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Gordon Li-Ron

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Posts posted by Gordon Li-Ron

  1. Hey guys,



    I was practicing the other day and noticed a problem in my top stage. I was checking my drop time and as I was doing so...the fore/aft knob began to slip. I am very concerned because this happened before on this rig before I changed out the locking/clamping screw. I took the camera off the stage and checked it out...put it back on and retightened it and now its fine again. I'm thinking maybe there is a spot on my dovetail that is worn?


    I was wondering what I should do with this problem. Should I replace the dovetail?



    Any Info would be greatly appreciated.






    Gordon "hoping to not drop a camera on a shoot" Li-Ron

  2. I've dealt with this before as well. I would just say if you're new to ebay...don't buy anything expensive. These hackers like to target newbies because it has a higher success rate.


    If you ever see someone asking for money via WESTERN UNION....I guarantee its a scam. You can't trace western union.

  3. I am looking to replace my non-telescoping centerpost on my IIIA. I really don't know where to go to have it installed. I went to tiffen and they weren't sure if they could do it. I talked to Terry West about some mods I wanted to do and he said that he doesn't do too much machining. I know for electronics, Terry is the Man. I know for vests, Peter Abraham is the man. I know Fred davis can help me with my cable needs. Is there a Post Man out there. I was hoping some of you could chime in and help me with this little problem.



    Also, any recomendations on who to buy a post from would be also be appreciated. I have a 15.5 non-telescoping post which is 1.5" in diameter. I have been looking at the Archer post which I think used to be a provid post. My only problem is that it only extends to 22" inches. 22" doesn't seem like that much of an improvement for the money. I would really like to find a post that can extend to at least 28" IS THAT UNREALISTIC?



    I 've looked at GPI-PRO...Does anybody think its a waist to buy a post with electronics that I will be gutting?



    Sorry for the lengthy Post. Thanks guys

  4. As far as gear was concerned, we had two Ultras (one was Jimmy's) two Masters, and a Flyer (I was fortunate enough to be assigned to an Ultra.)





    So your workshop didn't alternate between rigs? Seems a bit unfair for everyone to pay the same amount and not get the same amount of time on all the gear available. In the end, learning proper technique is really what you're paying for but still, for the price I paid for my workshop...I would feel pissed if I had to use a masters the entire time when an ultra is a definite step up.



  5. But to keep it sane and at least somewhat under control so

    my wife and her restaurant don't get boned, I still think we should

    still limit who comes to at least those who own a steadicam and the manufacturers

    or parts makers. Is that fair?



    Not trying to revisit this but earlier it was stated that only full time working operators and manufacturers could go but Michael's last post said operators that own their own rig can come. Is this the new consensus? Sorry Michael if I'm throwing you under the bus if it wasn't meant to come out like that. I just noticed for a moment that I may be able to come. I have taken a workshop, own a 3A, I do frequent this forum, and while I have already had some work...I am not paying my bills with steadicam...YET! I can understand why the decision was made and I don't blame anyone...but honestly I was kinda bummed.




  6. My right hand is my dominant hand. I write with it. Why I would use my left is a mystery to me. I have a sneaking suspicion that Garret is left handed and has put one over on all of you "regular" operators.




    I want to say he is a leftie but cannot say for sure. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't original steadicam operation a one -hand operation. If Garrett operated with one hand and it was his left...I have to think he used his dominant hand. Just a theory.....would like to know myself.






  7. I just did one of my first film jobs not too long ago. I was flying a borrowed masters series with a g-50( NICE ARM! ). We were shooting with an SR3 and I did ask the DP if he wanted low mode and he said no. He didn't want to wait for the conversion. Instead, he wanted me to flip the sled since they were going straight to video. It was definitely quick but because the rig was borrowed, I didn't know that the monitor didn't have a flip switch like my green screen on my 3A. The 1st AC velcrowed an LCD to the bottom and I was ready to go.


    I wonder if the're is anything really wrong with this for projects that go straight to video or even just video projects where you can flip the image.





