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Lars Erik

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Posts posted by Lars Erik

  1. Selling my old trusty the-boxx.tv wireless video SD composite unit



    2.4+5 gHz microwave technology (12 frames delay)

    1 x the-boxx.tv transmitter

    1 x the-boxx.tv receiver

    1 x audio cable

    1 x 230v power cable

    2 x 4-pin hirose to Anton Bauer power D-tap

    1 x 4-pin hirose to 4-pin XLR power tap

    4 x antennas

    Behringer Shark delay box, w/cables

    Comes in a HPRC hard case



    Available from mid-march


    Asking €1800/$2200

    Buyer pays for shippping



  2. We looked into this, but since 911 that's not an option anymore. Unattended items are considered risks.


    You're right. And try to explain someone at the airport what a "Steadicam arm" is.

    (...I had that problem in Canada)



    Nahh...just show those airport safety guys a clip from Aliens, where they use the arm as a support for a powerful weapon...I'm sure there will be no problem whatsoever with them letting it ship unattended

  3. Hi,


    I'm currently working on a tv-drama, and I usually rent a Preston when I do jobs that's I consider to be "bigger" than my usual gigs. I like the BFD, but use it mostly for shorts and music videos.


    Anyway, we had a lens that was being not very co-operative, so I suggested we try my BFD and M-One, since the M-One is very strong. We dug it out and calibrated, so far so good. But when we got the T/x out, the darn thing wouldn't turn on. We tried 4 different batteries, same result. The unit had been in my car for about 5 hours, it was minus 7 C outside.


    So we had to stop down to F-11 and shoot the scene on fixed focus.


    This morning, after the T/x had gotten back into to normal room temperature, it worked again.


    Anyone experienced this before? Has the BFD any issued operating in cold weather? (minus 7 isn't that cold for Norway either, it can easily be - 20)




  4. Jess, I just used gaffa and taped it to the right top of my monitor.


    There are 3 small plastic bits sticking out of the bottom of the unit. These are there to lock the unit to a SLR camera, I broke these off, in order to make the unit lie flat.


    I have calibrated the unit with several different manual levels.


    I'm sure there are more intelligent ways to attach it to the monitor, but this is how I did it. Works fine for me.




  5. Wow. I've heard stories of big stars mouthing off at crew members, but this was a surprise.


    That said, I feel a bit sad that this clip has come out. These kind of things shouldn't get out to the public. It should stay at the set.


    I feel that Mr. Bale overreacted a bit, but we really don't know 100% what happened. Maybe it was a difficult scene, and the DP had walked onto the set once before, according to the clip.


    But then again, as Jerry stated. Dude, it's just a freakin' movie.



  6. A producer I know hired a DP. The DP was cheap, and the producer laughed a bit about it. Saying the DP got the job because he was cheap. That's most likely what the producer, director and DP will say about this operator. And the chance of that operator getting the job when the same producer, DP or director has a bigger job to offer, is next to zero. The operator who does this will not benefit himself nor the the community in the US.

  7. Hi Nils,


    I did a feature last year in the woods of Norway. It was on the Sony F-900 w/Pro 35. Heavy set-up. 18kilos.


    Here some safety issues I ran into:


    - branches on trees, use safety goggles. I almost got my eyes ripped out a couple of times

    - branches on the ground, slippery little suckers, remove them. I fell twice in 5 days.

    - as stated before, you MUST walk the path you're shooting first. Check for all possible safety issues. Refuse to do the shot if you consider it to be unsafe for yourself or the rig, until the shot is safe to do.

    - movement between shots. Make sure you got a strong assistant. Movement in the woods can be difficult when you're moving from shooting location a to b. Don't move the rig yourself, you'll wear yourself out on this. Your energy must be used when shooting.

    - Shoes, use good shoes with a good grip sole.




    Even when you remove loose branches and such, the shot will still be risky. Specially when it's fast. I did the shot a few times in slow tempo, with the rig on, trying to get the feel of the shot and at which points of the shot composition could become tricky, then I did the shot with this rehearsal in mind, but I looked at the monitor about 25%, the rest I looked at where I was going. After 3 takes the shot was starting to work. Your arm and body will get a feel of the shot. Since you're shooting on video, this might be a possibility also for you. This worked fine for me. I found out that looking at them monitor while running in the woods, was far too risky.


    Spotter, I never used them if I was running don juan, too risky. But they were good to have in missionary. In don juan I talked to the actors, and asked them to act as a spotter if I fell. The main character saved my ass at one time. I almost fell face first into a very muddy area.



    Good luck




    PS! Bring lots of fresh cloathes, you'll sweat your a** off.

  8. Very interesting video. Seems like a fresh idea to me. Wish I were as creative as this guy.


    Makes me a little sad that other Steadicam Ops are so eager to laugh at somebody trying to do something new and interesting.


    Point taken Neal. Will not be so quick to judge next time. Apologize to all.



  9. With all the talk of the financial crisis and nearly every country heading into a ressesion these days, I do ask myself what will happen in our industry. Here in Norway so far, the only places the crisis has affected, is the larger commercial jobs. TV and smaller commercials seems, to me anyway, less affected. Some even say that ressesion times is good times for the entertainment industry, due to the fact that people may stay more at home and watch more television and so forth.


    Back in '87, the people who worked in TV and entertainment said they never worked so much as they did after the stock market collapsed that year. (I was too young to remember those days, 12 years old) But now as you all know, the world has changed a lot, a lot more TV-channels and with the internet. Spreading the commercial money in a more wider range.


    I heard a couple of weeks back on the radio that Hollywood is letting thousands of people go. I only heard the last minutes of the programme, so I don't know more than that. My question I guess is if any of you have noticed the crisis yet, and how? Less jobs? Producers trying to cut rates? (even though they're always trying to cut rates)


    Personally I haven't, but then the crisis has just reached Norway, with dramatically falling prices on houses and such.

  10. Hi Chris,


    those pictures looks great. Hope all is well back in Amsterdam.



    get the C3. If you can afford it, also w/ G-70. Great arm. If you can't afford the G-70, there is always the possibility of being able to rent a G-70 arm from a colleague nearby, whenever you're flying a heavier set-up. The C3 gimbal has the same socket size as a U2.



  11. The Aja will take 5 to 18VDC. This means you can power it off of any 12V source on your sled. On the setup I'm using, Brant Fagan modified the Aja power cable to have a 4pin male XLR end. This allows me to use any one of the many cables I have that plug into a 12V source on my sled and end in a 4 pin female XLR. Where to rent? Almost anywhere that rents HD equipment. All Reds I've seen either have the Mini-BNC to BNC adapter cable, or the Element Technica breakout box. You should have a good discussion with the appropriate people about the camera package. Much of this stuff is likely to be included anyway, but it's your responsibility to make sure of it.




    regarding the power cable. Can you use the original power cable that comes w/ the AJA, the AJA DWP Power Supply, and just solder a D-tap onto this? Will this work?


    Sorry if I seem ignorant here, but after reading that Brant modified the power cable, I just wanted to make sure I won't blow the damn thing up!



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