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Kyme Hallion

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Everything posted by Kyme Hallion

  1. Kyme Hallion


    Hi, does anyone know if there in a Mod too change the Green tube Monitor on a Provid to a Transvideo LCD ?
  2. Thankyou for your reply, I have put it back together , ALL working fine now and I wasn't the per son who took it apart !
  3. I have a problem with my Titaniem Socket block, One of my operators has taken the socket bloack apart and now doesnt know how to fix the spring back. Any help would be great..... I have the tool free Titanium Socket block....
  4. Does anyone know of steadicam Provid modified monitor, would like to add an LCD 16/9 Rainbow, Has anyone come up with modified mounting hardware ?
  5. Help need with my Modulus 3000 video Sender, Does anyone have a wiring diagram for a Modulus 3000, When i power the unit at switch it on the Status light goes green but after 30 sec turns red, after taking a looking inside the unit, I found the black wire on the Power in come un-solded,but dont know where to solder the wire onto ? any help on where to place this wire would be great.... I had sent it back to custom Inferface technlogies but it took six months and I still have the same problem !
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