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David Baldwin

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Posts posted by David Baldwin

  1. Hey Charles!

    Gotta roll with the 3a gimbal for the time being...ahhhh, the lower module. MAH-DJYOOL. It's a pleasant word. And I'm to understand that just because it used to belong to Mark O'Kane, it will bring me tight horizons if I'm ever operating on the set of WATERWORLD II? Yes? Don't Air Jordans elevate your basketball game? No? Yes? Anyone...?


    Thanks for the tip with Terry. I'll go to Redondo Beach anytime.


    Dave "channeling my inner O'Kane" Baldwin

  2. Thanks for the replies, fellas.

    Here's a newbie question:

    Can DB be achieved with these old CP docking brackets? Jerry Hill's website tells the PRO owners out there that their 'spin balance' issues will be a thing of the past with his gizmo. How 'bout with the 3a or EFP docking bracket? Same issues?


    I'm running a PRO 2 post with a 3a gimbal. I might bite the bullet and get the JHDB anyway, but I'm trying to pinch a penny or two and am looking for a cost effective solution for a spin-balance-capable docking bracket. Any input?


    Dave "shed a tear when I sold my trusty Flyer" Baldwin

  3. uhhh, I mean 'module'...


    DESPERATELY looking for a PRO 1 lower J or Gyro 'module'.

    It literally is the ONLY component I need for my first full-blown, 35mm capable, hand-me-down, honest-to-god stabilizing system. Of course I still need a:


    -gimbal manufactured since the Reagan administration








    and some other luxury items, but what I've painstakingly put together is good enough for my level of operating.


    If you get a chance, please go dig around in those garages fellas and help a bruthah out.


    Dave "almost there" Baldwin

  4. Hello Andrew

    You asked about exercises to strengthen your lower back.

    I'm sure everybody's got his own thing, but what I do is:

    Lay on your back.

    keeping your feet flat on the floor, bring your knees up to your chest bent about 75 degrees.

    Using your ab muscles, press the small of your back into the ground as hard as you can and hold it for eight-ten seconds.

    Release and repeat a few times


    I guess it's not really strengthening your back, but it's worked for me.


    Dave "I know a dude who knows a guy whose brother is a chiropractor" Baldwin

  5. Hello everyone.

    No longer looking for an efp. I decided to invent money that I don't have and go for something more recent... Thanks to everyone who got in touch. Speaking of efp's, anyone know who was out there with George Lucas at this year's Rose Bowl during the coin toss?

    Dave "may the force be with you" Baldwin

  6. Hi David

    I most definitely am still interested in an efp. I see another fellow is as well. Thank you very much for responding to my post. Let me know when you get around to pics/pricing/etc... I should mention upfront that I'm interested in the SLED only. I do not need the arm. So if Peter from Germany is willing to purchase both, I certainly understand.

    Dave "someone's gotta have an efp for a bruthah" Baldwin

  7. Hey guys,

    Maybe this should be in another forum, but me being a novice, this is the forum in which I'm most comfortable...


    Anybody interested in steadicamming on an AFI film in LA this Sat Sun Mon? I don't have any details other than they're shooting on one of the bigger sony DVcams, at CBS, and are probably offering a laughable amount of money for your troubles. I'm posting this as a favor, and I promise that I will not make a habit of it.

    Dave Baldwin

  8. Andrew

    The flyer and the hvx go together like cheap vodka and sorority chicks. Mr Holway had some good points about the camera not being the most important thing and all that, but IF the hvx is your medium, and you're just looking to move it through space, then look no further than the flyer. I love mine. Some of the more experienced guys may have something to say about lens control, but read up on the forum, there are plenty of topics covering this very same issue.

    Dave " I forgot to mention that I also took Obi-Pete-Kanabraham's course two years ago" Baldwin

  9. The flyer (the little stabilizer I own) is tailor-made for something like the hvx. Used ones pop up on ebay every now and again for about 2/3 of the retail price. 98% of the stuff I do is either with the dvx or more recently, the hvx, both sometimes with ff and lens adapters. The equipment has held up and the scaled down rig is great to learn on. Definitely consider the flyer if you already own that particular camera.


    Two cents from a novice operator.


    Dave Baldwin

    Los Angeles

  10. I go out for my monthly National Guard maneuvers and come back to all this...


    Thanks for posting everybody.


    Didn't mean to open up a can of worms, fellas. :huh:


    Rob Van G, Mr. Holway, Will, and certainly others, you guys definitely helped me understand the whole tool-free gimbal thing a little better.


    For the record, the gimbal in question is a Progear 1.5" (I know, I know... I've read ALL the posts dealing with those dudes. Still, I got if off of Ebay for $400 and it will allow me to get my mk-v lite system up and running with my flyer arm.


    Interesting to hear that the VZ has that sleeve that runs the length of the grip. That's the kind of thing I was talking about when I asked the question in the first place.


    Thanks everybody. One day I'll get me one of these gimbals you fellas are talking so passionately about.


    2LT David "1st BN 184th Infantry" Baldwin

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