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Gregg Ritchie

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Everything posted by Gregg Ritchie

  1. To all this may concern... I apologise for the last topic i posted as some may think it stupid. I have been going through the archives long before posting the question and found many a great discussion on such things. My reasons for posting this question was not beacuse I had no idea and I'm from a "Nowhere School" (thankyou for the very helpful reply TJ Williams, I'll be sure to ask you for help in future), it was purely beacuse I wanted up-to-date opinions for my critique. Anyway I see I may have brewed up bad feeling, or somehow inadvertently opened old wounds, so I again apologise. Thankyou to all who gave me a straight answer, advice, and/or help. I will be sure to check the archives from now on before asking anything.
  2. Hello to every1! I am currently doing my dissertation about the Steadicam and I have come across some systems developed off the back of this stabilisation tool. I was wondering if anybody could give me their views on each system? Which they prefer and why? Which system has the best engineering? Which is easier to use? Does the GlideCam produce shots as smooth as the Steadicam? Is the Glidecam dying out compared to the Steadicam? Is the Glidecam system only used in Europe as it cannot compete with the Steadicam? etc... I want to be able to answer questions like "How come you never hear of a smooth continuous shot from a big feature film referred to as a 'Glidecam Shot'?" Is this due to the Steadicam just being better? Or just better known as a stabilisation system? Also if any1 knows of any other clone systems that claim to be "The most advanced, way of the future, etc.", or just other systems that try to rival Steadicam please let me know e.g. FloatCam Pro. Any opinions or technical comparisons, info, etc. would be greatly appreciated. I'm not trying to stir up any bad feelings here, I just need to get a well rounded view to produce a good critique. Feel free to post here or PM me at any time! Cheers
  3. cheers mate big help. Ive got the book you mentioned and its great! Serena Ferrara right?! anyway thanks pal
  4. I am currently a camera operator for a regional television station in Manchester England. I am writing my dissertation about the steadicam. I was wondering if anyone knew of any links to recources about steadicam. I specifically need opinions of steadicam users to use as references within my critique. Can anyone help me? It would be much appreciated. Books, online articles, etc. would be a great. Thanks, Gr3ggy
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