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Quaid Cde Baca

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Posts posted by Quaid Cde Baca

  1. The arm is a spring, NOT ISO, so it holds in the middle range or where ever the weight pushes it to = booming up and down is almost impossible without sacrificing a smooth shot.

    The top stage is scary, and I don't trust it to hold more than 15lb when I would tilt/ pan/ angle/ low mode

    The bottom stage worried me with the weight it held, didn't seam strong.

    Oh, and on one set, the arm's post holding the sled snapped in half dropping the sled (fortunately only from 6") but scary and unacceptable non the less.


    it's like having a ferrari kit car. It looks like a steadicam, but all the parts are from the .99 cents store. the arm is not ISO, but just a spring so it's only range is middle, the top stage is terrifying to tilt or do low mode. It has the parts and functions, but no where ever close to a professional steadicam.

    I did and do have one now (trying to sell), it got me comfortable with bigger cameras until I recently got the balls and money to get a loan and pick up a Master Series rig. It's another world. it works how it should and you can no longer worry and just focus on operating. I am nowhere near a good professional operator yet, but it needs to be learned on a 'real rig'.


    Though I was very very pleased on the customer service from the company. It is a good bang for your buck, but don;t expect serious performance out of that buck.

  2. I encounter the same issue. the motor kicks off when spinning down to hyper focus (down ward on most lenses), its very very frustrating to keep recalibrating and for my AC to deal with it as he shouldn't have to be cautious with his pulling speed.

    Is there another attachment bracket for the M-One motor that more secure?

  3. Jim took care of it fast and helped out with more.
    But still need some help though.


    has anyone had issues with keeping theM-One motor gripped in the gears of lens when it moves down? It keeps kicking aways when I spin it fast. It works perfect just too much torque. Is there a better bracket for the motor to keep it stiff and connected in the gear groves better?

  4. Hey,

    So i unfortunately had one too (the bigger M-04 for RED), it sucks–surprisingly amazing customer service though. They're terrible functionality, all I can say–from experience– buy the steadicam operator's handbook and study it (dynamic balance). It is a bad stabilizer, but you need to start with something and work on operating skills. I would:

    1. Study the handbook

    2. Check your dynamic balance (monitor/ battery placement)

    3. Move the gimbal more upward

    4. Check weight on top stage and bottom of post via drop test.

    5. Get a new rig

  5. Well my Analog Bartech came in today. I was wiring my sled and configuring everything to my set up and I had a loose D-tap hanging that I went to plug into for the Bartech receiver (D-tap to lemo receiver). When I plugged it in the receiver started smoking and now won't power up regardless of power input cable. D-tap was coming out of an plain and simple Anton AB plate with this battery.

    I think I probably had the D-tap cable in the D-tap port upside-down, could that be the reason?

    regardless, I contacted Jim to sort things out.



    Anyone know how much a ball-parked $$$ is to fix a fried receiver?


  6. So its been good time now, and im ready to move up to the big rigs. Im flying loaded Alexa, EPIC, 45lb+ set ups weekly, but its a cheap knock off and is not going to cut it any longer. It's time to move up.


    What would anyone recommend for my first professional sled (with $$$ of course being the #1 factor here).

    Looking for something with dual AB mounts, 24v, solid LEMO taps for my Bartech and accessories.


    I'm looking to get a master series arm, and thereby also looking at the master sled (good pricing) but I'm worried it's not modular enough for future upgrades. Or would it be more beneficial to just get one and sell it later one down the road?


    Thank you.

  7. Hello,

    Im looking for a solid quick release plate for my steadicam head. I can find a lot of the larger Arri standard quick release plates but i cannot find anywhere the base plate to attach it to.

    Looking for the other part of this plate.




    ---Also, which quick release system you you guys use and prefer?


    Thanks, Quaid Cde Baca

  8. Hmm. I think Eric is right. We extend the post and adjust the gamble in most cases in order to achieve our desired drop time since the drop time is what relates to the desired feel/ effect of the sled we want while operating.

    Heavy camera /high shot. Long post to = a decent drop time

    Light camera/ small size. Short post to = a needed drop time

  9. Hello,

    I'm Quaid Cde Baca, a camera operator out of LA. Primarily a camera operator working on narratives and a newbie steadicam op, I also camera operate for Larry King Now, and am an editor for a Rolling Stone feature documentary. I will be in Ireland for 3 weeks July 20 - August 10. I would love to jump on a project as a PA or to at least help out in anyway to become familiar with the film industry in Ireland (with aspirations to make a move out to the UK for to wor)k.

    Will anyone will be in the area at the time? I would love to help out on set or buy you a drink and talk about film and camera/ steadicam stuff.


    Thank you for your time,

    Quaid Cde Baca

    +1(949) 412-7153


  10. Hello,

    My name is Quaid Cde Baca, a young working camera operator, and 1st and 2nd AC, but new to steadicam (ideally trying to learn about all I can, techniques, and experience from working professionals). I know the only way to really learn is through experience and learning from professionals, and I am no were near a professional, but I want to start on the road to become one.

    I can 2nd AC, intern, camera PA, or whatever position offered to learn. I want to put in the hours to learn from the pros, develop the right habits, and put myself out there to network. Im very open minded, and a positive thinker, and a clean slate to learn the trade, just looking for some help to get into the business.


    Thank you, hoping for any help,

    Quaid Cde Baca.


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