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David Baldwin

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Posts posted by David Baldwin

  1. Alas, the PRO arm on ebay was all just a whisper in the wind...

    that thing is GONE. I'm guessing that somebody saw that price and contacted the seller with a reasonable offer that made everyone happy. Goodbye PRO arm on ebay, the likes of you may never be seen again...



  2. btw, I didn't mean to imply that I was doubting if it was authentic or a genuine listing, I was just amazed that there was a PRO arm for sale on ebay! I've seen several 3as and masters, some ultras and efps, the occasional baer-bel, movcam, progear, my own beloved silver spring, and even a stand-alone flyer arm, but never a PRO. Craziness... Ebay rules.

  3. probably closer to 45 now that I check some figures in the asc book...


    it's not exact, but I think you can keep it under 45-46 lbs.




    we had one of these at school a few years back and I used to throw it up on my rig in full-on studio mode and just about die. I don't recommend that.





  4. Hi everybody. I'm pleased to report that Senor Tom Gleason was able to salvage my dbox 1 (ser #119). She is back in action and prettier than ever. If your problems are mechanical, I'd give Tom a call 818 769 9370. He might be able to get you a few more years out of your older gear before you're forced (or fortunate enough) to replace it.


    Plus, I was expecting to pay a WHOLE LOT more than what he asked for.


    Thanks Tom, and thanks to anybody who wished the dbox back into service, or who helped me thru while it was on the IR list.


  5. Hi people


    So anyway my topstage is being repaired at the moment and I just got called to do some shots on Friday and Sunday and have no stage to stick my camera plates on.


    The wounded stage in question is a PRO dbox 1. It is being lovingly attended to by local artisan Tom Gleason and will be back in action soon.


    However not in time for Fri-Sun.


    Can anybody help me out? I could probably scrape a few bucks together for a case of mid-range beer for your troubles.



  6. Exactly, Eric. The turcite block. Thanks for all the leads everyone. I dropped the dbox off at Tom Gleason's and he's pretty confident that he can work it out. He's so crazy he's actually looking forward to the project as "'a technical challenge". Rock on, my brother!


    Dave "Tom, how 'bout making two of those things" Baldwin

  7. "Eric is correct about the parts issue. I used to own a DB1 on my old rig. The worm gears for the X / Y controls are nylon. I had one strip out, and luckily I had a spare. When I contact GPI to order a new spare, George told me he could no longer get the nylon worm gears, and this was years ago.


    Bottom line is, if the worm gear strips, your DB1 becomes useless. Something to think about before you buy one."


    This from Mark Karavite on a years-old thread.


    Now I'm really starting to panic.



  8. Thanks, Nick, Alex and Janice.


    I called Tom this morning, he's going to take a look at it tomorrow and see if there's anything he can do.


    Alex, I love the guys at Steadyrig. In fact I I love the whole continent of Australia. It's the best place I've ever visited. (Byron Bay, anyone?) Sometimes I try out my piss-poor Australian accent when I'm on the phone with Hugo. I'm not sure if he appreciates it, but it's a lot of fun for me! Depending on what Tom says, I may give steadyrig a call. I hadn't thought of that, thanks.


    Janice, my insurance is a pretty non-comprehensive one added to homeowners that only covers in the event of theft, fire and vandalism. It's pretty cheap and I only really have it in case my junk is ripped-off. I've been paying for small repairs here and there with cash. I know that this is not a feasible long-term policy.


    Let's hope it's something Tom can tackle for me.


    Keep your gear safe and warm everyone.



  9. David;


    File an insurance claim.


    Pay your deductible and get a new DB!


    Just because they don't make your DB anymore is not an issue. It was damage to your rig, that's what you say. You say the new part costs . . . and they buy it.


    Hope this helps.



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