cables for me are an issue, I only use Canare cables and connectors, nothing comes cheap here.

    Yes , the Canatrans is big and physicaly takes a lot of space compared to the Modulus , I really wished it to be smaller, but you won't get burned by handling it, it just becomes "hot", nothing serious compared to the Modulus "toaster wannabee" hot.

    Yes , the thing is VERY expensive (with cables and Sony Tuner, I got around 5k). But when you see the images and the overall quality, you will think it twice before going back to your Modulus.


    -The Canatrans has proven to me to be a reliable piece of equipment in harsh conditions. it is well designed and rugged.

    -The service I have received from Emery is exceptional (I also got a email with my screenname to make sure I was happy with the "personnalisation" of my unit before shipping it) , I have always been able to talk directly to Emery and my emails were answered in the next hours, not days. I put him on the Jim Bartell (bartech), David Hable (Cramped Attic), Curt Shaller (Sachtler) short list of professionnal and dedicated businessmen that I know are ready to go the extra mile to make everything so smooth.


    If you have questions, please don't hesitate has I am thrilled by my new toy. Just for the record, I have had no retribution or free stuff (not even a t-shirt) from Lentequip, I am just a happy customer.


    Fly safe, beam me up Scotty.

  20. Hi Brian,


    welcome to this forum,


    Here is my story made very short: At the age of 22 (34 now), I took all my money earned as a cashier at Costco and camera trainee in the film business, and took the Malibu Workshop in LA. Took me 3000$ to fly over there and attend the 5 day workshop. A fortune for me at the time but I really wanted to know if that was an option for a future career. I was enlighted by great operators and Garrett Brown himself. I came back from there knowing all my efforts would go into steadicam. 8 years later, I had made myself a spot as a Camera assistant and took my savings and went to get a loan at the bank . I decided to buy new but simple and reliable(for instance, I started with a Bartech remote instead of a Scorpio or Preston).

    One thing I realized real soon was the amount of input from this forum was not only precious, but completly essential. From tips on what shoes to look for on different pavement to the latest equipment field testing.


    (For operators reading this, I have had a Canatrans video sender in the field for the last month and will post my review by the end of my shooting...)


    3 years after my purchase i am a happy operator with good equipment and a loan half paid. I still have to do some camera assistant jobs combine to operating for now to reach the end of the month, but it should be my last year of "double occupancy" if I work hard enough this next year to pay off that loan.


    Every operator here has a different story to tell, but I am sure we all know very well the reason we went for this crazy job. I can be positive on one point : No one here hates his job.

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