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Stew Cantrell

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Posts posted by Stew Cantrell

  1. For working around town I just use a bag for the arm/vest. When shipping I use a case. Pelican 1620 is just right with room to wrap foam around the bag. I use this North Face bag: http://www.thenorthface.com/catalog/sc-gear/base-camp-duffel-medium.html but I'm not positive about the size. The size I have is either medium or large, and it fits the vest/arm perfectly, but it's a bit of a fight to get it in because the opening is not as wide as the bag. One size up would probably solve that problem. I have a titan arm, an atlas might be more of a fight because it is longer. With my master arm it was almost no fight at all.


    A cinelive sled with DB2/gen 4 base would fit great in a 1650. Mine with DB3 and Gen III base leaves an inch of foam on either side.


    Just picked this up today to replace my worn out canvas duffel I was using. Thanks for the recommendation, it is much nicer. I bought a large and everything fits great.

  2. I do have the sled set to 24v when I tried it. I'm going out of the 3 pin lemo on the upper junction box.


    There are two, and I've tried both. There are also two 3 pin outs on the bottom, which I have also tried. My monitor is receiving power from the sled, so i know that there is power from the bottom, and we tested the all the 3 pin outs while I was at GPI.


    Terry has made me 3 cables so far. Two have been exactly the same (12v) and this recent one was 12v/24v. I'm not sure if it is wired incorrectly or if I'm losing my mind. I sent him the wiring diagram that Preston sent me, so I figured it should be fine, although I'm not sure if he followed it or not. When I looked at the wiring of the cable, on the preston end (4 pin), #4 was not wired. Below is the diagram from Preston for the MDR1.


  3. I just picked up my Cinelive from GPI PRO's new spot up in Oregon (it's gorgeous).

    I upgraded from a Pro1 and, in preparation of the upgrade, had Terry West make me a new power cable for my Preston MDR1. When we hooked it up to the sled to test it before I left and saw it was not powering on. I called Terry, who is awesome, and he built and overnighted me another cable right away. That cable did not resolve the issue.


    At PRO we tested all the outputs and they all send out power, so I don't think it is the sled. I plugged up the MDR to my old sled, and it still works, so the MDR isn't fried. Terry was very thorough before he sent out both cables, so I don't believe it is the cable. Does anyone have an idea of what could be the issue? Luckily, I was just notified, on my first job with this new set up (Sunday) they are using a FI+Z 3 anyways. But I still would like to find a solution quickly.


    Any help is much appreciated!

  4. Dave,

    This thread is great, I've enjoyed checking out everyone's stuff. I've posted this before but it is still the best oner that I've done that has been released so far (and it was my first).


    Shot on a Scarlet with a wide open compact prime, my first AC killed it. The art dept, wardrobe, and lighting all did a fantastic job as well.


    I have a few things that I'm unhappy with, such as some horizon issues and some vibrations at the very end, but overall I'm pretty happy with the result.



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  5. I am just finally finishing up with a nightmare of a time dealing with Film Stuff.

    After much research I was excited to finally purchase my Gen 2 monitor, and I ordered it. Unfortunately, after a few days (2-3) a money emergency came up and I was forced into the decision to cancel my order and get a refund for my purchase.

    I emailed Chris right away and waited for a response. After hearing nothing for 2 days I called and left a voicemail and emailed again. Still no reply.
    I emailed and called for over TWO WEEKS to no response, with my need for the refund growing worse every day, and finally after two weeks of constantly hounding the company for any sort of customer service I was given a response.

    Chris emailed me the contact info of the accounting guy at Film Stuff and told me to contact him. This could have been sent to me 2 weeks prior easily, but I had to hound him with emails and calls constantly to get it.


    After contacting the accounting guy, it took another week and a half to get the refund started and they have with held $300 from my order claiming that they will not refund their "Paypal processing charges". I did not see that policy anywhere listed on their website, so I don't know if that is even allowed, but I'm sure someone on here would know.


    Anyways, the point of this is I was extremely frustrated with the complete lack of customer service from this company. For the amount of money I wanted to pay them I was treated extremely poorly. I had originally planned to purchase the gen 2 monitor once my situation was dealt with, but after being treated the way I was I have no intention on dealing with a company that treats a customer so poorly. This was the most frustrating experience with a company I may have ever had.


    I do believe the monitors are great, but the only input I have on the issue is what happened to me.

  6. Sled:










    The only issue with the monitor is a cosmetic issue. Some of the paint off of the top of the monitor is gone. Besides that, it is in great condition!











    Some of the paint came off on this part of the arm. Again, it is only cosmetic, it performs perfectly.




    Compact Zephyr Vest:

    Some cosmetic wear on the front of the vest.







    Other Stuff:


    IDX Endura 7s Batteries w/ Charger




    Low Mode Bracket


  7. I recently upgraded and I have a zephyr package I'm trying to get rid of. It is only a little over a year old (bought new last March) and recently checked out by Tiffen.


    It includes:


    • Sled
    • HD monitor
    • Arm
    • Vest
    • Low mode bracket
    • Collapsable C-Stand
    • IDX endura 7s batteries
    • Weights for the zephyr
    • Rolling hard case

    It has been very nice to me, but for the past 4 months I've been using a Pro1 rig now that I'm flying heavier cameras, so it is time to part ways.


    I'm asking for $9,500 but feel free to send offers if they are not un-reasonable. I am based out of San Francisco so pickup is available, but shipping would have to be included in purchase. Please let me know if you have any questions!

  8. Hey everyone,

    My name is Stew and this is my first post here. I am still new in my career in steadicam and just did my first oner. It was a blast to shoot and I was hoping to get your opinions. Below is the raw take.


    There are some problems that I already know. There are a few times that my horizon went out and towards the end there is a noticeable camera shake. One of the things I was hoping to find out was what I am doing to cause that shake, as I've seen it before.


    Any tips, advice, or critiques would be great!





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