  8. I have a job today flying an SR3 and I have just been told thats it going to be a rain shoot. I am not really prepared as I don't have rain gear for my rig. Also, I am pretty sure some or all of these shots will be on grass. Is it safe to walk or even run...doesn't sound like it. Do I need cleats? As far as protecting my gear, should i just grab some plastic wrap or garbage bags and just tape it around my arm and the base of my sled? Would that suffice? thanks




  9. Hello,


    I've just landed my first real job. I've been practicing and have done a couple of DV projects. I just got called for an HD spot. Its still up in the air but I am being told that it's looking like we'll be using a varicam. I have already been to the location and I have talked with the DP. The kind of shots they are asking for I feel very comfortable doing. Pretty basic stuff.... basically no room for a dolly. They want me to circle slowly around four people at a table.


    The shoot is tomorrow night (monday). My concern is that I have never flown varicam and i have never had it on my rig. Also, because I have been doing DV projects....i haven't bought a bartech yet. So, in a nutshell I don't know all the accessories i will need to make this beast work. I am looking to rent whatever is necessary so that I can power it on and also power my accessories. I have a Model IIIA. The only cable that I have is the four pin 12V XLR cable that came with it. I would be most appreciative if you guys can let me know what I am going to need to get this to work. I don't even care if I have to spend all the money they are paying me to rent gear. This job iwill be a good reel/resume builder!


    Please help! I really don't want to pass this job. Besides the technical know how on this particular format...I really believe I can do it.





    (925) 305-9004

  10. Carlo,



    Proper use of the steadicam will not only prevent back injuries (assuming you had none to begin with) it will also strenghten your back. There are many operators that have been doing this for 20+ years and are in excellent shape. If you haven't already taken a workshop...then you should. If you learn bad techniques, you will be putting your health and the quality of your work at risk.




  11. Hey guys,



    thanks for the info. I'll get in contact with paul from Anton Bauer and see what I can do to upgrade the charger. 50 bucks sounds pretty good. I did however manage to get my hands on a hytron 50 just a couple of hours ago. The battery was fully charged but as i put it on my charger, the LCD display read hytron 50. Even though that isn't a real test since the battery was already charged...I'm wondering if that is a good sign since the charger understood which battery it was talking too. I wasn't ablle to fully test it because I needed to return it. I'll post again with more results. thanks




  12. Hey,


    I posted this earlier in general discussions. I'm feeling that it wasn't the right category to post in since I didn't get a reply. Hope I didn't piss anyone off...Sorry about that. I blanked on that but I'm reposting it here. Any info would be great. thanks.



    I have an Anton Bauer INTERACTIVE MP4D charger which I was using with digital pro pacs. I was wondering if anyone knows if this charger can charge the hytron 50s. thanks




  13. hey guys,


    sorry to it took so long to report back. I'm just rapping up here on the show I work out and its just getting a little hectic. I did call Terry West and he was very helpful. I'm going to bring my rig to him and he will take a look at it. He did say that if it is the voltage tripler, then it may be difficult to repair or replace? I might not be quoting him accurately! He did mention that I could gut the base and attach another monitor which is something I wanted to do in the long run....just not now. I was really hoping to upgrade my springs and get a bartech first. Oh well...it is what it is. Thanks so much for all the input Erwin, Eric, Peter, Jay, and Rob. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to help me out. I'll post again with the results of what happened. thanks




  14. Hello,


    I just bought a IIIA from Derrick Whitehouse a couple of weeks ago. I first went and checked it out and everything looked OK with it. Derrick powered it on and fed a signal through it and everything looked ok. I came back a month later and bought it from derrick. I didn't really get to play with it because I didn't have batteries and my vest needed work. I finally got it turned on and the vertical hold was out of control. I didn't see an external adjustment and just assumed the monitor was damaged. Joe Broderick told me about the adjustment inside the base and that worked great. Now when i power it on, the image looks good and is sharp but immediately starts a slow transition into a very soft looking image. Takes about a minute or two until the entire screen is out of focus. It usually starts from right to left. It resets itself whenever I fully power down...Standby doesn't change anything. I was hoping I could avoid sending it in for a repair by making another adjustment if it even exhists. I was wondering if anybody has had the same problem before and might be able to share what needs to be done to fix this problem. I would really appreciate any info you guys have.





    gordon li-ron

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