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Bobby Holbrook

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Everything posted by Bobby Holbrook

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/161384269120?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 3499.00 for the Entire system is a great Price
  2. Thanks Guys!!! I have sent Mr. Robert an email through his website and hope to hear from him soon. If he is not available, Brian I will take you up on your offer!! I'll let you know once I hear from Robert. Charles, how does one get the S.O.A. accreditation? How much experience do you need , is there a test? IDK but sounds like something for me to work toward. I noticed Mr. Robert is sponsored by Division Camera, that's great because I am too (thef65project.com) and I am going visit them while in Town..Anyway..thanks for all of the help so far and I will keep you up to date (Brian) when I hear back from Mr. Robert.. Thanks again Bobby Holbrook
  3. Thanks Guys!!! I have sent Mr. Robert an email through his website and hope to hear from him soon. If he is not available, Brian I will take you up on your offer!! I'll let you know once I hear from Robert. Charles, how does one get the S.O.A. accreditation? How much experience do you need , is there a test? IDK but sounds like something for me to work toward. I noticed Mr. Robert is sponsored by Division Camera, that's great because I am too (thef65project.com) and I am going visit them while in Town..Anyway..thanks for all of the help so far and I will keep you up to date (Brian) when I hear back from Mr. Robert.. Thanks again Bobby Holbrook
  4. Flying to LA early November and was wondering if any certified instructors would want to give me a 1 day workshop. Basically to go over what I'm doing wrong, what I'm doing right, and tips and tricks on improving. Can anyone recommend someone? I will ship my Flyer Rig with me if I can find a instructor willing to do this. My open date would be ideally NOV 6th. Thanks Bobby Holbrook "Always trying to Improve"
  5. Hello Jerry Bought your book today and was wondering when 2nd Edition will start shipping?

    Thanks Bobby Holbrook

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